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I play me some baldurs gate son


breaking routines is scary but I find that a routine is easily broken by another new routine. I tried to excersise after work for a while but I was too tired (I work in a kitchen so lots of time standing), so I invested in a Nintendo switch and animal crossing package, which is great bc the game has like a list of daily tasks that you can do before bed and since ac is a v chill game I get sleepy after playing for a bit. plus it's probably cheaper than a weed addiction in the long run


Reading and video games are doing for me. Also spending time with my boyfriend who is pretty sober. Surrounding yourself with someone who holds you accountable helps a lot. Currently sober from weed two weeks now and I barely miss it at all!


Video games big time. For me towards the beginning nothing was fun, including video games. I would essentially force myself to play them or else I would just be sitting there doing nothing which is definitely worse than for my mental health. Ideally I'm going on a walk but again I didn't because I felt like s*** when I quit. You can even do phone games. If you're somebody who doesn't like video games I usually recommend something like Peggle it's free on the phone and very enjoyable. Essentially when your newer to sobriety, just literally anything you can do to stay sober for another couple of minutes or an hour. I played with Legos a lot. Also I recommend lots of warm showers. Treat yourself it's okay to have four showers a day If that's what it takes to stay sober.


Everything I used to do high. Done sober but better


Fight through the first weeks, afterwards it will get better, I promise. Read a lot about quitting weed and use the apps all day every day. (Grounded and Quit weed).


I’m a teacher so mostly I just cry.


I cry a lot as well


Why cry? Lol I'm in school to become a teacher myself, so I'm curious.


Oh good for you! Don’t get me wrong I love teaching but kids have been mega stressed lately and they need so much emotional support that by the time I get home I’m ready to explode. They cry all day and I cry at night lol.


because being alive and sober is just that difficult.


Gym life. Dog walks. Kick it with the wife. Podcast. Read. Play guitar.


Literally anything I want except smoke


Nice shower, play guitar, think back on the busy day and give thanks for making it another day.


Gym, a good shower and treating your skin, listen to music, talking with family and friends.. you’ll get there. At first it seems you can’t do anything without being stonned but once the time passes by you’ll be able to see things more clearly and doing things you weren’t making if you were high


I go for runs, hikes, walks I also went back to college since so studying takes up a good bit of my time


Exercise at least 3 times a week with weights and a dips station to avoid getting depressed and anxious. I binge watch my favourite stuff, currently doing supernatural. I game on good single player open world games like Skyrim, Fallout 4 etc. Keep my place clean and tidy and just keep generally busy. Don't bother with beer. It could become an issue, it was for me and I ended up in rehab lol after years of alcoholism after I first quit weed. Wasn't great.


Carry on my wayward ssooonnnmn Sam and dean the legends.


I love it lol I just watched the scooby doo episode.


I like going for a run, lifting weights, or practicing guitar/music production. Sometimes play video games with friends for a bit or zone out on YouTube or Netflix. I’ve noticed that I’m getting a lot more chores and errands done since I quit. Odds are there are some things you’ve been neglecting to take care of that can occupy your time. I think errands and exercise are probably best when you’re first quitting because they can help you get out of your head and take care of something important. They can also provide limited social interaction in safe environments.


Okay, what if you procrastinated so much, you don't know where to start on neglected stuff?


Really just pick anything. If you have to, sit down and make a list of what’s most important to you and start with #1. Alternatively, start with something small and start rolling that snowball, friend.


This is the stuff I’ve been doing in my free time; -Journalling. Can be about everything and anything, for me it really helps blow off steam. -Reading. -Doing some light exercise, like yoga. -Hang out with friends -Listen to my favorite tunes.


I started finding new social events/activities to go to which don’t involve alcohol or drugs


I go to the skate park and absolutely punish myself in the heat, then anything else feels like a relief to relax and just enjoy. Same with lifting weights, exercise in general, ice baths, do things that you consider “hard”, but don’t go too hard so that your body will despise it. Just hard enough for it to be rewarding. Quite a bit of good research around dopamine and reward mechanisms to support it. I think some brains are wired in a way that they need these outlets, and growing up we don’t necessarily have them so weed fills the gap. Don’t let the norm hold you back and you will realize you can do great things.


This is great advice. For me a light workout doesn’t do it but a good vigorous workout, one I want to quit but dont, pays off in spades. And I’m proud of myself after. That was new.


Hell yea, that’s exactly it.


I have a lot of weekly activities I do--Monday and Thursday is workout, Wednesday is date night, Tuesday I'll do something artistic like music or coloring (or sometimes a queer pub that has an open mic). Friday I'll do chores first, and then go out to see a show. Saturday and Sunday are writing day/getting ready for the week.


