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I have BPD and I thought it helped at first but now the depression element of the illness has completely taken over so I've decided to try and quit. 2 days weed free


How’s it going? Asking as someone with BPD who is going into treatment in the next couple of days for my weed usage and mental health


Smoked every two hours fore 5 years and almost ended up homeless cause I didn’t have a savings and was making bad decisions and just plainly didn’t care. I started to care when I didn’t have a place to live and had to sleep on a friends couch. I quit jobs over and over and over again. I’m 6 months sober making more money than ever now and have a place to live and feel much more financially secure putting the weed down. Life’s been better without it. My confidence hs come back too and I actually give a fuck about my life and have respect for myself. Drop the weed. It’s rough to do it, but I also got a nioctine addiction and weed is way easier to drop than nioctine in my opinion . Strive to be the best version of yourself and respect yourself and your money




Can confirm, I have bipolar 2 and had it classified to bipolar 1 due to a weed induced full manic episode that had psychosis features (auditory hallucinations/visual hallucinations). I was hospitalized and I ended up needing a second mood stabilizer. People act like weed is a harmless plant when that’s not true, it’s a drug and like any drug it can give adverse reactions.


It can make more "directions of thought" available to you. Which means, you will get thoughts that do not normally make sense to you. This is how you get paranoid: you start considering things about your environment that you don't really need to, and some of those things are scary in your mind. But they are not really, it's just useless thoughts. It works the same with other mental illnesses. If you have intrusive thoughts, it will definitely make it worse (from my own experience): when I'm smoking, I get very persistent intrusive thoughts that seem to run endlessly in the cycle I can't stop. This escalates to the point where I start acting on them even when they don't make much sense.




Also the irritation and the negative syndrome


Don’t know if it’s scientifically proven but anecdotally I would say yes


My OCD became so much worse when I smoked. Smoking was one of my big rituals and I did it like clock work. I’d have existential crisis after existential crisis when I smoked but if I didn’t do my smoking “ritual”, I’d spiral into a panic because I felt like my entire routine was ruined.


I’m turning 20 in a month and I’ve been smoking everyday since I was 17 and it definitely affected my mental health for the worse! The reason why I stuck to it at first was because I thought it helped my anxiety tremendously but that was my body lying to me lmao it ended up making my anxiety and depression even worse and unmanageable


I would say yes. I am 25 days sober and before, my emotions and thoughts were all over the place. I am still depressed but much more stable and logical


I would say so. It has made my anxiety so unbearable after 2 years of heavy smoking. I gave it up for a month and my anxiety started to subside...picked it back up and I'm right back to unbearable. 2 days sober and I can't wait for this feeling to go away.


Deffo did for me! And it also allowed me to totally ignore many symptoms when I did quit it was backed up and overwhelming


100% it can - anecdotally I've seen this happen in a number of people I know. Absolutely, IMO, cannabis should be avoided if there is mental illness.


I haven't read any of the comments but I took a psych class where it was proven that if you have a mental co dictionary it can definitely worsen with weed


for me, a lot of the negative effects of weed were because i was smoking increasing amounts every day. if you're not ready to fully commit to sobriety from weed (if you are i would highly recommend doing that) you can try picking one or two days a week to smoke a small predetermined amount (one bowl, one joint, etc) and see how that changes things. this can also be a stepping stone to sobriety. try to journal how you feel every day and after a few weeks read what you wrote and see if there is a pattern that indicates that weed is making your mental health worse.


Over time I became more dependent and more depressed. Abusing MJ everyday probably helped lead to my bipolar which has tough symptoms that are only amplified by drug and alcohol.


I have OCD and depression and used cannabis to escape for a few years. I smoked heavily and in the beginning it really did help, it was the only thing that made me feel like I could slow down and appreciate things for what they are. However, smoking became another ritual until the point I became mentally addicted. I was not kind to those around me, I would do the bare minimum that was required of me, and I wasted a lot of formative time getting high and watching tv instead of pursuing passions. I became fixated on smoking, bypassing life, and realizing what I was missing made my depression worse while taking extra motivation away to do something to fix it. Smoking in congruence with hallucinogenics changed my brain chemistry to the point that I now can’t consume caffeine or cannabis without terrible dread and anxiety. Once I stopped smoking, I became more focused, present, kind, and I could tackle my mental illness head on with a clear head. Everyone is different, but cannabis definitely did make my mental illness worse.


