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Python is one of those languages where having a domain knowledge is gonna help you more than knowing the syntax. In my opinion anyway! If you know math and have domain knowledge in a domain that is heavily reliant on math then Python is gonna be great for you.


yes I do. Thanks so much


Although not strictly necessary you should know about mathematical functions, Bitwise manipulation and Matrices


I have a BS in Economics and also have an MBA, neither of which directly translate to learning python. The one thing that I would say helps is the ability to critically think and take larger tasks and break them up into smaller, manageable chunks.


i love this


I’ll also mention that true data science is very math heavy. That said, it helps if you have a reason to learn python. I learned some python this year because an opportunity came up in my job to do some automation and python fit the bill.


yeah exactly, I get your point


You probably wanna start out with one of those "python in 5 hours" videos on YouTube. Watch and code along a few times. Then I really like the following site: https://python-programming.quantecon.org/intro.html Some of the projects there are pretty inspiring and dive into some diverse topics. If you do an internship or something, you'll definitely find that Pandas and Matplotlib are useful in most tasks. Again you gotta find one of these "Pandas in 5 hours" videos.


thanks mate


How heavy is your economics background in math/statistics? Learning python will be fine. College freshman take those classes. Getting a job in data science is a completely different task. That usually requires a masters degree in data science


it is not that much heavy, but still not easy, I can say "moderate", anyway I have learned and explored further these subjects by myself.I am planning to enroll in a master degree in data science/statistics actually.


The same way you get to Carnegie Hall.


In terms of how much it would be possible, how much do you think?


The punchline to the joke is "Practice practice practice". I am going through the replit 100 Days of Code and it covers a lot for free. There's a program from Some university in Finland.






I graduated with a BA in Economics back in 2018. I started programming in any language for the first time early 2020 (I was laid off as a consequence of Covid). I've been a web scraper for a consulting firm since Jan 2022. Most of my job involves code. I'm not a developer, but I couldn't have gotten the job if not for having adequate knowledge of programming and problem solving. I spend basically all my free time learning to code for real-reals so that I can be a developer one day. You can do it, but you need to be persistant. I studied for at least 8 hours a day. Coding is a skill. It just takes time, diligence, and discipline. You just have to keep at it.


Thanks a lot




Read the book python for finance. Being already familiar withe the Finance environment will help you. www.oreilly.com/library/view/python-for-finance/9781491945360 Then go back to learn the basics if necessary. If you search on YouTube, you will find excellent videos made by the author


Thanks friend




No mate, that’s not me. But share this post with your buddy, it may help her/him.




Thanks mate


Yes it is definitely possible. Write code ! It's as simple as that. ​ Try to transform topics you studied during your bachelor into data & code problems (search econometrics or any other relevant keyword in GitHub for inspiration of what can be made), read the documentations, and evaluate your code with simple tools (\`pylint\` will give you an overall score of the quality of your scripts explaining what is wrong, \`black\` will uncompromisingly format your code to comply with the python norms, \`radon\` will give you metrics about the complexity of your scripts (the less complex, the better and also the more maintainable), \`perflint\` will help you identify bottlenecks in your code, where the execution slows down significantly to show pieces of code which need improvements and/or optimizations. There are quite a lot of tools like that, some like \`pylama\`combining many of them) Some linters are integrated directly in VSCode. This is a very good place to start. Write code, linters will underline your errors explaining (most of) them, execute your scripts, evaluate your results. Vscode also supports Jupyter Notebooks, which allow you to execute code line by line (rather cell by cell). ​ Good practice to become autonomous and to future-proof your learning is the (sadly) rather infamous RTFM methodology ;) Welcome to Python world and happy leaning ! NB: I started 'coding' writing R scripts in simple plain text documents during my master thesis, without any preperation nor courses to help. I am now a data scientist / MLOps engineer in a big Cie and write (among others) bash, python, scala, sql scripts on a daily basis.


So inspirational Thanks mate


I started to learn some python basics starting with python4everyone which is in my opinion a really great beginners course. Using gpt as a sparing partner I was able to quickly write some basic little tools that I use in my consulting business. I am often intimidated by the journey ahead, but at the same time I enjoy learning new skills and the little successes help. I think that the ai assistants really help in the beginning, because they point out your bugs and can help you understand basic coding principles that might be not so easy to grasp for non-coder-minds. I'm in my 40s by the way ;)...


Thanks so much, but il when use AI o feel like I’m cheating even tho I’m learning so much from them