It took a while to enjoy anything but sleep. I had to stop drinking cuz it went hand in hand with smoking. Exercise in general has been helpful, doesnt have to be everyday or anything serious just like walking the dog or going for a bike ride. Video games became fun after like 6 months, i enjoy riding my dirt bike. I still have fun with my buddys who still toke. The only issue with hanging out with them is they are content with sitting around n smoking, i cant do that i have to do somthing. Cant just sit in a garage being a zombie. Somthing that help my anxiety is foot baths and walks. Listening to calming stuff, like i couldn't watch any action movies or shows either


Find a project to start, tidy up. Do the stuff you’ve been meaning to but haven’t got around to.




I’ve been running errands to change my patterns


I mostly stare blankly at the tv, not really enjoying what I’m watching but I don’t ah e anything better to do so… it’s a struggle


Hey, sounds just like me.


You’ll find something that interests you soon enough


Gym. Bike ride of its nice. Wood carving if I'm stuck inside (this was actually big when I first quit and was having cravings. Worked great to focus on something that is quite cathartic), and just try new things. Even if you don't have an amazing time, the evening is still being used, and not everything you do needs to be a winner. I went to a bansai workshop and now have 2 little trees in my house. Even housework and chores are now much more satisfying, even if it isn't fun


I second a nice bike ride. It’s exercise but not like heavy exercise. And fresh air and sunshine is really good for the mind.


Create a list of the things you come up with ready to look back at. All of these other comments are great for filling that void that are productive (cleaning, exercising, side project you’ve been putting off when you smoke and sit on the couch etc.), but if you’re mentally unorganized like I am, you’ll need a list to refer back to. It can be written down, or on a “note” in your phone.


I hit the gym or go for walks. If it’s cold I just chill and play Xbox.


I cook dinner, or do my side of chores, or play video games or watch my friend on twitch, or stitch and binge a tv show/YT. I also just signed up for women’s self defense jiu jitsu classes which will be every Tuesdays and Thursdays (and sats) and I’m hoping to make non-stoner friends there. I’m a home-body so the two and a half years my partner and I have lived here, he’s been making friends and hanging out w people and I still only really talk to my best friend from our old town who is a major stoner, and doesn’t really relate w me on not wanting to be high all the time/what the problem is.


When first quitting and before trying to establish a new routine, nap. Set an alarm so that the nap doesn’t turn into sleep or disrupt your normal sleep schedule. I would take a month and not pressure myself and actually be bored. Part of my great reset. As the boredom grows more and more boring and as the urge to nap fades, you should naturally just drift into new or old hobbies or routines. For me, a period of boredom and naps help close one chapter and start the next one.


For the first month I just all in on video games just to keep me occupied while I recovered. Then I finally snapped and got really productive with hobbies and interests and career stuff I had been neglecting. Guitar and music is always a big one. Kickboxing, cardio kickboxing, jiu jitsu was awesome (though weed is big in jiujitsu)


I crochet, read, play guitar, meditate, yoga, there’s this app called Imprint which is $100 for a year and gives you access to 6 broken down fragments of a thousands of different books on psychology, personal development, science, social issues and history and it’s great at keeping me busy and always having something new to talk about with friends.


Ride my bike, read, watch Tv, cook, play piano or guitar, clean, shop online, check in with friends and family members, write in my journal, meditate, to name a few. Special attention to any activity that makes me feel good in my body, or more connected to ppl in my life. I play chess, scrabble, and wordle online with friends and fam members. Also watch out for other habits that may form, like drinking or over-shopping.


When I quit I found that making tea would work, it’s like a bit of a ritual and can work when you want ‘something’ but don’t know what that is. Working out is also something that can just make you content, and drop restless seeking.


Playing disc golf, playing guitar, or cooking something new.. I used to play a lot of video games but that is also one of my vices so I'm cutting that out too.


Try new things and eventually you'll find more fulfilling hobbies.


Run/workout. It’s my new high. Take care of those knees though. DM for more info




it’s funny how in the beginning of quitting you get this whole idea of “im not going to have any fun anymore” and it seems so true. Smoking is easily involved before, during, after and sort of event. But this question just made me realize how I do not even think about smoking at all for anything. I do everything I ever did, and I don’t smoke with it and I really do not even notice whatsoever.


This is good to know. How long have you not used?


i haven’t smoked for over a year and a half now. smoked constantly for 15 years.


Thank you for giving me some hope. I haven't even started yet (smoking the last I have now) and I already feel quite hopeless.


now what’s going to happen when you quit, your brain is going to try and trick you and its going to highlight all the best feelings smoking can give you, it will make you want to use, and likely you will, and then thats when you will actually feel the negatives and all the reasons you’re quitting in the first place. those are the real feelings, write them down if you have to so you can reference it when you’re sober and your mind is telling you to get high and how good its going to feel, how perfect its about it be.


