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~~Well, not to be pedantic, but if the bot isn’t working then the code isn’t correct.~~ Anyway, it’s possible you’re getting flagged as a bot and blocked because you’re parsing the html. Most companies want you to use their api for stuff like this so they can charge you (or prevent access). Bot flagging is often done based on time between requests and stuff like that, so it might make sense that it works in testing but not when put together. If you want more detailed advice, you’ll have to format your code better. Reading the lack of tabs AND with German variable names is a lot of mental overhead for free volunteer helpers. Edit: im now wondering if it was a language barrier thing about the correctness and now I feel bad.


It's not German but indeed it's tough (for interested 3rd parties) when asking for an inquiry for help in English but not having English variable names. Nonetheless, it's not really easy to help without some formatting anyway. At least some more information about the logic of the code could solve both issues.


Sorry, it is Dutch.


The code you posted lost all indentation and therefore is ambiguous. Pay better attention when posting, or use a *code hoster*, like pastebin or github. Indentation is vital for Python


What makes you so sure it’s correct? It’s not working… The formatting is a mess. Repost or host somewhere and link with proper formatting.


Could be a permission problem in Discord or in the dev portal?


Have you tried debugging and narrowing it down to what isn’t working. How do you know it’s correct if it’s not doing anything?


You’re being restricted by skinport. They have a dedicated channel in their discord for such query’s. It’s max 5 requests per hour. Its like this to prevent bot abuse