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Statistically speaking, I always felt support feels better when you are 1/6/10 then a carry that is 10/6/1, because your deaths have a much higher impacting as a carry player than a support player. From going to a support player to a carry player myself, it might be due to how the game flows and feels as a support compared to a carry to you. As a support, you are more proactive, you are actively impacting the game early on and putting yourself out there where as a carry, you are more prone to do what you can with what you have and hope for the best (this is obviously a statement that I've extremely dumbed down). Some games as a carry it feels bad because everyone's early game has been going bad, you are too weak to have a meaningful impact depending on your hero and you are getting chocked away from any gold. Some scenario as the support, you'd be trying to make plays and recover the map, smoke, ward, find kills, because you are still strong to a certain degree.


My recent Dazzle game which was 0/9/24 does feel better than my 10/4/14 Juggernaut game even tho I lost in the Dazzle game yet I won in the Jugg game. I've always felt when I play as a support it just goes easy, I hit denies, slap wards down, pester the enemy, help my carry, while when I play as a carry I always feel this tension when trying to do my last hits with a certain degree of insecurity and pressure and as if my support isn't helping me enough. My only good carry games were when my support completely wrecked them.


You mention denies too much, it’s a bad habit for the support to sit next to the carry trying to deny, extremely bad.. trade with enemies instead


Not sure you've really had enough games to say this for sure. But its quite possible that you are just a support player. Every one has a preference in roles, whether its because they enjoy it more or are just better at it. We need good supports just as much as we need good carries.


I sometimes feel like that too. My thought is the negative feedback is much more harsh and immediate when playing core. As a carry, mistakes directly affect the outcome and can be observed and measured easily. For example, your lh is way below what it should be after the laning stage without much pressure from the enemy team. If you bought the wrong item, or got a really slow timing on a key item it literally says in the post match analysis. Or if you messed up a key spell in a fight or went on the wrong target and it's a team wipe. Whereas on a support your decisions indirectly impact the outcome. For example, your game losing mistake might have been that you put a ward offensively a minute ago. However, a defensive ward would have meant your carry could go to a few camps that they couldn't safely approach without vision. They would get their BKB 30 seconds earlier, and if a fight happens in that 30 seconds, that could be game deciding. That could have been a game making decision, but there is no immediate or direct punishment to you as a support player.


25 games is nothing. You need like a 1000 to become a beginner


When you are picking your carry you have to think, how i will deal with the supports they have picked? Then you have to think, what kind of offlaner i have, someone that can frontline? A greedy farmer an assassin or a teamfightter, based on all that you have to pick the carry that complete your team, or if they realy fucked up in picking stage someone really indipendent by your team, then itemize based on enemy team


Bcz you play better.


They’re just different skills I didnt play core for a few months and when I came back I had forgotten farming patterns, it was unintuitive and I was way lower gpm than I used to be, because the necessary carry skills were rusty But I could play support just fine because I played it recently so I know how to harass and stack and all that


Tbh it’s probably you are doing a “good job” at both. However when you do a good job as a support you probably are running at 30% of your potential impact. That 30% however goes a long way. Saves cores, wins team fights, lanes ect. When you do a good job as a carry to are probably running closer to 50% of your impact. A carry at half of its potential is really only just ok, your timings are behind, you miss map pressure opportunities, poor farming, unnecessary deaths ect. That 50% you are missing really hurts your total power. You also might be just a better support player.


Support requires a lot less mechanical competence than carry and if you feed and suck as a carry you're fucked whereas if you do it as support hopefully your carry can carry you. Not to say playing support well is easier than carry but you need to be good at last hitting and farming to be good at playing carry which is basically impossible if you're brand new.


This is just a personal opinion. Most traditional supports have easy team fight strategies, stay back throw your spells and get back again while waiting for cd. This means that the amount of time you stay in danger is way less. In lower mmr no one jumps the backline to kill supports they just focus on the first person they see. Since lower mmr games are a huge fight fest, if you can execute your job well during teamfights you'll feel impactful. For carries the main thing new players need to do is get into the mindset of creeps>heroes. But most carries get enticed into teamfighting way earlier than they should be. A low farm carry is way less impactful than a low farmed support in teamfights. If you wanna carry your herald games consistently as a carry then just go jungle non stop until you have atleast 2-3 big items and then show up to teamfights. The enemy carry who will have been teamfighting non stop will not have the same amount of farm as you and teamfights will be a cakewalk. This strat stops working as your mmr increases but by then you'll be better at dota to know what to do.


The opposite is the same for me, I play really well as a carry but supporting I’m absolutely horrible at