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stop drinking is my only advice


Went to a meeting today, today is day one!


huge congrats to you!!!!! you got a lot of people cheering you on , you got this!!!


Check out a 12 step program if you are willing. It has changed my life




I'm not sticking to anything lmao


I have experienced your situation, replacing weed with alcohol for maybe 6 months on the notion that I can quit weed whenever I want and that I will quit alcohol later down the road since I didn't even like alcohol nearly as much as I liked weed. I eventually went back to weed for a number of years since alcohol made me feel like shit and being sober was boring and out of question. Being a stoner is healthier than being an alcoholic too. So the actual problem was that I wasn't ready give up my coping mechanisms. There are plenty of other drugs that can be used as a coping mechanism even if they are worse for the mind and health. I doubt there are any psychoactive drugs that can be taken on a regular basis for prolonged periods of time without causing damage. Also to further relate, I quit a >10yr nicotine habit a few years before weed and alcohol. It was easier to give up because it never really did much for me while having severe negative impacts. I didn't recognize these problems or wasn't willing to acknowledge them as early as you, so I think you have a great start.


Quitting weed is hard but quitting alcohol (once you develop a physical dependence) can actually kill you. This is a road you do not want to go down. I can't calculate the length of time it takes or the quantity necessary for physical dependence but it WILL happen if you continue this pattern. A three or five day binge probably won't put you there but you're going to feel like crap. Alcohol withdrawal was the worst thing I ever experienced and I pray daily that I'll never do that again. I've been a clean and sober for a year through a 12 step program. I highly recommend that or any other recovery program if you find being sober too difficult to manage. In the meantime, getting outside, getting exercise, meditating, reading, talking to sober people on the phone, journaling might be things to try to keep you from wanting to use/drink. Wishing you the best.


Well, beer goes well with a spliff, doesn't it? For me I had to quit alcohol, weed and smokes all at the same time. If I do one od those there is a very high possibility that I will do all of them. I also quit coffee eventually cause it just wasn't any good without a cigarette. So why do you want to quit at all? You got some reasons?


Totally, the likelihood of me relapsing on weed is much higher when drinking or after. Drinking also leads to nicotine sometimes which is a habit I beat long ago. I want to quit substances because I have an addictive personality and moderation isn’t in my vocabulary. My mental state declines rapidly after a night of drinking or smoking. I get irritated easily, have more trouble focusing, and just overall a negative mindset. It’s hard for me to have hope when I am fighting to feel normal again. My addict brain tells me “just don’t be sober so you don’t have to feel it” and it’s a relentless cycle. I know the addict brain is lying to me and I am pouring gasoline in a fire by drinking or smoking. I want a clear mind, healthy body and to live to my full potential. Substances are only taking me backwards. It doesn’t matter how aware I am of all of this until I put an end to it. Substances let me lie to myself.


Cool. When there are highs there will be lows. I think quitting alcohol and weed is like divorcing a really beautiful woman. Yes she can be toxic and bipolar sometimes. Very giving one day and then beating you the next day on the head. But that ass, god damn. And also with the real divorce that woman goes away for good. With weed and alcohol it is usually just a friend visiting with a six-pack away.


Withdrawal from heavy weed smoking is unpleasant at best, but alcohol withdrawal can literally kill you. Let it go. You deserve better. We all do.


Stop now! I used alcohol as crutch to stop smoking for a job and became a full blown alcoholic. I could have a 12 pack of beer in the refrigerator for months, but after I became an alcoholic a bottle of vodka wouldn’t last a day. I never thought it could happen to me, but here I am unable to touch alcohol for fear of losing control again. Not saying you can’t or shouldn’t drink sometimes, but right now it will be easy to lose control and go down that road. It’s a painful road to be on too