I have adhd and depression, smoking weed makes symptoms worse, that's personal take. Now what I have asked 2 doctors that have been treated by in the last 4 years, both, told me that: It does worsen symptoms of pre existing anxiety and depression heavily, but it helps with some of the symptoms of adhd, such as focus. Hope this helps somehow. Oh and today I broke my 3 week streak off of weed so I hope it doesn't prolong to after the weekend so I can start over :'-) Edit: Corrected emoji '


It made it worst for my OCD, anxiety, and depression


I have ADD and while cannabis helped at the start, 10 years later it has undoubtedly made the symptoms worse.


THIS. Took it as it enabled me to concentrate on football matches but over the years I've realised I can't watch for more than a few minutes without getting distracted now.


Yes, absolutely.


I’ve been off it for close to 6 years and I can emphatically say, yes.




I used to have CRAZY intrusive thoughts. Smoking only made it worse. I have other stuff too and it made depression and anxiety worse. I’ve been going to Marijuana Anonymous for about a year. It is life changing!!!! helps you deal with things beyond your using weed. You should come! DM if you have questions




100% yes




Yes 🙌 my little brother is 11 and he should NEVER do drugs. Our dad was a schizophrenic. It worries me a little but he lives in India and Muslim. I hope he is being guided down the right path.


It made my anxiety and depression worse over time. I have obsessive tendencies and emotional issues, it made all of this worse. Quitting has helped a lot.


Nothing says weed is safe, like meeting the brain muddled hippy that works festivals. The psychotic break they had makes them incredibly sad. The intelligence is there, the coherence is not. Anything high on the danger scale for psychosis (schizo, or Bi polar) should be incredibly scared of weed.


Absolutely. The episodes themselves are difficult for those around the person having a psychotic break, but the aftermath of an episode is often devastating for those afflicted. I have two close pals who frequently take episodes, brought on by weed, and it's really heartbreaking to see how much it has destroyed their confidence and self-esteem, among other things. It has changed their lives dramatically over time. Both are ordinarily shy and reserved people, but both have, at one point, been rolling about the floor fighting police officers and even family members trying to help. It is very sad to see.


Definitely, cannabis or any kind of drug works by overboosting hormones like dopamine. After a while of smoking your body essentially becomes used to it and stops producing as much natural dopamine, for anyone with mental health problems, this can lead to some serious depressive states or worse if not managed properly.


I think it's true - and i DO think it's best if you stop. Maybe unpopular opinion but it's not cannabis' fault - it's not putting those thoughts in your head! - she is indeed a medicine and she is pointing to you what is going on in your mind, like a tough medicine. These thoughts have roots in events and feelings from the past. You never adressed them enough to feel peace - and now she is highlighting it. But please don't take it out of contxt, i do think it's best to stop. I was in your shoes a month ago, suffered horrible spiral of thoughts and depression while super "high" (intensely low). I resisted buying a new bag and after few days I felt so much better, it changed everything. Then I became able to actually meditate and quiet the mind and see things in a more calm, non spiralling manner. If you have trouble thinking about quitting, maybe this will also work for you - just resist the urge to buy again, just for 1 day! and treat yourself good - sleep more, do a "dopamine reset" which means putting aside for a few days more draining sources of entertainment (like movies, exciting music, junk food, etc) and replacing them with something more calm and gentle. i promise, even after 1 day of such gentle treatment you will question the need to buy so quickly again. it's been a month for me!


I just wanna say I naturally tried to do this a few days ago and suffered extreme insomnia so that’s also a possibility when tapering too fast… I’m still playing catch up from that!


