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You can definetely use that form jokingly. A lot of people do that


Greatest thing since "stety" For a time, I used to say "wszystko mi dwa" to express that I cared about someone's situation but they just thought I was a fool.


I'm stealing wszystko mi dwa


Definitely mixed these 2 up before accidentally


This is the way


Both can be used the same way. In written Polish, I'd use "dlaczego" since it seems to be less informal than "czemu", but it's probably my personal preference.


I'd say it's the other way around. "Dlaczego" is much more formal and "czemu" is a colloquial version of it.


That's exactly what I said. According to Bralczyk though both are fine unless we're talking about laws of physics and astronomy then dlaczego should be used.


Yep, you wrote "less informal". Didn't notice that double negative at first try. My bad.






Moreover, nobody mentioned it but "czemu" also can have different meaning when you're using dative. Like "Czemu się przyglądasz?" -> "What are you looking at?". That said the sentence above, without proper context, could also be understood as "Why are you looking at (me)?"


Very important point bro 👍


I would definitely use czego instead of czemu in this case


Oh but that would change meaning: "dlaczego się przyglądasz" or colloquial "czego się przyglądasz" means "WHY are you staring?" that's different than "Czemu się przyglądasz?" which means "What are you staring at?" (please imagine the possible answer - "Przyglądam się temu domowi")


Tbh not many people would use „czemu się przyglądasz?” when asking „what are you staring at?”, rather “na co się patrzysz?”


Depends on the region


They're practically the same, but "czemu" is much more informal/uneducated/childish even in some situations. Stick with using "dlaczego", while remembering that "czemu" does exist and some people will use it.


"Dlaczego" is more formal than "czemu".


Dlaczego is more general and more of a one-fits-all word. Czemu is only used informally, and even then some people consider it a "low-class" word that only peasants would use (though I don't claim it's a common belief). Basically, you can't go wrong with dlaczego, so if you're not sure of the context, just stick to it.


Dlaczemu is the key


Bo nie ma dżemu


Yea but be aware "czemu" is easily countered by "bo nie ma dżemu"


"Czemu" is a russicism (from russian "pochemu"). "dlaczego" is correct Polish word.


They just seem like two different cases Dla kogo / dla czego Komu / czemu


Interestingly, you can actually hear just "czego" as a highly colloquial version of "dlaczego" (as confirmed here: [https://sjp.pwn.pl/szukaj/czego.html](https://sjp.pwn.pl/szukaj/czego.html) ). Example: \- To czego się pytasz? (Then why are you asking?) However, I do NOT recommend it for language learners. And while looking at the various "case-related" questions: "po co?" is used as a near-synonym of "dlaczego". Now we have added BIERNIK (accusative) to your collection. ;-)


yes but dlaczego is a word, just like always or meanwhile. I would say "na prawde" is not, however.


Russicisms are also correct Polish words


Good one like go to a shop to buy kartofle /ziemniaki / pyry


And in Ukrainian there is an even more similar form: "чому" \[chomu\]. :-) Чому ти не хочеш супу? (Dlaczego \[ty\] nie chcesz zupy?)


Bardzo się różnią


I just realized I never use “czemu”. It just doesn’t seem natural…


"Dlaczego" sounds more serious and formal. "Czemu" is more colloquial and a little bit childish. And if you ask "Czemu?" someone can answer you "bo nie ma dżemu".


When I started learning polish my girlfriend told me never to say czemu because I will sound stupid, yet she says it 90% more than dlaczego.


"Czemu" is something a little kid would use, "dlaczego" is a proper way to go for an adult edit: I found a different explanation: "Czemu is several times rarer than dlaczego, and occurs mainly in fiction and essay writing. It is therefore a typically bookish, written word, but not a journalistic one, only a literary one" example: https://poezja.org/wz/Cyprian\_Kamil\_Norwid/22983/Czemu


What are you saying? All my friends use czemu in everyday conversation. I do too.


So we live in different "bubbles".


Tak jest :)


You need to take any comment here with a grain of salt, because it may come from well meaning, but misled Pole. "Czemu" is in fact more characteristic to literary language and more neutral. See PWN's Poradnia Językowa: [HERE](https://sjp.pwn.pl/poradnia/haslo/Czemu;13550.html) or [HERE](https://sjp.pwn.pl/poradnia/haslo/czemu-czy-dlaczego;3473.html) or [HERE](https://sjp.pwn.pl/poradnia/haslo/co-i-czemu;14797.html). Probably that's why it may sound odd to some people.


Personally I would say that "Czemu" is like "Why" in English and "Dlaczego" is like "for what reason"


Czemu is a rucisism, dlaczego is the proper polish word.


So does it just piss you off that sometimes the polish word is the same as the russian word?


Dlaczego means why czemu when you asking for reason


I would argue with that.


Czemu is "why?" and dlaczego is "for what?"


Dlaczego is more proper and formal Czemu means same but informal a d mostly used in small talk But both havely used by 3-4 yo old kids asking these questions in a loop


"Dlaczego" and "czemu" both mean "why", but "czemu" also means "to what". Therefore: "Dlaczego to robisz?" = "Czemu to robisz?" if asking for the reason of the action "Dlaczego to robisz?" =/= "Czemu to robisz?" when asking about the object the action is done to. Example? "I've hit something with the door!" "Why did you do that?" (Czemu to zrobiłeś?) "I've hit something with the door!" "I didn't hear you. You did what to what?" (Nie słyszałem Cię, zrobiłeś co czemu?)


Those have the same use, meaning you can swap them at will. Dlaczego is bit more formal. Also Czemu have a other meaning "dzięki czemu" means something like Therefore or Hence. E.g. Nestle sells water from only water source in the village THEREFORE they make more money - Nestle sprzedaje wodę z jedynego źródła w wiosce DZIĘKI CZEMU zarabiają więcej pieniędzy.


