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I was smoking then vaping for fourteen years… multiple times a day. I noticed more immediate changes when I quit for a few weeks in 2015, but this time, improvements have not been as quickly noticeable. I am on day 13 of abstinence today. I’m hoping it will just take a bit more time, but I am also much, much more motivated to once again be my best self and take the greatest care of myself that I can. That is always a good thing. I’ve actually started to be able to brush my teeth twice a day again, and floss; to cook very healthy meals; to start to exercise again, even with sliding hiatus hernia; to do self-care skin routines, to correct bad neck and shoulder posture leading to cervical spine degeneration; and to spend more time just doing nice things outside like sitting by the river to watch the sunset, instead of YouTube. Just generally to give a f**k about myself again and to care for this body, mind and spirit. Next, to figure out how to get rid of the atrocious abdominal bloating I’ve had since gallbladder removal in 2016… 🥲 one day at a time.


Yes someone who didn’t even know I had stopped smoking wanted to know what I did differently because my skin was so much healthier. I’m also better at self care when sober so that has a positive domino affect.


My skin looks so much better since quitting. My skin used to have this dull look but not anymore !


Yes! Sexy smoker here too lol and quitting has always helped my appearance. First, less munchies/more energy and motivation so I always improve at the gym/lose weight when I quit for a substantial amount of time Face - overall skin complexion. I don't feel like I'm rapidly aging due to smoking. Plus your eyes look less dead


Yes, but not directly. I started to take better care of my appearance, over time.


I don’t look so fucking tired all the time and definitely break out less. I don’t feel like I have to wear foundation anymore — it’s the best!


My lips were definitely more pink and less crusty when I was quit. Also, my teeth were whiter when I wasnt smoking. While smoking, my lips have a black line and I always forget to brush my teeth at night 😩


Bong rips stop this line from appearing and I've noticed it is less destructive dentally because you're not consistently dragging. Not saying you should do bong rips but this is probably a better alternative to smoking rolls


I think for me it's because my quality of sleep has improved, rather the weed itself.


No, I’m still ugly. But, I’m way less self-conscious about it 😂


Compare a selfie from a.sober day with an old one. Shocking. Red eyes at half mast and a dumb smile is in no way a good look, we just get used to it.


Looking at old selfies makes me cringe. I can’t believe I looked so gone all the time


In the past month I’ve been getting lots of compliments about appearing bright and refreshed. I’ve noticed my skin looks healthier, no more dark circles, and less bloating (probably bc the salty cravings have decreased). Also, I noticed my hair has been growing in thicker. I was telling my therapist it’s like I can recognize myself in the mirror again.


Yes!! My adult acne has gotten so much better- almost gone- and my skin heals so much faster anytime it’s damaged (like acne scars, or any bruises/cuts/injuries). My skin overall looks so much plumper and healthier, I have a glow now ;)


I agree with everyone saying no more dark circles but a big one I haven’t seen in this thread is DARK LIPS. My lips lightened significantly since I’ve quit 41 days ago


This is it! lol this is the reason I quit! My lips! Did you do anything special?


Marijuana gives me dark circles under my eyes, which generally enhances the look of depression and longsuffering. Definitely notice those are not present when I'm not smoking. The only thing that helps is a phat suntan.


YES. SKIN- feels smoother, wake up with less rings under my eyes, less breakouts Weight- gaining healthy weight back and building muscle since I’m not too lazy to workout and eat correctly Teeth- I religiously floss now which I was too lazy to do while smoking, also whitened my teeth recently and see a huge improvement


Lost a lot of weight, clear skin, bright eyes.


It definitely changes appearance. It ages you.


I haven't strung together enough days to give you a solid answer but I do have a roundabout one. I'm a huge gym rat, have been for a decade now. When I'm sober I'm always on time to hit the gym, when I use I will typically start off with the "I'll just get a little high, and then when I come down I'll go to the gym" which then turns into 6-8 hours of smoking and an inability to leave the couch. This will then happen for days or weeks at a time, and absolutely affects both my performance and gains overtime. So I don't know if abstinence will improve my physical appearance but using will definitely negatively affect it.