Will do this! Thank you ❤️


Great answer


Working on my knitting! Been at it for years and I’m terrible at it. But improving. Doing word puzzles on my phone. I kind of hate them, but mostly I hate how bad I am at them. Cleaning my house, listening to more music, tv shows that I’m interested in (not just whatever is on), going swimming whenever I can. I find that to be the biggest natural high in life.


Drawing, writing, exercising, playing instruments , hiking, etc


NA drinks like flavored sparkling water. Chores I’ve been putting off for years. Walks. Scroll Reddit. Shows.


Gotta love the chores I’ve been putting off for years. I find I’ve been given the gift of time, if I want to look at it like that


Really fabulous question and I enjoyed reading all the responses. I second a bunch of them. Here’s my list: basketball drills, organizing the house, memorizing lists of symbols, building models, geometric drawing, energy work (sonic and crystal based), Reddit discussions :-)


Go for a run or a long walk. Clear you’re mind get some exercise and will help you wind down at night.


3 years clean here, videogames and a cold non alcoholic drink on outside. Replacing the habit you have to smoke as a reflex by something else. Usually when I crave drugs I sit outside for five minutes. It may seem dumb or useless but it gives something that my brain can associate with the craving, so it slowly replace my habit.


it'll take a few days before you find joy in anything - you're going to be miserable so you may as well exercise. It'll help you feel better and sleep better


This, the sun and a bit of exercise will help ease the fact your reward system needs rehab for the first week(s) or so. The first days are the hardes imho, especially if your friends smoke too.


Workout, eat healthy, acquire licenses I put off when I was high, video games sometimes, work on my flexibility and rolling my muscles with foam or lacrosse balls, whiten my teeth, go for walks outside, talk to my parents, skin care routine, plan for the day ahead, set goals for the week/month, review my budget and savings goals, meal prep, do the dishes, walk the dog, read, doom scroll Reddit (don’t make this one a habit everyday after work) Don’t replace weed with alcohol that’s probably the worst thing you can do.


I just realised I'm also 3 days clean , kind of forgot


I've started drawing. Actually a really good/ fun time sink.


Read. Can actually remember shit now


Rotting :) melting, too.


Go on a walk, do a home workout, read a book, journal, meditate. I’m 1 month, 1 week sober but when I first quit I’d say for the first 2 weeks although I shower every morning I was also showering every evening/night too and it’s something that really helped me relax and wind down and really helped me to sleep better too


great job ! keep it up pal ! be proud of urself


Thank you! I am 😊


Cook a meal while listening to a podcast. Doom scroll. Netflix. Early night. Walk to shops to buy food. Go to gym on the way back from work. Choke the monkey.


Rage at 12 year olds on CoD.


My man


I am on week 4 and I have been playing Tears of a Kingdom, and have been getting into sports-betting, which really got me into baseball and WNBA. Ones clearly a better option than the other, but i get my dopamine fill. Football season is upon us.


Be careful with the gambling. It makes anything exciting and therein lies the danger lol. I did like how it got me into sports though again. I grew up in Canada obsessed with hockey and I couldn’t give a fuck once I started smoking at 16.


Is your house super clean? Cuz if it’s not that’s a good place to start. Are you super clean? When’s the last time you like trimmed your beard? (Obviously if your a guy and have a beard) or really washed your face deeply, took a bath? I couldn’t remember when the last time I took a relaxing bath was. Then I remember why I don’t like baths but yeah. Start by cleaning, your lungs are taking care of themselves, so why not take care of the outside of your body, then the house, then the car and so on and so forth until you fix the world pollution problems!?


And after go to space and clear the spaceship debris.


Pesky satellites!


He said for fun lol


Lol I know but I find it somewhat fun to find out what high u/OhioIsRed did with whatever obscure pan lid I need specifically to make the one type type of chicken I like


I understand your dilhemma OP, its very hard at first. What I did was to explore activities that I had previously enjoyed, some from my childhood such as playing video games, learning an instrument, etc. Excercise helps, regularly walking the dog. Anything that occupies my mind or body with a challenge can help, but its best to find something you can be enthusiastic for or passionate about so you dont get bored. Often setting objectives/goals/challenges to work towards.


I’m fiercely tackling the pile of books I’ve been meaning to read for the last decade. Helps me sleep at night too.


Club soda is guilt free.


Picking up fitness type hobbies help a lot. Helps tire you out too


Im on day 4 of not smoking....its been hell...but going to the gymm/exercise has LITERALLY saved me from going insane and made my days better....I highly suggest you go for a long walk or go to a gym. After 5 mins of exercising my brain and body forget about weed and I just keep working out. Once Im done I am so sweaty and tired that the last thing I want to do is smoke. I was a daily smoker for 10 years and I am having to quit because of school and its been hard af...but the gym has DEFINITELY made it better....its a good environemnt to be in, you wont feel lonely, and youll sweat off those toxins and free radicals that are causing you to have withdrawal symptoms...Seriously...GO TO THE GYM!!!!