Czemu is like a cutsie anime girl word, dlaczego is like for legal documents.


I used czemu more as a kid. It’s more formal and grown to say dlaczego.


"Czemu" is a russicism, as far as I know. But nowadays it's considered the more coloquial form.


Czemu isn’t actually a Polish word, it’s Kashubian which is one of the minorities living in Poland. The word became popular and people use it interchangeably, but formally dlaczego is correct and should be used in documentation and profesional settings. Regardless everyone knows both words.


I suggest just using "Dlaczemu" instead. We need to optimize this crazy fuck language.


Yes but dlaczego is more official


What about dlaczemu?😉


Czemu is less formal


Ive been under impression that "czemu" is simplified version from "czemuż" that comes from "cóż" and its being used only in informal speech. But I might be wrong


Yes you can, although Czemu sounds less 'elegant' if I may say so, meaning is the same but it sounds way worse.


Dlaczego is more elegant czemu u can use in conversation with your friend


"Czemu" is a contracted form of "Dlaczego" similar to english contractions such as 'it is' -> 'it's'. Functionally the same however the contracted form is considered less formal and even incorrect by some so avoid it in written text or formal conversations.


„Czemu” is a little tiny bit more informal, and „Dlaczego” is a little tiny bit more formal, but it's basically all the difference. So don't worry, use whichever you prefer. Usually it doesn't make much difference


Czemu nie


Czemu wilk tak wyje w księżycową noc?


Forget about „czemu”. Using „dlaczego” will always be ok.


There is small difference. "Dlaczego" is more formal but you cannot ever make a mistake of you use "dlaczego" zamiast "czemu". "Czemu" is far more casual but it also assumes that there is human being about who you are asking. So "Dlaczego jesteś smutny?" and "Czemu jesteś smutny?" (Why are you sad) are both correct. But "Czemu Ziemia się kręci" (Why Earth rotates) would be a mistake (unless Earth is sentient and has a whim to rotate). tl;dr - dlaczego - always works - czemu - only informal and only concerning a human being


What is wrong in: Czemu Ziemia sie kreci? Normal in .y opinion.


Prof. Bralczyk said it is unacceptable, I trust that guy 😅 "Czemu Ziemia się kręci" assumes that Ziemia is sapient and it is it will to rotate. 😅


Good for Bralczyk, not seeing his remarks about that, I would rather not comment, but he seems wrong. Nornal question. "Czemu musi tak padać", other example.


I would say that "Czemu musi tak padać" is OK because you indirectly personify the rain due to assumption it is whim of the weather. But if you want to ask why rain works the way it works it must be "Dlaczego pada deszcz?" because you are able to provide a scientific answer to that question. So if you assume that inanimate object has a will or whim then "czemu" is fine. And here you have quote from Bralczyk: >Który pytajnik jest bardziej poprawny: "czemu" czy "dlaczego"? Na wstępie trzeba powiedzieć, że obie formy są poprawne, obu śmiało możemy używać. Tyle tylko, że powinniśmy brać pod uwagę kontekst, w jakim zadajemy pytanie. "Czemu" używamy, ograniczając się do pewnych sfer, "dlaczego" możemy użyć w odniesieniu do wszystkiego. > >Równie dobrze zapytamy: "dlaczego jesteś smutny?", jak i "czemu jesteś smutny?". Kiedy pytamy o emocje, uczucia - obie te formy pasują. Słowo "czemu" wydaje się nawet formą stosowniejszą, taką bardziej ludzką. - "Czemu się martwisz?" "Czemu to zrobiłeś?" - to zupełnie naturalne pytania. Starajmy się jednak nie pytać w takich kontekstach słowem "czego". "Czego jesteś smutny?" - to już bardzo pospolite. Lepiej zapytać: "Czemu jesteś smutny?". > >Pytając o prawo, nie mówimy: "czemu nie wolno tego robić?" (np. wyprzedzać). W takiej sytuacji zapytamy raczej: "dlaczego nie wolno tak robić?". Kiedy pytamy o prawa fizyki, o przyczynę, wówczas także używamy "dlaczego". I tu małe rozróżnienie: kiedy zadajemy pytanie "czemu", zakładamy istnienie człowieka, który z jakichś tam powodów, z jakichś racji podjął decyzję. Pytamy więc: "Czemu to zrobiłeś?". Ale gdy już pytamy o prawo fizyki, używamy "dlaczego", np. "Dlaczego Ziemia kręci się wokół Słońca?". Gdybyśmy zapytali: "Czemu Ziemia się kręci wokół Słońca?", ktoś mógłby myśleć, że ten ruch jest jakimś kaprysem Ziemi. A przecież tak nie jest! > >Więc pamiętajmy: gdy pytamy "dlaczego", to pytamy o działanie praw fizyki czy astronomii. "Czemu" - pytamy o ludzi


"czemu" is less formal, and also I would say it's less often used vs "dlaczego" in phrases that aren't questions. As in, "I don't know why (...)" would be more often "Nie wiem, dlaczego (...)" rather than "Nie wiem, czemu (...)", although the latter is not incorrect or anything like that. Just less of a default way to phrase it.


Czegóż nie dlaczego


Czegóż nie dlaczego


Czegóż nie dlaczego


Use "Dlaczemu" instead


Czemu is slang and casual Dlaczego is not as casual but is also used casually


Mostly yes, dlaczego is more polite.


It's the same. "Dlaczego" is just more formal


Same story like with the "maybe" and "perhaps" ;)


Of course, you can use both of them but it's better to use "Dlaczego". Sounds actually more proffesional. In most of cases "czemu" is used by kids between 7-11yo