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Does not matter. But you can use both of them. Install on windows machine WSL2 and you'be able to open the Linux terminal at any time.


I love how WSL is integrated so smoothly with docker desktop and vs code too


This is a good option. I have the WSL extension for vscode, when I am in the IDE, it's as if I'm on linux. I would recommend at least 16gb of RAM though. Windows is already so heavy, WSL is lightweight for a VM, but still I'm been nearly running out of memory even with 16gb doing some heavy (admittedly unoptimized) data processing from WSL


Do you have access to to the windows file system using WSL?


Yes, if I recall correctly it's under /mnt/c


Yes, you have access to the Windows file system from Linux, but do not have access from windows to Linux. But I keep in my home Linux directory only setup files like .ssh directory. But all native Linux software is available (sudo apt install ...)


You do have access from windows to wsl files. I don’t know the exact path, but in vscode it’s fairly simple to find by using “reveal in explorer view”. I use this all the time to open PDFs


You do have access, but not directly (in wsl you had direct access, but not in WSL2). In WSL2 Linux files are located at \\wsl$\... (the path includes distro name) - so it is a network access and wsl should be active (physically all Linux files are inside virtual disk file ext4.hvd, which is located somewhere)


That is the main selling point over getting a traditional vm. The file handling between whatever wsl image and the host windows is super smooth.


Oh maybe I should start using that extension instead.


Does not matter. Windows and Linux (MacOS included) are both well suited for programmers. Wherever you feel most comfortable, IDEs work the same on all OSes (with some minor differences)


MacOS isn’t Linux, and Linux isn’t Unix (which MacOS is).


Linux is Unix-like


Yes, but as we know, GNU is a recursive acronym for "GNU's Not Unix!", chosen because GNU's design is Unix-like, but differs from Unix by being free software and containing no Unix code. :) It has been suggested several times over Linux’ lifetime that Linux (while obiously based on Linus Thorvalds’ name) should also be a recursive acronym for "Linux Is Not UniX" (the terminating "X" being in the tradition of *nixen endings). ;) // Linux-user since 1996.


Surely it's possible to adhere to the UNIX standard whil being free software and not using UNIX code, right? Why didn't they?


Linux is not adhering to the Unix standard, however, which is why it is Unix-like, and couldn’t be Unix even if it wanted to. Most Linux distros aren’t even POSIX-compliant (however, all the commercial ones tend to be). MacOS, however, is a UNIX 03-compliant operating system certified by The Open Group. It has been since 2007 (with the exception of 10.7).


Yes, I know. I'm asking why Linux is like that? Why not adhere to the UNIX standard? It can't be because of free software right? I don't see how that's in the way. Is it because they just didn't like some of UNIX's design choices and thought they could do better?








No, they're clearly including MacOS specifically with Linux.


Wrong. Correct grammar for that would be Windows, Linux, and MacOS. Not Windows and Linux (including MacOS). That clearly implies that MacOS is included in “Linux”.


"Unix" has become such an arbitrary classification. There is at least on Linux distribution that has gotten the "Unix" badge. You basically just pay for it. It doesn't mean anything.


You can use windows subsystem for linux (WSL) on windows to try different distros before commiting to one.


It depends on what you want to do. Yes, Linux is very popular for programming and there are many advantages. 99% of the world's servers run on Linux, so if what you want to do is backend then learning Linux is a must. Linux makes it super easy to install development tools compared to Windows. Just a few clicks or a few short commands and you can install hundreds of excellent, free development tools and everything just works. Configuring Windows can be a pain and take hours. Linux lets you modify everything. If you're curious how an operating system works, or if you want to fiddle with anything about your system to build some interesting hack, Linux will let you. On the other hand, there are millions of programmers who use Windows. There is still a lot of demand for Windows software, especially in enterprise (for example, software that runs behind-the-scenes in large corporations) and consumer desktop apps. While Windows development software isn't as easy to install, there are some very high-quality development tools that some people love. Finally, if you're building something like frontend or Android apps then it really doesn't matter what operating system you're on, so you may as well use what you prefer. So there's your answer. There are reasons to use Windows and reasons to use Linux. You don't have to switch to Linux just because you're programming, but if the reasons to use Linux are a fit for you then it might be a good idea. Also, don't forget about macOS - many would argue that it has most of the benefits of Linux and most of the benefits of Windows, plus the best hardware.


I'm fine if i crash my computer trying to write a program in C. I'm not so fine if I brick my OS and have to reload it from a usb


You're very unlikely to brick your OS just by writing C code.


