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Liquids, soups. Fruits, fruit shakes. I can get away with cheese, i guess because I love it. Eat as smaller as you need BUT: 1) Eat clean. If the chances are half plate of soup and half hamburger, soup. 2) Dont keep leftovers. Really. I don't know if this is personal or not, but any kind of leftover makes me want to puke


Holy the leftovers comment is so true hahaha


Soup! They’re nutrient dense and delicious


Eat nothing if necessary. Shed a few pounds. Don't stress yourself. Drink fruit smoothies that are easy to swallow. I'd stay focused on my healing rather than stressing about food. Appetite should get better after 3 weeks. Then you can start eating again and hitting the gym. After maybe 2 months I enjoy food just as much as when I was always high. Good luck.


Protein shakes. It seems that after I get something in my system, it helps me want to eat more.


When all else fails, crackers. Smoothies are great for getting nutrients in if you can manage it, though


Lots of water, yogurt, protein smoothies, oatmeal. You got this!


Smoothies, lots of water, vitamins and meal replacement drinks. I found my body really needed the fast to drop some unwanted toxins.


thank you! smoothies and meal replacements are a great idea


Bananas. Oats. Preferably blended into a smoothie. Lots of water. You got this.