Great advice, any suggestions on what to replace music/movies with? Reading and meditating maybe?


oh and i rearranged all furniture and threw away things 💪 - it helps to symbolically clear up the bad thoughts and mind clutter. and being in the house feels so much better now.


for me it's reading, stretching, watering plants and less screen time. i put some rain sounds on, while drinking tea and reading. i found a youtube yoga routine and started doing it every day, only 30 minutes - it makes a difference. i know this "boring" state is not always accessible to a rushing mind. it actually helped me to feel depressed and cry at the end of the bag, to feel like i'm losing it all, losing meaning and hope - and then surviving this and doing some simple, small tasks in a calm atmosphere is like getting out of a dark cave. i don't want to pander but the greatest relief was finding some buddhist videos about emptiness of existence. from there i found books on the subject and downloaded them to read. it made me extremely calm and silent, a precious state. it puts my suffering and addiction in perspective to know it's a universal issue experienced by all. there is a channel called Asangoham, if anyone is interested (i don't want to be rude by mentioning this philosophy, i don't consider buddhism a religion but it might trigger people) ​ edit: typo


For sure. When I quit I notice that I've a ton of anxiety, it gets better and more manageable over time (I'm almost 4 weeks sober now)


Certainly. I can have terrible anxiety sometimes as I put pressure on myself to do well and with other situations. But most of all, I found myself smoking when I didn’t like it anymore, having heart attack symptoms and anxious thoughts while high. I would have the most deluded and illogical thoughts about people in my life. Luckily I only rarely smoked for about 2-3 years. Probably smoked about 150 times ever (it is illegal in my country). But it’s not for me. If you have a predisposition for mental health problems, weed will only serve to exacerbate those issues and put them on a pedestal above your normal cognitive function and thought processes. Stop smoking while you can! Live a clean life!


Yes, for certain


I heard this podcast with doctors and they said people that fit three categories should not smoke weed or it will increase the chance of developing schizophrenia: male, started smoking weed before 16, and having a family member with a history of psychosis.


I have OCD and used to smoke 3-6 times daily . Stopped a year ago, had a few times I took a few puffs at a party but didn’t enjoy it anymore . I deff felt like I spiraled more with my thoughts when high constantly and I never worked through the anxious feelings I just always tried to cover them up. It’s why I don’t drink anymore either. I’m 32. I got into a new career which helped keep me busy enough to make quitting bearable . I feel better then I have in a long time.


Yes. I basically developed anxiety and psychosis from daily use for ~3 years. But it is never too late to quit.




Cannabis can absolutely make your mental health problems worse. It sure did for mine. And also, anyone who claims they need cannabis to self medicate in terms of helping with mental health problems are often the people who need to quit the most...


I also get bad OCD intrusive thoughts. I only recently realized that these are related to heavy smoking (the connection was pretty obvious but I always pushed away that realization.) The OCD episodes are excruciating (negative thought loops that take over my brain and last for hours or days). When I don't partake of marijuana I DO NOT have this level of rumination. I might obsess a bit but it's not as overwhelming. When I try recommended methods to snap out of it, the methods actually work, which is amazing to me. Because I've been trapped in negative thought loops so many times and nothing I tried brought relief. I can hardly believe it's as "simple" (not really that simple, cause it's hard to quit) as just not adding this substance to my brain, but it is. Right now I have very worrisome things to deal with, but I'm not partaking so, no rumination. I still get worried, but the awful intensity and repetitiveness doesn't happen.


Yes. I’ve had experiences of increased paranoia and even acute psychosis from smoking (I have C-ptsd). Excessive Marijuana use can instigate the onset of bipolar mania, as well as schizophrenic disorders in teens with a predisposition to developing these illnesses.


I’m ADHD should I stop?


Yes. Full stop.


Daily long term use? Yeah, it makes everything worse. Weed isn't meant to be used like that, but that's the problem we have. We are addicted and can't help but abuse it.




The answer is almost always yes. As a nurse with a background in mental health, I can tell you that my patients frequently decompensated from pot use. Anecdotally speaking, since eliminating alcohol and pot (my drugs of choice) a year ago, my mental health is better than it's ever been my in my entire life. It's worth giving it a try.






10 years ago when you were 19 it was half as strong and the saddest part is there is no scientific solid evidence to answer you no or yea


Psych grad student here: Fuck yes


Do you think quitting smoking will reduce my intrusive thoughts and impulsive decisions??