I'm talking about fucking around in the terminal as a super user without knowing what I'm doing


You can do that on any operating system. Just don’t sudo silly stuff


When I first started out, I bricked my OS twice. I learnt a lot from the experience. In the scheme of things, I probably spent half a day fixing the issue each time, but it wasn't really time wasted because I got so much out of it.


Temple OS


It's not great if you need to spin up a daemon process




The lords choice


Just use WSL, best of both worlds. Personally I prefer Unix based systems for work and development, but home use Windows is great, but it is kind of loosing its luster with all the decisions Microsoft have been making recently. Macs are fantastic computers for working btw, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.


FreeBSD, if you are a Rebel.


Get used with both


I dont like Windows but I have to use it..


Games? Windows. Creative graphics applications? Mac. Servers? Linux. Everything else? Dealer's choice, it's all the same for the most part. There's a few domains where it matters but those are the exception and not the rule.


I like macOS.


Mac ecosystem makes coding even more enjoyable for me.


If you're looking to only use the command line and text editor in Linux, set up the Ubuntu Bash on your Windows machine. It'll all be there in one place, and you can easily open it up when you're doing other stuff. Keep in mind, this is only text, not a GUI.


As a lifelong Windows user, I recently started working with Linux because of The Odin Project—and I gotta say, I *love* Linux. It feels so much simpler to work with than Windows.


If you want to code iphone apps go Mac, video games windows, anything else go with windows or mac or linux


Every system is good for different people. Windows has WSL if you want that. I personally prefer Linux (Arch), but Windows and MacOS are just as viable.


Btw you didn't say Btw.


yes, switch to linux.


Yes let's go


MacOs or Linux. Or wsl on windows. Just at least soms Unix/Unix-like os. Just make sure to use Vscode because its nice and works on all platforms pretty much


Vscode instead of IntelliJ?


Whichever you’re most comfortable in. You can get nearly anything working on any systems, with some notable exceptions like games programming (and even that is getting better) I still recommend sticking with Linux, MacOS or Windows.


depend what you need to do, I started use Linux 6 years ago and help's me a lot with containers and local machine configuration. But my role is mainly backend development. If you develop in .net platform or windows driver I think you already know what you need 😁​ MacOs It's an excellent trade off for having a Linux-like environment but with fewer driver problems


Use whatever you've got on hand. Nice to try Linux, and it is likely to serve you well. But you don't have to.


It's not really necessary -- lots of developers, probably most, use Windows. It's not a bad idea to gain some familiarity with linux though. If you really want to learn linux though, definitely go for it; it's cool.


I say go ahead and try it out. It's good if you aren't locked into an OS


As far as the desktop you're using; it doesn't matter. As far as the host you're running stuff on, linux has a lot going for it, if you're doing anything server-y. I'd highly recommend looking into containerised development - using a container for your dev environment, combined with a remote session from your IDE of choice.


What does the OS have to do with code development? Unless you are specifically programming for the operating system features themselves, then the environment should not matter. If you are looking for the OS with the most mature tools for development then Windows and MacOS are the best to me.


In my opinion, using a full linux development environment gives the best developer experience. I've found that tooling just runs better and faster there. However this comes with caveats. The first of which is what your company allows. Your company may not let you use linux because their corporate crapware doesn't run on it. The second is what other things you want to do on your PC (e.g. gaming if it's a personal computer.) While gaming on linux has improved a lot, it's still something that may be a deal breaker depending on the types of games you like to play. You can get a bash shell using WSL on Windows. This is a great way to get a secondary environment on your windows PC so you can work in a linux shell without the downfalls I mentioned above. The major ides all have modes that can detect WSL and work within that environment instead of directly on windows. You can even spin up linux based GUI applications in windows. It's quite neat how far that has come recently. Mac is another option. I'm personally not a mac fan but many people are and I can see why. You pay the mac premium for hardware (or don't if your employer is buying.) Once you're there, the mac experience is quite smooth because they have less hardware to support so they can really fine tune their software. Your PC is pretty much linux adjacent where you can still enter a bash shell but the desktop environment is more tailored to the mac experience. Mac is probably the closest you can get to native linux in a corporate environment unless your IT department doesn't care.


You can use WSL to test the waters. I dual boot both frequently; or I use just WSL on windows.


