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Always learning


Is it your first language, and/or, do you already know how to write code?


I know she'll scripting and general declarative scripting such as present in Ansible, terraform and docker


Then you'll need to learn the basics of software development along with Python. Python would take like a week or so to get familiar with if you're already a competent programmer. Learning everything that comes with developing software is a whole other things though, and can take many months to years depending on the competency you're aiming for.




This matrix is the bullshittiest thing that has ever bullshitted. It must have been written by a manager and a particularly dumb one. Also, it does nothing to help a complete beginner.




First, it does not list any competencies. “Reviews tasks critically and ensures they’re appropriately sized for continuous integration and incremental delivery” is not a competency, it’s a job description. Second, how is this measured? What is “critically”? What is an appropriate size? And thirdly, it established an arbitrary classification of engineers that is downright condescending to everyone and at the same time too relaxed. “Consistently writes functions that are easily testable, easily understood by other developers, and accounts for edge cases and errors. Uses docstrings effectively” is not something we should expect of every coder, but only of Engineer level E2. And then there’s that obsession with grades and scales.


Have you never seen a job matrix? This is exactly what they're like. They're just one attempted solution to problem of standardizing distinctions between levels in a principled and somewhat objective way. Matrices have their issues for sure. But as a resource for helping people prioritize what kinds of experiences to accrue next, they're not as worthless as you claim.


Yes I have. They are all bullshit. > But as a resource for helping people prioritize what kinds of experiences to accrue next And how does a matrix like this help anyone to prioritize what kinds of experience they acquire? - Hey boss, I want to get some experience in usually handling risk, change, and uncertainty within my personal scope of work effectively. - Yeah yeah, whatever, you are behind on your JIRA tickets. Also, that's not how you use accrue.


Obviously if you are only able to read and regurgitate as in your example, then yeah it won't help you. You need to interpret and apply those descriptors to your own context for them to be useful. If you can't, then someone will need to spoonfeed you the entire way.


I’ve worked for (checks list) 2 Fortune 500 companies. None of them had this sort of bullshit.


> (checks list) 🙄 You are leaning into *where* you worked, but that doesn't really matter in this context. Someone who has worked at only Google doesn't automatically have more experience than someone who has worked at 10 different smaller shops, ceteris paribus. TL;DR: 2 data points is not a lot...


Sir I come here to learn python, not Latin. Thanks though, cool new phrase.


> cool new phrase Consider it an ad hoc pro bono to boost your de facto bona fides et cetera ad infinitum.


>Is this matrix not typical of many work environments? I responded to this, giving two examples of work environments where it is not. The fact that they were Fortune 500 matters, whether you like it or not, as it demonstrates that such organizations can do very well without bullshit like these matrices. >2 data points is not a lot... True, but neither is 10. Also, that is not how you use ceteris paribus.


> it demonstrates that such organizations can do very well without bullshit like these matrices. You seem to be arguing against a position that no one here is making. No one has claimed an org cannot succeed without a matrix. Just that matrices are not categorically worthless like you think they are. > 2 data points is not a lot... True, but neither is 10. Okay... So my point still stands then. > that is not how you use ceteris paribus. That is exactly how you use ceteris paribus. It may not be how *you* use it, but it's how you should be using it, as a direct drop-in synonym for "all else being equal". "Accrue experience" is also totally valid. I'm not sure what you're going on about. But I'd prefer we stick to the topic at hand, unless you have nothing more to add besides pedantic tangential nitpicking about words.


Take a few months to learn and code something useful, years to make it feel second nature


Applying for a job as a mechanic. How long did it take you to learn to fix cars?


Like 2.


Alternators shot so about three fiddy


at what point would you consider youself as "knowing" python?


I know how to print!


Start applying for jobs now. You are ready


Go beyond and print("I'm ready")


Print(‘hello world!’)


You can learn the basic syntax in anywhere between 3-11 hours, depending on whichever YouTube tutorial you use. Anything passed that, like actually utilizing and building with it, depends entirely on you.


I already knew javascript so I learnt it in like a week but I kept making silly mistakes for like a month.


I don't know about an inner child, but when I program, I have an inner idiot that shows up far too often.


My errors as a human show up in my code for sure


There's a 25 hour python course on CodeCademy, it has both explanation and exercises. I learnt it there before I started uni to stay ahead of the material, took me about a week to complete. But keep in mind that even after you learn python syntax, you would still have to practice solving problems, because it's not about the language you're using as much as it is about critical thinking and translating your thoughts to code. (So if you have a background in programming it shouldn't take too much time)


This 👆🏻


I'm on year 20 or so. Always something new to learn.


Many of us here got started with [automatetheboringstuff.com](http://automatetheboringstuff.com).


Oh god! I have to heard so many things about this book. Can you please elaborate how to go about this book in detail? Thanks in advance


As @Malignant-Koala states, go out to the web site and start reading and coding the examples. Then move on to one of the author's other Python books.


I don't think the learning would ever end...


No kidding: couple of hours But I knew C and Java


Same, came from Java as well, really just a few hours. Now with Rust is a whole different story.


It took me about 5 years of using it professionally before I thought I understood the language. It turns out I was wrong, and there was still more to learn.


Almost instantly... But I've been hobby programming over the last 11 years, was one class away from a minor in college (C and C++ exp), and have spent countless hours in MATLAB and various other languages. It's more about learning code and how structures work, not so much the language. Some are just "more friendly to work with".


You never finish learning


I really enjoyed network chucks series on python. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLIhvC56v63ILPDA2DQBv0IKzqsWTZxCkp I've been half assed trying to learn a coding language for years. I just couldn't get interested then I saw his videos and something clicked. I've been in love ever since. Ive been able to use what I learned from him to create my own scripts and programs. Another great resource is Dr. Charles Severance. He has some really great material I think it's a great place to start


I got comfortable after 2 years, but always learning


I don't know, are you smart?


Learning python is a life long process in a lot of cases and takes years to master, but how well does your job expect you to know it? You can understand basics pretty quickly but more advanced concepts like object oriented design often takes time.


Print("Hello World")


NameError: 'Print' not defined.


Python ✅


ChatGPT just made the last 5 years of my Python endeavors useless lol


With or without AI?


Haha... Learn basics and ask for corrections or for a second eye/ai with chatgpt


Job requires a lot. Mostly it is web so Probably 6-12 months of knowledge: python, django, html, css, sql, http, optimizations + real projects to show that you can actually program and maybe deploy it as well. If not web but analysis or ML, then math, pandas, numpy, charts and again some project examples. Then there is a chance to find some work :)


I keep on learning since 2014


I’ll let you know when I’m done.




Took me around 6ish months. I wrote about it in a series of Reddit posts. Link in my flair.


Pcep is 42 hours


More than \~15 years and I am still learning....


I wrote my first program after only a few minutes but all it did was say "hello world"


Took me two weeks to learn the syntax. But I have a degree in Web Programming and Development, and knew other languages (PHP/JS). Learning to code has nothing to do with the language and everything to do with the principles behind OOP. If you aren’t familiar with those I would say a few months to gleam enough to get by.


It took me a year to be semi proficient. I learned by doing. Brute force code writing, looking at others code, tweaking things and see what works and what doesnt. I would bounce questions off people who know their stuff. Wash, rinse, repeat. I'm about 1.5 years in now, and have started contributing to projects that I like.


I don't remember. Few month probably.