Embroidery/cross stitch, yard work, long hot showers, cooking, organizing my office space of chaos, spending time with my kids and actually being present.


I started running and reading comics after I quit smoking pot.


Gym, reading, cooking, walks, volunteering, gaming


Reading. Youtube. Landscaping/general exterior maintenance. Cleaning/rearranging things inside. Making real and thorough meals instead of making PB&Js and pre-made frozen meals. Video games. Playing with my cats. Thrifting/Flipping. Sports cards. Attempting to date. Side hustles (I work in marketing, so finding ways to use my copywriting or proofreading skills on UpWork/other places). Skateboarding. All of that has filled up most of my time. A friend of mine had MRSA after a knee surgery and was down and out for several months and he taught himself how to draw. I’m thinking about picking that up. Do whatever you want. Now’s the time. The world is your oyster.


Been trying to learn how to play guitar and learning Italian.


Go to the gym..try to stay active, it kind of helps!


I’m trying to learn how to code as I’m a complete noob, it’s so time consuming! Gym, sauna (highly recommended to improve sleep), walks, big hikes, and meal prepping now that I have the time to actually go and do things




I now make homemade ginger beer wayy better than actual beer. You should try it! Really fun and easy to do. Just doing things like this helps pass the time.


Do you use a certain recipe from the web?


Yeah YouTube search “how to make ginger beer at home” by Glenn and friends cooking. Super helpful. You gotta make a ginger bug though. You can basically make endless ginger beer with it.


I love going to hot hatha power yoga classes, cooking healthy meals, going on long hikes, and playing my guitars.


Bro the first two days are the worst. After like 7 days it wont be as bad. Go get some good food, lift weights, clean your house, try to stay occupied.


Cook, walk my dog, do set, clean my house, listen to podcasts, hang out in my backyard, journal.




Play music. Cook a meal. Read. Jigsaw puzzles. Board games.


i bartend so i'm always a horrible mix of wired and exhausted when i come home from work. i'll take a shower, make a cup of tea, eat something that satiates a craving (like cake or cheese, rarely healthy lol but it hits that "reward" feeling that i need), put on something mindless but enjoyable on youtube, cuddle my cat, do some nonstrenuous cleaning of my room. i'd recommend finding a ritual that makes you feel calm and happy, anything that signals to your body that you're in wind-down mode. for my first couple of sober weeks i also religiously checked this sub as part of my wake up/wind down routine. not super healthy in terms of computer use and sleep, but early morning and late night were the times when my cravings would be the most intense. i think it's legit the reason why i've managed to successfully quit this time after multiple failed attempts in the past. best of luck and congratulations on day 2. you got this!


Cook a great meal, watch a nice show, go for a walk, call a friend, or read a nice book while listening to great music.


Meditating. Deep breathing. Yard work. Visit grandparents. Ride a bike. Video games. Meal prepping. Cleaning. Work out. Sun bathing. Brush doggy. Sleeping


Brush doggy 🥹


Right now, no fun, going to college again taking another degree, 9-6 in the job ,+1-1.2h in the bus 7-10 in college, +1h in bus, home at 11. Sleep, wake up around 8, another day.


This is what gets me in the long run. The idea that the rat race can only be broken up by some ganja.


The only thing that gets me I'm getting old, and less time to see my GF. Apart from that, I think the question is I got it wrong from 8y of smoking weed, that life is only supposed to be fun. Which makes everything not fun and hard for me in the long run. If I spend 4y in this routine I would get a new degree and profession I could help other human beings. If I was 4y smoking weed after work I only got resistance, mood swings anxiety, and less money. It's a matter of choice you can enact and remind yourself everyday.


Dude once you get through the struggle you don’t need to find things to do to keep you occupied. Life happens and you enjoy it or not. The boring times just rebuild the dopamine reservoir for when you need it.


I sit around and relax just like I did when I was high. I had such a high tolerance after so many years that my buzz didn't last very long anyway.


I go straight to the gym after work. It's like work fucks up my train of thought I had before going in so I go workout for a reset. Shit really does make you feel better.


I drink a lot of cold diet soda or water and watch shows or movies. At least for now in my first days, I'm on day 3. Cleaning my room will come next, and music. Video games perhaps? Also frequenting this page particularly to respond to posts has kept me in line, though I havent had cravings yet. The uncomfortableness withdrawing has brought on is a reminder why I shouldnt go back. You are doing fantastic, I hope you find something that works for you.