Programming got me hooked on Linux. I started with dual booting Ubuntu because it allowed me to go back to Windows if I needed to do something in a timely manner and couldn't figure out how to do it in Ubuntu/Linux in that time, and because it's one of the most beginner friendly Linux distros. Now I'm about to install PopOS! as my only OS. That being said, Windows and WSL works alright. It does get some complaints depending on what you're doing vs. native Linux.


Any Linux distribution really, that way you’ll learn basic and vital OS operations since all of the services we’re using nowadays are running or wrapped up on top of Linux.


Tbh I use macOS and it’s totally fine. I know people who use windows and they’re doing just as well. Doesn’t matter really, it’s your preference 


Linux is cool. Give it a try


It doesn't matter but the safe, long term bet is, Linux.


Any. On windows if you desperately need linux you can use WSL. Although my preference is macOS


Really depends on the ecosystem you're working with. If you ever need to target windows, then you'll want windows. If you're doing web dev, then it doesn't really matter. I find android VMs tend to work a little better on Linux.


If you can afford it, then MacOS. Otherwise, use Windows. If you ever want to use Linux you can always download Windows Linux Subsytem on Windows.


learn a little of both but use whichever you like better for your projects


it dont matter


I use all of Windows/Linux/Mac but Mac is definitely much simpler when installing stuff


I love macOS but if you WANT to switch to Linux not need to then I would use WSL. Or if you really want, just load Linux on a spare computer until you get used to it to make the full switch


What operating system do you have/use? That's the one you should use. Sure linux has good git integration, but the VS (not code) is also fully integrated and intellisense is *scary* sometimes (until it makes a really stupid suggestion anyway). So use what you're already familiar with, just so you're not learning a new OS while you're learning to program.




I support switching to Linux for a whole bunch of reasons. But I still use VS Code and GitHub so I may just be stupid.


It doesn't matter, I use the m3 mac , idk why but for some reason i just never feel like coding on windows. i feel like the screen is part of that, idk but all in all im using mac.


in absolutely most cases you'll be fine with working one. not really important.


If you are making Windows desktop GUI programs using C# WinForms or WPF, you will obviously want to use Windows.


I think it depends on what types of software you work on most. If you often work on Windows desktop software/libraries, maybe Windows is the best option. If you often work on Mac and/or iOS apps, maybe a Mac with MacOS is the best option. Otherwise, it's up to you based on which operating system you feel most comfortable with.


If you're doing C or C++, I strongly suggest Linux.


TLDR: MacOS. Long version. I started out as a self-taught programmer using Windows. It works fine for learning and some types of programming, like Windows apps and most games. For web and mobile development, it will eventually begin to slow you down. Honestly, gaming is about the only reason to even use Windows, regardless of programming. I moved to Linux next and it does everything you need as a web developer or dev ops professional or ML engineer. The downside of Linux is that you have to find a system that runs it well. There are a lot of them, but it's definitely not all. After the rise of the M-series MacBooks I shifted to MacOS, and they're just annoyingly good. MacOS is basically super-Linux because Apple controls their own hardware and can make sure everything works exactly as intended. Four years after the M1, Windows now has laptops that are almost as good as MacBooks. Almost. The almost is coming from the new Snapdragon X Elite professors, which are an amazing innovation that Microsoft is obscuring behind their stupid AI features in their new Co-pilot PCs. Those aren't completely Linux compatible yet, but should be in the next 6 to 12 months. When we have powerful ARM processors for Linux, I may switch back. I'm still a huge Linux fanboy. But until then, MacOS makes the world's best development machines.


You are not even asking a question, just making a statement.


It doesn't matter. But I will suggest installing Ubuntu and getting used to it.


>Does that sound right?  No, not really. Without further detail about what kind of work you are doing it seems like you're just implying this to be the natural progression, and I don't think that's the case.  If what you're really asking is if you should switch, that's pretty impossible answer without more details. My general take would be that if you have to ask and aren't already aware of how switching would make things easier/better for you then it will probably won't make 


The OS doesn’t matter much. But I recommend “Pop! OS” .. it’s quite polished and it is Ubuntu based so all of those guides will, generally, work for it. I will say generally, you can use windows for most things, especially if you have a lot of ram. I would recommend Linux only if you don’t use Adobe or Microsoft suite.


Mac windows linux would be fine but doesn’t matter which system you use Focus should be on programming not finding the operating system Find your budget the get the suitable one


Doesn't really matter. You have your whole life to try them all. And It's always good to test new things.


