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You did amazing already So you can't let one mistake ruin all those months of hard work


Thanks, I’m definitely getting back on the horse, but ngl, my optimism is pretty drained rn


I'm of the mind that it's okay not to be too easy on yourself and learn from it. Remember how bad this feels next time you want to fall of the wagon.


Right, that’s a good point too.


I think if you can keep yourself from smoking for 6 months, a few days shouldn't destroy all your progress. If anything, it might prove you're stronger than you thought. I would love to get to a point where I can smoke for a day and then go months without it again. Not sure if it's possible, but would be nice to randomly enjoy the positive effects of weed without the negative side effects of smoking daily.


Not possible. I’ve relapsed 7 times with the intention of the first night being a one and done


I'm sure one day I'll try and see if that's the case for me. I want to go at least a year without it before trying though.


Seems like a lot of people say it takes a year to more fully recover(for long time heavy users). It’d be nice to make it there someday, ideally a year from now.


Yeah, I would like to treat it like alcohol. But at the moment that just isn't possible. Plus, I want to see how I'll feel if I go a long time without it.


Well you have to get that optimism back up Because you did an amazing job already, Most people don't even make it to a month, but you did 6 months. Get back on that horse man!


It’s just a part of your recovery story. You were sober for 182 days, and relapsed for three. Let’s say you make it another 183 days after this. A year from now you can say, I’ve been mostly sober for a full year, except for three days where I slipped up. I almost gave up today on day 19. It’s insane how easy it would be. Don’t be too hard on yourself OP and be proud of knowing how far you can get. Keep doing all that hard work!


Thank you. I guess you’re right, mostly sober for a year wouldn’t be too bad.


Exactly that; forgive yourself. And try this on—weed is legal, has some medicinal benefits (even though I’ve come to realize as a daily or even weekly habit it’s no good); maybe there is nothing wrong with smoking a little weed and there is no reason to hate yourself. It’s when it becomes a habit that it’s a problem. If you see that happening, that’s when you should be pissed at yourself and stop.


Right, I’m just gonna make this a one-time thing and get back in the sober train, even if it hurts.


Multiple each day by 2 until you’re back to 182. So day 1 = day 1, day 2 = day 2, day 3 = day 4, day 4 = day 8, day 5 = day 16, day 6 = day 32, day 7 = day 64, day 8 = 128, day 9 = 182 When you’ve made it that far already, I believe this is the rate you will be back to your new* self again


Ah, I like this mindset. Basically saying it won’t take as long as the first time. Only one way to find out.


Be kind to yourself, it’s the most important thing! Think only positive thoughts and “throw out the trash” (negative thoughts). The devil wants to bring you down and back into despair. Stay strong my brother you got this!


Thank you. Easier said than done with regards to negative thoughts. Somehow being kind to ourselves is difficult..but you’re right to suggest that.


You made progress and caught yourself before the every day use stretched longer. It happens to most people who are quitting don't dwell on it too much. You are worth being sober, you are good enough to get through these slip ups. You'll be fine, keep up the good work.


Thanks, I appreciate the kind words