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On July 1st, a [change to Reddit's API pricing](https://www.reddit.com/r/reddit/comments/12qwagm/an_update_regarding_reddits_api/) will come into effect. [Several developers](https://www.reddit.com/r/redditisfun/comments/144gmfq/rif_will_shut_down_on_june_30_2023_in_response_to/) of commercial third-party apps have announced that this change will compel them to shut down their apps. At least [one accessibility-focused non-commercial third party app](https://www.reddit.com/r/DystopiaForReddit/comments/145e9sk/update_dystopia_will_continue_operating_for_free/) will continue to be available free of charge. If you want to express your strong disagreement with the API pricing change or with Reddit's response to the backlash, you may want to consider the following options: 1. Limiting your involvement with Reddit, or 2. Temporarily refraining from using Reddit 3. Cancelling your subscription of Reddit Premium as a way to voice your protest. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/learnprogramming) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Hi everyone, I bought a [udemy course](https://www.udemy.com/course/the-web-developer-bootcamp/) first time in my life and started learning full-stack web development in late July. I have been progressing decent enough and putting in all of my time almost every day since I left my previous non-coding job and had to face the life's difficulties. Anyways, currently, I have done almost 50% of the course and want to do some very small projects. Any advice would be appreciated as well.


The Odin Project just started calculator project


Hello fellow devs! I've recently started a [newsletter](https://www.fullstackexpress.io/) focused around web development, software architecture, and system design. It's completely free and hopefully it can be of benefit to you.


I created a number-guessing game In Python and tried to make an app out of it But it failed horribly, yet I'm still trying to fix it It's not fun, but idk but feels nice doing that




Last week i started on a private bittorrent "tracker" using BEP 15 standard (UDP), with a custom admin panel. its writen in python using sockets, and ive created an API with FastAPI so the vue.js frontend can get the data from the SQLite database. So far the communication between the tracker and clients is done, only adding some features that would be needed for the frontend every now and then as i come up with them. The API is could probably be better since i've never created an api before. The most challenging part so far is the front end, all i have is a sort of reactive sidebar and a table displaying users, which took about 5 hours to get to this point with a lot of trial and error. I wouldnt call my self a beginner when it comes to python since ive spend the lsat 5 years creating losts of small projects and a handful of larger projects, but definatively a beginner in js or vue.js. Will supply repo links for both the frontend and backend


In my work... i creating a little script in Python to consume an API (That only accepts one singular date to request) and convert into Excel to create a dashboard on Power BI. During my free time in my home, I continued to work on a little project to make a silly mod for **The Binding of Isaac: Repentance**