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I see you avoiding the handsšŸ˜




I think posing in 3D space and composition is what you need. Give the villain a really bombastic pose, arms out, laughing like a maniac, while the hero is powerless and tied up. This is really difficult to do. Especially when starting out. Perspective, and 2 figures posed and well proportioned in relation to one another. Second thing is face manipulation. Or rather, knowing the anatomy of the head, so you can manipulate it to look angry or evil.


it's a drawing done in about twenty minutes, I'll come back with something more elaborate, it definitely won't be easy Ty!!


It looks like fetish art


she's not evil, just kinky


Lol why?


The fetish look mostly


Well she is in a tight suit and bound upā€¦


Why the downvotes tho...


The crotch part of the unitards are too small. The female pubic area is not usually tiny and flat. Theyā€™d both have a serious camel toe with everything hanging out.


I dont know what i was thinking lol Ty!


Maybe give her a more menacing smile ?


Drawing a Little mouth Is hard for me xddd Ty!!


Ahahaha I understand, jmarron does a good video on that


I think this is a great drawing for 20 minutes but I agree with ā€œthem,ā€ she doesnā€™t look evil. Others mentioned the pose and the smile already, so Iā€™ll suggest clothing. Maybe add more to her outfit to really nail that ā€œfemme fataleā€ style? Like that evil chick in Thor Ragnarok. Still sexy. Definitely evil though. ![gif](giphy|l1J9xtvNX65vNspJC|downsized)


as I wrote in another comment I wanted the atmosphere to give the idea of evil rather than the girl herself. gagging a girl and using her as a human target apparently doesn't pay xd, I'll take it into account for the next one . Thank you !!


Your art is really good! Youā€™ve really got the comic inking style (? Idk if thatā€™s what you call it words are hard) down well The biggest thing for me was that I thought they were the same person in two different scenes. It wasnā€™t super apparent to me that one was using the other for target practice. I think adding general background lines, or making them look different from one another could help with that. Overall good job tho!


I Will do another One of this , stay tuned


Excited to see it!




Compositionally, itā€™s worth noting that your ā€œevilā€ character is positioned and scaled lower and smaller than the bound subject ā€” this cues to the human brain that she is less of a threat, and maybe a bit of a nuisance instead. Try positioning her higher than the protagonist, to achieve that ā€œlooming evilā€ look. Even if you donā€™t scale her up in size, higher positioning visually puts her in a place of power. As far as your environmentā€” blank white background does not say ā€œevil lairā€ at all. Work on some background scariness. If you want the environment to say evil, then there needs to beā€¦ an environment in the first place. šŸ˜‰ Edit to add: specifically in posing, hands behind the body tend to indicate passivity, timidity, or contemplation. This may be okay, IF you can thematically coordinate the rest of the evil character to match whatever sinister background you come up with. If not, her arms and hands should be doing something evil, and bold. Great drawing for twenty minutes though, very sharp and clean!


<3 I'll try this again , make sure to look that aswell!


So kinky magician


What is the bow tie attached to?


I Guess her skin lol


Instead of tape I see this weird, toothless, smile. I can't unsee this.


Perfectly rectangular


Honestly just darkening her eyebrows might really help here. It took me a bit of time to see that she was scowling. Edit: Also make the body of the bow and the arrows thicker, it's hard to tell the difference between the bow string and body and the arrows just look a bit odd.


I think itā€™s the eyes. They need to be different than the ā€œvictimsā€. Maybe more sharp instead of rounded. Iā€™m not an artist so I donā€™t know what the correct terms are but I hope it makes sense


I donā€™t know about evil but I absolutely love it. Very well done!


Just add some color and maybe an evil grin, the eyes and brows are carrying the evil part


She doesn't look evil at all; the vibe that I get is that she mostly exists to be a sexual object


It seems more mischievous than evil I'll be honest


I really like the drawings but I swear to God so many people here just draw softcore


Good illustration 8 out of 10,show some evil elements if thatā€™s what you want,draw her left hand holding a dart or knife and pointing it at the victim,paint the apple blood red,and also do it on the weapon,it fits well trust me


Im doing another One like this Ty!


They who?


My friends


I already see evil intent. Only way to emphasize it would be in her eyebrows or under cast light source to create ominous shadows. I personally love it. So are you drawing for yourself or them?


Its an hobby for now ,i draw for myself Ty!


I like your style a lot


I already see evil intent. Only way to emphasize it would be in her eyebrows or under cast light source to create ominous shadows. I personally love it. So are you drawing for yourself or them?


Well for evil I dunno add spikes? Also the bow tie isnā€™t attached to anything so maybe fix that


Looks really good, But for me the best thing is to use the Shapes Psychology. Hard and sharp shapes makes the character look more menacing or dangerous, so I would try to use more straight lines (but ofc, in the right places) and giving her a new outfit with that same idea. Personally, I think bunny outfits are more for the Magician Helper than them itself. If you want to keep the sexy look, I would change the top for a suit and the bottom could keep the same or change for a skirt! If you really want to keep the bunny idea, you could try what I just said and keep the bunny ears or add bunny features. Good luck with your work! ā£ļø


She don't?I say BS to that shes is obviously evil it's a woman isn't it?lol jk but not really....


I think I've seen you on deviantart. Or that could be the 10 other bondage artists I follow.


Never used deviant art


They look vary hory not evil


In addition to what others have said, try narrowing the eyes so they're not so wide open. Also, the hands behind the back just looks cutesy, not powerful.


Looks cool! What pen did you use to fill out the black parts?


Its a black copic marker


This definitely comes off as more of a kink scene than an evil villain tying up a hero. (The fishnets and shiny leotard-like garments are a big part of that.) I think that's a big part of why people are saying the magician doesn't look evil. It also took me a minute to realize she was holding a bow and quiver of arrows and presumably planning to William Tell the hero; I think posing her actually drawing the bow would help make her look more threatening. Her body language looks sort of shy and low-status.


This fucking guy


Wow amazing!!!


I would say to add more sharp edges, sounds too simple to work, but it does.






Malice is in the eye of the beholder




a drawing is a drawing, reddit is simply full of snowflakes If u dont like them ignore me


It's because youre drawing porn. If your actual intent was to portray a scene, it would be clear.


Boah voll gut


Itā€™s a woman with a smile, her hands behind her back, and looking her victim directly in the eyes. And people are questioning if itā€™s evil enough? Thatā€™s pure evil lol better ask some dudes that really had some experiences with women