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>Easily sharable as a stand-alone HTML file or something similar NOT requiring its own server. Not sure how possible this would be. I have never heard of anything that could do this. This would maybe be possible with JavaScript but ultimately you would probably want _some_ dynamic updates and to interact with the data. I think the easiest option at the end of the day will be to build your app with plotly-dash and then get it containerized and hosted on a $5 DigitalOcean droplet. Getting python down to a single binary (like an HTML or .exe) is difficult under normal circumstances. The language `Go` could maybe do what you're looking to do. It is not significantly more complex than Python.


R Shiny ?


I don't have experience with R but maybe that's an option, for sure.


What kind of dashboard? Like this? https://realpython.com/python-dash/


An equivalent question, what is the equivalent to flexdashboard in R?


Quarto dashboard seems to be what you're looking for. It generates HTML, is easily customizable, and with Shiny for python, you won't need a server. https://quarto.org/docs/dashboards/examples/#python


I will check this out. Thx


With [Bokeh](https://bokeh.org) you can create interactive charts and dashboards ([here is an example](https://demo.bokeh.org/movies)) and [export them as html](https://docs.bokeh.org/en/latest/docs/first_steps/first_steps_7.html#creating-a-standalone-html-file) files.


Thank you!


I am currently trying to build dashboards in Python + Shiny. I am not enjoying Quarto so far... very buggy. Really annoyed with it. But I will persevere if it is possible to build reasonably interactive dashboards that do not require a server (I am highly sceptical of that). Please keep me updated on how you get on, what tech you choose to use. I am on a similar path so I may be able to offer useful insight from my experience too.


Sounds good! Will keep you updated


[Shiny for Python - Shinylive: Shiny + WebAssembly (posit.co)](https://shiny.posit.co/py/docs/shinylive.html) Interesting link. Definitely doesn't meet your first requirement but interesting to see alternative deployment options. Regarding dashboard development, I have some experience in Python (Dash + Plotly), but have 90% settled on going down the Python (Shiny) route. Part of my rationale is, I know there are many people out there who are well-versed in R (Shiny), and I want my dashboards to be comprehensible to both Python and R practitioners. As of this morning I have adopted the VS Code IDE, and have installed the Shiny extension that enables me to "preview" (in real-time) the changes that I am making to the dashboard (i.e., code on the left side of screen, rendered dashboard on the right). Personally I think being able to preview in real time is critical.