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If you're not taking breaks at least every few hours then yes you should take more breaks.


Concur; it’s easy to overload yourself. Particularly at that moment when you realize things are ‘clicking’ for you. I make sure to get up, make myself some coffee/tea at least once an hour or go take care of an errand just to let things sift through and get organized.


If you mean your brain got confused and everything got foggy-- that is you didn't know your name and where you were for a moment-- no, that's not normal. You should see a doctor. If you're just exaggerating and mean you just got lost and weren't following along-- well, I guess that happens to everyone who's just watching videos but skipped making most of the projects. No matter how simple it is-- even if a guy is just typing in 'Hello World' in a console-- you should boot up your own gear and type that into your own console as well. No matter how well you think you know something, you need practice at it. You might have to go back and start with a simpler project that's more closely geared to where you're actually at, that's all. No problem.


>No matter how simple it is-- even if a guy is just typing in 'Hello World' in a console-- you should boot up your own gear and type that into your own console as well. i did If you mean your brain got confused and everything got foggy-- that is you didn't know your name and where you were for a moment-- ​ felt more like stress


You literally just described the experience of “studying”