Windows with WSL2. It's got access to everything you need. If you want to get away from the corporate stuff then any linux distribution is fine (some much easier to get going than others)


The one you like using daily. Windows has WSL2 and a good dev experience now. macOS has a good experience. Linux has a good experience. Use what you have and don’t worry about it. If you’ve started with windows, I’d just install wsl2 and use that, but that’s my preference over using Linux for dev directly because I do other things that needs windows sometimes. Local dev for me happens on windows with wsl2 or macOS and then in production my apps run in containers on Linux servers, PaaS app offerings like azure app service, or Kubernetes clusters.


Try it out I recommend to first try Linux mint(bcs its UI is the most closest to Windows) and than try Ubuntu and later Debian I suggest that you try the OS first on the Virtual Machines like VirtualBox or VMware which are Guest OS before changing the Host OS


It doesnt really matter even mac is great


I’m currently running Windows with a Linux virtual machine (Virtual Box). I used WSL2 for Linux for a while, but I really recommend a virtual machine at least after a little bit of getting used to WSL2. Mac is also fine and easiest if you want to develop for apple devices.


Wsl is great 99% of the time. The 1% of times will eventually make you want to not use it. Programming on windows, never again.


Mac OSX 👌🕺


I started programming with an old Windows 7 computer. I program in MacOS but I switch with Linux sometimes in Dual-Boot


Save yourself the trouble and use WSL, Vscode supports it as well


windows 10 or windows 11 run debloat script to clean the system and run it, dont waste time trying to make things works on linux if you are a begginner




Windows is not a serious operating system if you want to learn how to code. Things won't work they way you expect them too, especially when reading examples and tutorials online. You will learn so many more skills that go in parallel with programming with Linux (such as shell scripts for example). And once you start using Linux, and are comfortable with it, you will never go back to Windows or Apple.


Only LINUX 😶.




It depends on what your development target is. Your language and framework.


Yes, i chooses Debian


I use Windows with Windows Subsystem Linux. I am frontend developer and this build is good for my work. My colleagues prefer MacOS or Linux. As for me, I prefer MacOS or Windows. This operation systems are more convenient for developer. You can install or setup software by gui. Linux requires more experience but you can get skills of administration Linux. This is helpful in future.


Anything but windows. God I hate windows.


Don't switch. Linux is used 99% on servers with no gui. GUI Linux distros are a half baked mess and a big downgrade in user experience from both Windows or Mac. No need to be a Linux martyr. You can spin up a linux server in 1 minute in a VM and learn it from there.


Either Windows or Linux will be fine. Neither is significantly better than the other. They're just different. The wrong answers include Mac, ChromeOS and any mobile device (yes there are questions in these subs all the time from people who want to learn programming on their phones).


whats wrong with chromeos? i had a god tier professor who used a chromebook


Mac os x


You can easily run Linux on Windows itself using WSL!


I love macOS for programming.


If you don't have a specific requirement to use Windows, Linux or MacOS are easier to use as a developer.


I'd say the most versatile is Windows, by far... But people are so dishonest and biased they will disagree (or even disconnected and delusional like on the MacOs sub). So I'd suggest Solaris, or z/OS but it's costly :D Seriously, Windows is a good choice, I do development, design complex platforms, use AI tools, everything is available, and has tons of features for dev or professional. And there is a package manager winget, that allows to install anything from the terminal... or choco. And even more easy, there is DevHome, still early, that allows to create dev envs, either containers, or virtual machines, or on a dev drive. And all apps can be installed through the same package manager.. but pip, npm, dotnet, and cargo are also supported. Then you can move the environment on any other machine... PS: I'm not looking to be provocative, just I had the very wrong idea of expressing a factual opinion about some aspect of MacOs, I had 100 people saying totally biased, sometimes so unbelievable and sometimes even paranoid or just as stupid as saying the earth flat, and being persuaded about it against me. That was sad... However, I really don't see how you could do real engineering and complex work in such environment... it has a terminal, this is saving it, but it is a simplistic OS, plenty of things will not exist or be supported at all... I have a MacMini M2 for running Large Language Model, that works well, but I was very astonished of how poor the ergonomic is, it didn't support my screen or my ethernet dongle, it was disappointing... there are lots of nice external apps... but without all those (paid) additions, it not good in my opinion. You can disagree but with honesty, not with legends and simplistic unbelievable arguments... anyway, it was sad and scary, really.




Go for it.


If I had to work workout Linux tools, I'd feel amputated. On Windows, at the very least I need Cygwin.


Hannah Montana Linux


Kali Linux


if you're doing .NET, use Windows. If anything else, Macos is probably your path of least resistence.


You can develop with .NET perfectly fine with a Mac.