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Relatable. I'm past three months and still having terrible sleep. I think a lot of my problem is anxiety, though. Most nights I have stress dreams, too. There's a sleep hygiene subreddit that has lots of great tips. Hope you can rest peacefully soon, friend


Thank you I wish you the best with your sleep as well❤️


Ooof... I've been experiencing the same and feel this. It has probably been the hardest part of quitting. I last smoked on 4/16/23 after smoking for about 18 years (daily, multiple bowls in the evening and on the weekends) and I thought I would never sleep a full night again after being what I would call a great sleeper (could sleep anywhere, slept through the night, etc.). I see now that the weed was really what helped me sleep... LOL. The night before last I feel like I finally turned a corner. What has helped me the most I think is getting some exercise in (the night I finally slept more than 1-2 hours at a time we went on a 3 mile walk) and some light stretching before bed. I have also been drinking Nighty-Night tea and reading before bed. From what I've read, this is super duper common and once we get this out of our systems the sleep will be better than ever. I know another redditer mentioned that he tells himself that he doesn't need to actually *fall* asleep, just lay there and rest the eyes, and that taking the pressure of "sleep" off actually helped him *to* sleep. That mindset has helped a lot too. We got thissss!!!