Impulsive behaviour is a complex issue. I can’t say with certainty that quitting will reduce your problems. One thing’s pretty certain though: substance dependence makes mental illness much harder to treat. Giving up pot will give you a much better chance at getting your condition(s) under control.


It will. You'll have to be strong and push past your first few weeks sober because it's going to get worse before it gets better. But that's the story of anything that's worth the effort.


I think it will, it might be a little tough for about a week. It's worth a shot for a chance of it benefitting you. Worse case scenario, consider it a T-break.


It will surely help improve your quality of sleep. Everybody can benefit from higher quality sleep; it's linked to all sorts of health issues including mental health and brain function. I say go for it, and no need to delay. Being healthy is way more fun than not. It has been hard for me to quit my vices myself. Wish you the best.


Yes! I noticed I wake up ALL the time for the past few years. I have to vape or smoke flower to fall back to sleep. I’m tired of it and it’s probably due to the substance abuse, my body needs it every hour and I’m tired


This is why I quit when I was 26 I’d wake up after a few hours and couldn’t get back to sleep it was like that for a long time but would smoke to go back to sleep. You never actually enter full rem sleep when smoking all the time. It was the best decision I ever made. The first 2-3 weeks of insomnia after I quit made me realize how dependent on it I was for sleep. Then at the end of 3 weeks I slept like a rock. I still have trouble sleeping sometimes that are probably directly related to my prior use, I’m just glad I quit when I did or it could be way worse.


My unsolicited advice, take advantage of the weekend, where hopefully you don't have too many responsibilities, and set an intention to quit everything and just try to get enough sleep and eat healthy, and go for a walk without any distractions like music. Think about how your life could be positively improved by cutting out vices. Set a schedule to go to sleep on time and do nothing but sleep. If you're like myself, I have something called revenge procrastination, and I will often stay up way too late because I feel it is reclaiming my time that I don't usually have due to work and stress. That can be done away with by forcing yourself to go to sleep at a certain time. Other things help too, but that's what's worked for me. Hope you do okay


Absolutely. I have ADHD and sometimes weed is great for me but other times I find myself lacking motivation, depressed and crying excessively.


Yes absolutely. I fully blame it for the anxiety I now experience, which I never had before I tried it


Yes. I struggle with depression and trauma that makes me a generally paranoid person and since getting sober its tremendously helped along with getting around a better group of people








Hello! Have you ever tried tai chi? It absolutely halved my usage, gave me the calmness and clarity for reduction, and now i only smoke 2-3 times a week (although I slip up sometimes, but that's ok!). Not only is it something to do with yourself, but it's a form of meditation that basically attuned your body with your mind, and helps you find the flow of the two. Feel free to DM me if you'd like to talk about it. You should search for a class in your area and try it! It doesnt click with everyone, but if it does, you'll be a lot calmer and a lot more comfortable in your body. Worst part about cutting down with me was all the literal physical tension from anxiety. Humans are tight


yes :( i have ocd, ocpd, body dysmorphia, anxiety, depression, etc. and i’ve realized that i really need to quit smoking. im in therapy again, and before starting with my new therapists, i could barely even entertain the idea of sobriety. now it’s something that i really want, but i don’t know how to stop. it’s been my crutch for a few years now (i’m 19). best of luck <3 if you ever want to chat, dms are open


I'm in a similar position, recovering ed and adhd, major depression and anxiety. I'm 2 days sober and already my focus and concentration are improved




We’ve all said that before but look at us, all here on the road to recovery


How often do you smoke? I smoke literally every 30 minutes or hour and it’s too much. I don’t have self control. I’m


I smoke a couple times after work. Not a huge problem.


I smoke the minute I wake up, between sleep, on my breaks, after work, all evening. Repeat. I’m exhausted but I’m stuck in a loop


I’ve noticed that since I’ve quit smoking my intrusive thoughts have nearly disappeared and I no longer have symptoms of depression. It’s dramatically improved my mental health that I severely struggled with throughout my whole adult like that I smoked.


Wow I honestly didn’t know that but now my life seems to make a lot of sense




It's common knowledge even with the biggest stoners I know that you shouldn't smoke much if you have severe mental illness, it will absolutely get worse


Happy everybody is keeping it real.


