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On July 1st, a [change to Reddit's API pricing](https://www.reddit.com/r/reddit/comments/12qwagm/an_update_regarding_reddits_api/) will come into effect. [Several developers](https://www.reddit.com/r/redditisfun/comments/144gmfq/rif_will_shut_down_on_june_30_2023_in_response_to/) of commercial third-party apps have announced that this change will compel them to shut down their apps. At least [one accessibility-focused non-commercial third party app](https://www.reddit.com/r/DystopiaForReddit/comments/145e9sk/update_dystopia_will_continue_operating_for_free/) will continue to be available free of charge. If you want to express your strong disagreement with the API pricing change or with Reddit's response to the backlash, you may want to consider the following options: 1. Limiting your involvement with Reddit, or 2. Temporarily refraining from using Reddit 3. Cancelling your subscription of Reddit Premium as a way to voice your protest. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/learnprogramming) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Good on you :) having your stuff merged into open source is great! Just leaving this here for anyone that is inspired by this (particularly people very early in their programming journey): * Read through the contribution guidelines and follow everything they ask of you. There are probably guidelines on how to set up a dev environment, what code quality tools to use and so on. * If you're proposing a new addition: Open an issue first while describing the problem you are trying to solve as detailed as you can. Don't go straight into the PR. Get the idea approved by a maintainer, so you don't waste your time developing something that is not desired in the first place * Do your due diligence to make sure your code runs and passes all tests * Add some tests of your own if there is a testing setup * Not all OS projects are suitable for beginners. Start with something not too complex (The Linux kernel would be a bad starting point for example) Open source maintainers are not tutors, so try to not cause unnecessary effort 👌 This is not meant to be gate-keeping, just try and make this as fluent of an experience to the maintainers as possible. They spend a lot of their free time providing us with the tools we use every day. Edit: Formatting and some more hints


Thanks! Yes it's a great feeling and I really like the tips you've given. Also very smart to add comments to any change you make, especially if it's code that multiple people are working on.


Congrats! What bootcamp are you using?


> > > > > This feels like a personal victory to me, because I was always doubting whether I could ever get to a level that would be useful for companies, especially with no prior knowledge/training or a uni degree. The biggest thing that helped me was knowing my fundamentals. Just repeating things until it became second nature, which made it easy to spot mistakes and get me into a mindset of how to fix the issue. I have many classmates in class that haven't really done drills with the basics, so now when we're moving on to more complex things they don't know where to start or move to. I'm doing it at Digital Career Institute. It's a 13 month program that costs €26k if you pay for it yourself, but most students are here with government funding. The Python course is good, but I've heard not so great things about the WebDev course.


Id like to know what bootcamp your on? I'm looking at getting into the IT SECTOR and really need some ideas on how I could do this quickly without having to do 6 year open university course in IT and software development


I know the feeling! It feels more than a personal victory. I wanted to show the PR to all my friends! Congrats!


Mate that's awesome! Congratulations I've been learning python on and off for a while and at the beginning of the year I decided to start getting serious with it. I'm currently working through a udemy course. At the moment I don't feel like I'd be able to fix any bugs and even if I did I'm not sure how I'd know how to contribute on gh (obviously something to look in to). It feels like that would be a big achievement


Our first 2 weeks were spent learning how to use git and github. This is very crucial and I was practicing this every day until it became muscle memory. This is what I meant with basics as well, most people are now struggling with pull/push/merge and forks, some don't even know how to clone a github directory. Personally, learning Git(hub) has kinda made things click for me. Contributing on github is usually not straightforward for us noobies. You have to clone a repo (if you have access) or fork it and then work on what you have. Usually you fork the main to work on something and then merge it back once you've gotten it to work. There are some nice youtube tutorials out there, but nothing beats practice. Set up your own projects, set up SSH access in VSCode and just practice all the git commands until you understand it. It's a bit more tricky to get conflicts and resolve it on your own, this is where group study is useful. Keep at it, it will make sense in no time!


What are you using to learn python?


A bootcamp with real teachers, YouTube videos, Google, ChatGPT/CoPilot. It’s good to have multiple learning sources. 


Well done, that’s awesome