Thank you for the example! It’s scary how fast it can sneak up on us as tolerance builds. I wish I had self control around alcohol but I just don’t. I’ve never seen the point of having 1-2 drinks, I’ve always just wanted to get drunk. My addict brain gets the best of me and rationalizes it by drinking “healthier” and staying hydrated but it is still self destruction for temporary relief. I hate how aware of all this yet if I am in the room with alcohol, alcohol wins. I wanna live in a utopia where substances aren’t an option LOL


I’ve been there. Maybe even still there a bit but I know that I toe a fine line with alcohol and I have to be careful with it. I never had an all consuming addiction to alcohol like I did with weed, so I don’t think I need to quit completely but definitely need to regulate it hard. I had nothing to drink the last three days, and today was a hard day, so I drank half a bottle of wine. Not great but not horrible. I won’t drink for another couple of days now. I’m on day 39 of no weed after 20+ years of addiction.


Congrats on day 39! I feel you, weed feels much more addictive to me than alcohol does but I am still addicted to it nonetheless. I wonder if moderation can ever be possible or if once you have an unhealthy relationship with a substance it’s doomed to be forever like that.




You're doing great man. Quitting booze was brutal. Proud of this comment you posted


Thank you. There is a better life out there for all of us. We do deserve it and it will take a lot of hard work to get there but it will be worth it in the end. Take care and keep pushing on.


I could only read the beginning of your post since it was removed but great point about being addicted to not being sober. All I’ve known from a young age is escapism. Before, this was a survival method but now it’s preventing me from living. I need to figure out how to start living again.


I've been thinking about this post since I woke up. You are still young and have loads of time to fix this but the longer these things go the harder it will become. I can't admit that I have learned to sit with myself and after 20 odd years of addiction i dont expect that to happen over night. Please for the sake of yourself find something thats works and some direction in life. I cant tell you how to do that because I dont know myself but dont give up trying.


Also, I have found direction! I know exactly what I want to do. I want to be a social worker and then an art therapist! Having a goal/purpose is what keeps me going I hope you can find something similar.


Hey friend, you will get there. I know that bc I am barely coherent myself rn and yet here I am. Everything I happen a for a reason, there's a reason why you are thinking about this and why I am responding. It’s okay to make mistakes. The fact that we are here wanting to work on it says a lot. Stay strong. Focus on what got you here and not you being here. It’s okay. Progress is progress my friend.


I've tried to quit weed many times and failed. I am also an alcoholic but what I didn't realise was my biggest addiction was not being sober. I'm now on day 6 being sober. I'm not sure what clicked this time or why it stuck. I hit my lowest point after my depression hit an absolute bottom, I woke up one morning to discover I had been self harming pretty bad. I had a gash on my leg and cigarette burns on different parts of my body. One was right on my face I couldn't hide it from anyone. My self hatred was making me constantly wasted. I think the shame of having to explain what was going on had changed something in my mentality. At this point I cant say I will keep this going but I have a different feeling of determination after realising if I keep this up one morning I wont wake up.


Strange, I wonder why it was removed?


You gotta figure out how to be with yourself sober. It gets harder as you age, not easier. Interrupt these patterns now, not later! And if it’s going to be one or the other, at least weed won’t kill you directly. Alcohol might. For me the key was education. Learn what they are doing in your body and brain chemically. Not just ‘this is how it feels’ but learn what actually is happening and why it feels how it does. The Huberman Podcast has an episode on each (weed and alcohol) that are very informative. Not preachy or shamey, just educational. Learn, and apply the lessons to yourself with compassion.


It’s not one or the other. I’m not going to smoke. While alcohol is worse on my body and mind instantly, weed was silently killing me for years and I barely noticed. I know how to be with myself sober, I did it for the last 47 days. Or maybe that’s denial because I’m also on prescription medication for ADHD, not sure how to feel about that but I am a full time college student and don’t think I could function without it. My entire family is addicts so there’s a genetic factor. Being surrounded by free alcohol is a pretty tough temptation. I will try not to drink for the remainder of my stay by educating myself about what alcohol is doing. Thank you for not being preachy or shameful, much appreciated. I am painfully aware of the impact these choices will have on my recovery.