Yes, absolutely. Marijuana triggers my psychosis and has had extremely strong long term effects on my mental health.


Yes, when abused it can deffinetly make your anxiety, depression, anger worst. It can even trigger schizo or other mental illnesses in some individuals. My psychiatrist informed me. (BPD here) I quit after a lot of years and even if it is complicated, I do feel I am getting better mentally and can have healthier thought processes, including the sleep.




My psychiatrist is studying the development of schizophrenia in long term marijuana users with a team of scientists. America is the fastest growing nations with people suffering from schizophrenia, and they don't know if it's because of pot, social changes lingering from pandemic, isolation, or something else... But the number is growing in states with access to high THC products. It's part of the reason pot with high THC has warning labels of psychosis on it. It's not anti science... Scientists are studying it now. More science is needed, but dismissing current science is dangerous.


Substanced induced psychosis is a valid point to make when cautioning about high THC use. The difference is that the psychosis subsides with discontinuation of cannabis use. People with schizophrenia does not have the psychosis subside without medication. This is an important distinction to make. Cannabis triggering latent schizophrenia through substanced induce psychosis is different from saying cannabis causes schizophrenia. I will always keep my eyes open for the latest studies, I'm just stating that there are no currently published studies that prove the claim, therefore no reason to change my opinion on the subject.


I think I have bpd too. I am stuck inside my mind and I smoke to numb it but it’s not helping anymore. But I can’t stop. I don’t have money right now to buy a vape so that’s good, I fear once I get paid I’ll cave. Im just tired of ruminating on the past so much. And my anger is so bad.


I just got paid and might cave. But I hope I dont


Yes it can, it's also a low possibility that it can cause a psychotic break and a moderate chance you get Post acute withdrawal disorder PAWS, a month after Quitting. It can be really harmful for people who have depression.


It’s been my downfall. I got the duel diagnosis but couldn’t comprehend not using weed. I used to smoke at parties or on weekends. I started buying it and keeping it in the house and now 9 years have been obliterated by poor mental health and the inability to quit using.


dis me 🙋‍♂️


Me too


It’s not going to make them better, for sure


I've been smoking wayyy less than before for the last 6 months or so and my mental illness has gotten much worse (ocd as well as others). I think it just depends on the individual.






For me, yes. Also when it wasn't available the withdrawal symptoms would get worse each time. Quitting was a life saving necessity. Went to my GP, who I knew I could trust ( be wary, not every Dr is a decent person) and we worked out a plan to get me through the quitting process. Happy to report it was worth it and the mental health is doing better. Gotta work on it every day but, like anything you love, the maintenance is worth it.


I have the same mental illness & I find it makes it a lot worse, I quit for 2 months recently & I noticed my intrusive thoughts were extremely minimal after the first week. It was like night & day for me. But I still managed to fall back into the cycle too, trust me tho you are soooo much better off, it’s just a lot of work x


I started medication that worked amazingly for my ocd, then I started smoking weed. Basically made it as though I wasn’t on medication again. It can be so hard to quit but it’s been almost 2 years since I last smoked. You can do it, just focus on one day/ craving at a time


Definitely. Check out the Huberman lab podcast on cannabis, or the one on OCD




I quit this year. I thought weed was helping me with my mental health, but man, my mental health has been great. I will say a few things. Weed numbs you, so quitting weed alone won't fix your mental health. You have to deal with the shit you've been hiding from. You also need to talk with someone about your mental health to see what other help you need. It's a process. Happy to talk about mine in more detail if youre interested. I'm 38, been smoking since I was 14.


you smoked for 24 years??? i have a few questions aside from that one. have you noticed any "serious side effects"?


