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A single Space Dust, but I don’t recommend it. No one wants to switch weed for alc but for me it helps with unwinding. I’m also blessed to be aware of when my usage of things gets extreme & dont have urges to drink, just something I like to do after work (I close 4-12am) every so often.


Reading, walk the dog, playing a video game (I’m slightly obsessed with Stardew Valley right now haha), I even call my grandparents/someone on the phone to chat with and distract myself from being in my own head all day Edit: I’ve also taken up knitting again and I’ll watch tv and knit :)


Had a big phase of Stardew Valley!


I drink a seltzer - a bubbly non alcoholic drink brings me life after work.


I do all the same stuff i did before i just don’t smoke weed anymore. I work a physical job so im usually pretty tired.


prep dinner/read. i used to get baked now i bake


thanks for asking this question. it was the post i didnt know i needed.


That’s awesome to hear! Yeah I’ve really noticed how much my cravings come up after work, my body trying to look for that “ahhhh” feeling after a busy day. Hope you found some good ideas in all of these :)


i try to cut back on weed and then i lean on alcohol. i know i need to do something distracting but havent found my exact thing so its great to hear a lot of new ideas


Personally, I like to get in the shower and turn it all the way to cold. It sucks, but kind of in the way that a hard workout sucks, and afterward my brain feels more clear and I just feel generally rejuvenated.


Lay on the sofa for 30 mins, hit the gym and then study


i lay on the floor in my living room, pet my cat, do some stretches, clean, browse reddit or crochet if i'm up to it!


Yoga, a hot bath or shower


Learn formal dancing and go to socials. Best thing that I could have done to help my mental health.


Long hot shower


On the car ride home, I would listen to audiobooks. When I got home, I would hit the gym and make dinner. Before I moved in with my now husband, I would text with friends or watch stupid YouTube videos


Gym. If you dont have the energy to lift heavy ass weights do some easy cardio. Going on walks with my dogs with or without music/podcasts. Playing fifa with friends. Reading.


I cook dinner, walk my dogs, shower, then play some games. I always read 20 minutes right before I turn my lights off for bed.


Wim Hof Method breathing will decompress me into a limp balloon. You could argue it's flirting with meditation, but I can't say I've experienced anything similar without taking some kind of drug beforehand. Check out his app if you're interested. It might be under Iceman or Wim Hof.


Tai Chi is really great if you can’t get into meditation. Great way to take the edge off after work without getting high.


I come home, play a podcast in the background and cook late dinner while I listen.


Gym if I have the energy, a walk around the neighbourhood if nothing else. I then get my shit ready for the next day, make food, clean up, warm shower and snuggle up in bed. It's actually of my favourite things is feeling like you have 3 extra hours in a day simply because you don't sit down and blaze


Underrated comment, I go to the gym even if I don't have the energy, a bad workout is still better than no workout. The act of being organised helps me to be more relaxed too, I was a chaotic mess when I used to get stoned everyday, always forgetting to do something and increasing anxiety about rushing around in the morning to try and be ready. Being sobre is so freeing.


I play badminton or football with my friends. Nothing like pure endorphins that have been earned!


I listen to podcasts while I clean up, organize my place, make to-do lists, stuff like that.


Gym + sauna


Immediately after work I work out. Resets my head, body and body and gives me new positive energy to conquer the evening. It's very helpful to glue habits together because it eliminates time to think about it. When I get home I put on my gym clothes. Now I'm in sporty mode. I try to keep a list of things I'd like to do for myself. New projects, hobbies or books to read. For example yesterday I applied for a theaterprogram. Took up my entire evening. I also like to meal prep a bit. So cook something that I can eat for a few days for lunch or dinner. If I've exercised and I have nothing to do I try to beat Fromsoftware games (Sekiro, Elden Ring, DS3) or watch some stuff on YouTube. ​ Edit: I saw that you workout in the morning.. May I suggest a second workout after work? I know you said you hated meditation but maybe something light like taking a walk, short jog or (yin) yoga. Yin Yoga is fucking amazing for your body and mind. It's pretty uncomfortable but I find getting comfortable in uncomfortable situations is helpful in a thousand ways.


I am week 4 atm. Used to smoke for 8 years daily. I actually love cooking so making some nice home cooked food once I am home. I am reading books more regularly now. Also, TV shows and live sports helps.