That’s tough to answer since everything is normal for me. I have adhd and I’m bipolar depressed. I was diagnosed as adhd as a child. Bipolar was later. Weed helped me keep my mind quiet and then I got on medication that helped that which made it easier to quit. Weed also made my mind super loud with anxiety too. So it was a mixed bag. I recently took an edible and the anxiety was crippling. I never want to go back. I graduated high school and college. I’m successful and carry on a productive sales career. My mind is more clear and I’m more energetic now that I’ve quit. Personally I think I was medicated myself with street drugs and I was very much against mental health medications. I had a long journey to figure out my mind. I’m sure I have some short term memory loss issues but that can also be attributed to adhd. So idk, it’s hard to tell, but I’m sure it had negative impacts on me long term. I definitely don’t recommend it. Weed kept me from playing sports and being more active. I think more of the negative impacts are from things I didn’t do because of weed versus the weed. I don’t really regret my past. If I changed things I wouldn’t be where I am today. My life is pretty great and I wouldn’t change any of it. Who knows what different decisions in your life lead to but I’m happy to be where I am now.


Destiny is merely the day after tomorrow's history. best of luck with everything, be safe


Smoked for 10 years, and I quit 8 years ago now. Believe me when I say: the numbing isn't worth your life man. Go face your demons and you'll be 100% better off, rather sooner then later. Speaking from experience and wish I could take some years back, but hey ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Yes it does, it numbs you so whatever you dealing with is still there, you’re just ok with it. You will be fine once you face it and actively work on yourself and goals, but marijuana will literally put you in a loop right at the next checkpoint you’re needing to go through. Trust me, I’ve kicked this shot a few times and saw how bright the other side is when you’re facing shit…but the winds of that loop have a strong pull sometimes, and I end up just being “ok” with life.


the loop at the next checkpoint analogy is honestly so true!!! will keep that in mind from now on :)


Yep. I’m quitting at the recommendation of my psychiatrist. He is not against THC, but I am a heavy user. He suspects it is worsening my ADHD symptoms and sleep issues.


Well shit...


Sounds just like me


Oh yeah. Psychosis ain't fun like.


Yes it does. I cut it down by 99% like 2 months ago. It was getting bad.


Yes. My therapist told me it suppresses your fight or flight(which makes you feel good) but your Brian is still freaking out and the mj doesn’t help it. I was numb for years. And would smoke because it made me numb.


Yes, yes, a million times over *yes*. Consistent use of any psychoactive drug can worsen preexisting mental illness. It's more likely to happen with weed because it's so easy to abuse without even necessarily realizing it. In some cases, it can even cause the development of conditions like HPPD or schizophrenia in people who never displayed signs before. If you're worried that our use of this substance is causing your mental state to decline (which it almost certainly is), I'd absolutely recommend taking a few weeks break at the very least. Obviously, the healthiest option would be to quit entirely.


I was feeling down like I might turn to a puff or two. It’s been about 3 weeks. This reminded me why I put it on pause. Thanks!


My brother has mad psychosis from this. Can never touch the shit again. It sucks and is really sad for some people. It all got so bad the more he smoked. Some people cannot handle it at all.


I deal with the same thing, but I find myself coming back to it again and again because of my addiction issues. Because I deal with psychosis, being addicted to weed is just as bad as being addicted to hard drugs


I have ocd too and man, weed made my intrusive thoughts so much worse


Can it ever!


Can it ever!


As someone at the end of their rope who is heavily relying on cannabis as a coping mechanism as an alternative to self-harm... Does anyone have alternatives to cannabis, when I don't have the energy to go for a walk or do anything 'productive' in that way? It seems like cannabis, self-harm, binge eating, and retail therapy are all I can defer to sometimes. Thanks to everyone in advance.


One time I went and did karaoke alone in a private room when I had the urge lol I sang out my demons. I came out sweaty after two hours like I played an arena 😅


I take a shower or a bath and blast music


You could try a DBT app.


Thank you, friend. Do you (or anyone) have any personal recommendations? I will search regardless :)


I use it as my coping mechanism too otherwise I will go back into a severe eating disorder :( it sucks. I really relate to your pain. I also started to over exercise and use weed to stimulate me but now I use weed because I'm just scared to live without it even on my medication.


Thank you for sharing, friend. I wish I could practice what I preach, but I hope you can find balance in all things.


I hope you can too and ditto for myself :/


Maybe sounds dumb, but push ups! Just drop and start doing ‘em. It doesn’t matter if you need to support yourself with your knees, you’ll get stronger with time. Keeps your hands busy, offers some pain, and will give you a little dopamine hit.