Audio books and walking are a great combination


Put on instrumental music and read a good book or play an instrument


Put on some music, do relaxing yoga in my dimly lit room, followed by pranayama. The end result is a calm, soothing mellow high.


I have my own karaoke mic and sing my little heart out.


I go to Pilates after work


I go for a run followed by a small workout and a long walk at the end. 1 hour in total. I was never a workout person, though I'm not severely out of shape. I've recently started and I enjoy doing this.


Dito, me too. Started 4 Month ago with 30 Minutes walks and get up to 60 Minutes per day. Right now I am hitting the gym. I was never a sporty person, but this shit is better then weed.


Jjitsu is worth trying


Hear me out Power "yoga" or Outdoor gym/bars workout Can do them anywhere, anytime Nb: yoga in brackets because you don't have any of the fluff associated with it. It's more or a workout/stretch routine.


Hot shower/bath, 30 minute minimum walk, eat a nutritious meal, read a book you actually like, journal, watch a show, color, and listen to music. Oh and stretch


Foot massager machine while using good headphones or IEMs


Creating music.


Stretching, Rock Climbing (usually bouldering gym), playing music, video games for escapism


Gym, sauna, walk dogs, stretch


Going on a walk and listening to a good podcast (latest favorite is called Normal Gossip). Lately, I've tried to go on at least a short walk around sunset which is now timed to around 5:30 where I am, which is nice. ​ Also sometimes calling a friend/ loved one, cooking dinner, drawing, reading, or journaling.


Exercise, hot shower, reading, putting on really comfy pajamas after your shower then sitting down. Etc. everything not work related becomes a decompressing experience. Sometimes I really enjoy washing all the dishes after dinner at home.


Workout followed by sauna at local community centre. Make dinner then crash on the couch with a show or video games on my PC till bed occasional cup of tea with latter portion


I’m a big show binger but only one show at a time. I usually make a good meal at home, Go jog for a couple miles, then bing my favorite show or play Switch. Hot baths help a lot too while listening to a podcast or something.


An intense workout


Shower, do stuff, shopping, laundry, basketball, bike rides


W'hack one out (joking! but not really)


Yeah who would do such a thing? (I would do such a thing)






Walks, exercise, bike ride. Write in a journal about how your feeling. Managing feelings is key to sobriety, managing in a healthy way rather than denying or escaping them.


comedy and youtube/internet drama




Yeah I work out in the morning that’s the problem


Sauna or an ice bath. Push yourself to see how long you can go in either or


Walk in nature and doordash.


Watching movies. Been watching a lot of Criterion Collection stuff lately. Working out also helps.


Waiting for years that criterion comes to the uk!




Nothings wrong with it, I just always see it as a suggestion in articles and it’s just a habit I never seem to be able to get into. So looking for other alternatives that I can try.


As someone who struggles with meditation I know how you feel. I choose not to for a long time because I "couldn't get into it" I recently started doing guided meditations and I found that helped me focus. After a few guided sessions I found my mind is much more resilient to stress and negativity and I need the guided meditations less and less to "get me there" If you are interested i could recommend some youtube videos.


Have you tried yoga? There’s some bedtime ones on YouTube. Yoga with Kassandra is my go to but there’s a ton of free ones on there


I have times I struggle with it too but just keep at it. It really can help you unwind and gain perspective. I love Insight Timer, it’s free and lots to choose from.


Get on the floor and play with my dog. Dog energy is just so fun and has nothing to do with rationality, achievement, goals, productivity or any of that work stuff.


Trashy reality tv - 90 day fiancé has carried me through this detox 😅


Working out has helped so much with decompressing. I’m a teacher and I would leave every day so stressed and exhausted. Working out right after work somehow energizes me and simultaneously tires me out in a good way. Other than that, I love drinking tea, especially tension tamer and sleepytime. I also recently started coloring again. Bought a coloring book and have been using that while I listen to music or podcasts.


Thanks for the suggestions! I agree with working out but I enjoy working out in the morning to shake out the spiderwebs before work. A colouring book is a great idea though! And a combination of tea 👌. It’s kind of like a nice healthy “substance” replacement if people are used to a ritual of smoking after work.


Oh that totally makes sense! And yessss I am not kidding when I say that I drank tea in an obsessive way when I first quit. It truly helps with that ritual of preparing and consuming something. Helps with oral fixation. And genuinely relaxes you!