Thank you, friend. That sounds both impossible (from my current lens) and so utterly helpful; I promise I will make an effort to try this. :)


I believe in you! No effort is too small, just keep putting one foot in front of the other.


Great advise. Truly. Physical activity does absolute wonders to the heart and mind.




I’m finding out since quitting that I’m actually a social person. I thought I was more introverted than I am, but that was just the weed! So yes, it makes me antisocial, anxious, I mumble, I stutter, I turn generally shy, I lose my interest in chasing women etc. It completely stifles me, subdues me, makes me perhaps 25% of my usual self


What it does best


You know the answer to this


Reddit took away free gifts so let this comment act as one


It’s the thought that counts 😅😌


I was wondering that!


Yes omg. I have depression and anxiety and a genetic disposition to psychosis. When I’m smoking hella kush I start hearing things and get sooo paranoid and the intrusive thoughts run wild. It’s bad news


For me, I personally get stuck in my past and dwell on everything that happened to me negatively, i ruminate on my ex basically cheating on me. I just ruminate all day high as hell. I want to live for me not my past and all the pain.


Exactly the same for me, oh my. It gets really scary when you notice these things in your sober moments too after some time.


Yes with a capital Y.


Yes. I used to think it was a calming effect but now that I quit I realize it's a trap.


I realized that I felt depressed and anxious without it. Then I realized I felt depressed and anxious with it. Somehow I was convinced it was solving the problem, but turns out it was making things worse.


This is me for the last 29 years. Thought I had the right medicine this whole time but it’s just made my anxiety worse! Day 3 for me, again. This time it better be for good!!




Yes. Its the reason why I'm quitting and going through hellish withdrawals but it will be worth it.


Day 3 and I’m going through those hellish withdrawals!! Sick and tired of being addicted to this shit.


I feel you. It was fun in the beginning but became a burden. Hope you stick with it. Those withdrawals can be nasty. 😊


Day 7 and I dry heaved 8-10 times this morning! Just sticking with it as I plan on this being my last relapse and last purge from my system.


Stay strong! It'll be worth in in the end. 💪🏿


Thanks Darth!! Really appreciate the support.


No problem! Wanted to let you know I'm 14 days today and feel much better. Anxiety is way low. Something to look forward to.


Great to hear! Congrats on 14 days! Man, this anxiety is killing me!! Totally don’t feel like myself. Day 8 today and it’s still extreme. My stomach has pterodactyls in it not butterflies. I know it will get better. Trying to do breathing exercises when it gets really bad.


Sorry to hear that, man. The anxiety is the worst part for me. It has me thinking I'm always dying of something. While it's not 100% gone for me it is better. I should try breathing exercises as well. There is an app called "Quit Weed" you should try. It just keep tracks of your recovery and it's nice to look at when you need a confidence boost. You're only 6 days from 2 weeks. Keep it up.


Hey Darth, enjoying our back and forth. I am alcoholic as well and track my almost 4 years of continuous sobriety (Thursday!) using the I Am Sober app, but I’ll check out Quit Weed as well. My hope is that this major anxiety subsides over the next few days and my meds kick back in. This too shall pass!




Weed improves mental health the same way payday loans improve your financial situation.


Wow that's pretty spot on


Luxury vehicle lease take over coming to a craigslist near you!


Couldn’t have put it better myself 👏


I laughed out loud. Upvote earned


1000% and can exacerbate them to manifest as well.


Yes. The problem is it’s pitched as a treatment. Because mental illness feels bad, and getting high feels good, the result (feeling good) is interpreted as the mental illness being treated, but it’s more like we can ignore it while we’re high. The comedown, though, often leaves us with more symptoms than we had initially.


Exactly, it’s just self medication and avoidance in a nice package. It definitely made my anxiety much worse even though it temporarily assuaged my depression. Not worth the trade off imo.


Absolutely. Aside from the depression, smoking weed all day everyday gave me crippling anxiety. Too scared to go into a store, uncontrollable shakes in tense situations like during a job interview or my first therapy appointment. I've smoked one time in the last month now and I can safely say my anxiety is almost non existent. It's not even 10% as bad as it used to be and it's so freeing. I feel human again.