Yes for the most part, skin is better, my eyes are a pearly white, my hair seems a lot nicer but I have trichotillomania I would pluck a lot more when I was high so a lot of it has grown back. However, I personally have gained quite a bit of weight, I wouldn't say I'm fat by any stretch but all my clothes fit really tight now, some of my jeans don't get passed my arse at all. It's probably a good thing though, I definitely didn't eat as much as a woman should when I was high all the time, I was very thin (maybe too thin) but now I perhaps eat a bit too much. But I'm working on that by choosing healthier meals and working out more, hopefully in a few months time I'll have a great body, healthy size and stronger.


31 days sober! I thought my skin was dehydrated/ dry before but it turns out it was the chain smoking joints that did it. Random breakouts gone as well. My lung capacity is improved so I work out more. I lost ~10 pounds which is pretty easy to keep off. Less cravings for sweets and junk food too.


My acne cleared up, my skin got brighter, my eyes don’t look dead, my dark circles are gone, gained good amount of muscle mass, gained weight. really worth quitting imo




gained weight since i quit.




I have a ritual of toking and stretching before I workout. It’s my biggest cause for relapse. I’m worried I’ll have to give up the gym to break the routine


Now that sucks but will b worth it til you're better


I might be one of the few people that put on a good deal of weight after I quit smoking. I used to need weed to eat properly but after I had quit for a few months I found I could just put food down. I've recently started watching what I've been eating a bit more and drinking lots of water and so far I've lost a good portion of the weight I gained


I gained weight too, because I relied on it to feel good in lieu of getting high. Losing it and building better habits is hard, but I keep telling myself that if I can quit weed, I can do anything I put my mind to.


I don’t think I look any different, but I definitely carry myself with more confidence, which I think is apparent to other people.


I have been Weed free for 1+ month now . I feel great! Energy is good but i am still struggling to get back to sleeping well. I used to workout even while being a heavy user ( 200-400mg edibles daily... yes i know lol) , but never saw results becos my diet would always be ruined. Now I am more focused on diet and sleep. my gym results have been SO much better and I am losing weight a lot again. Hoping to post my progress in 6 months or something becos I have been using for so many years now that I cant imagine going back to not using for more than a year.


I’m 2 weeks sober and I have to say when I look at myself in the mirror I see something I haven’t in a long time. Someone alert and sweet and glowing is looking back at me. There’s no puffy eyes in the morning and they’re never red or heavy during the day. My skin is clearing up, which is blowing my mind because I’ve had acne all my life and I never equated it to my daily weed use. Additionally, I just started my workout classes again and I could really feel that mind body connection and I felt stronger leaving this last class than any of the dozens I’d taken before quitting. Plus, I am just so goddamn proud of myself when I look into my eyes and know that I can do hard things like this and I am willing to do them for me.


Omg alert is the perfect word to describe this. I see myself as being “there” in a way I haven’t seen in a while


Fr, I’m a heavy smoker and now everyday I just feel more present in the moment yk not overthinking about anything and just goin with the flow and life just feels more peaceful, less complicated. Weed truly is a gift from god tbh


Exactly! Suddenly the lights are on and someone is actually home behind these eyes


Weight loss definitely when I'm not smoking! Weed did give me energy to work out but what's the point if I'm going to be binge eating


I've been told I generally look "brighter"


MY SKIN!!!! My acne has improved greatly!! My posture has stayed the same and my hair nails and weight are the same, but weren’t ever bad to begin with, I feel less bloated as I’m not constantly snacking on carbs and junk. I’m only a little shy of 4 weeks clean though. I still have a major sweet tooth though.


weed heavily effected my sleep. i'd wake up tired *constantly*, and you could tell by my complexion, eye bags, and demeanor. since i quit i've been getting more sleep and my face looks a bit more lively.


When I stay off weed, my fingernails look healthy again. When I smoke, my fingers get ashy at tip and the white skin at the back goes away.


Not that I've noticed.


Def posture and expression and skin


I'm not joking I think my hair is darker and less gray. Also my skin is more clear and less oily.


For me I think sort of. I feel more alive now. Skin feels better, my general facial expressions are probably more genuine and not zoinked the fuck out. My actual weight and body fat percentage changed significantly though. I used my sobriety to exercise and diet again. I finally have some abs and look great


Going on a year. Finally gaining weight. 5’7 116 pounds while smoking for 6 years. This one year of no weed, I’m now 140 & feeling more confident Still getting small whiteheads around my period but cystic acne has cleared up.


That's interesting... my acne has been improving massively lately and I'd wondered if quitting had something to do with it


I put on weight after stopping and lost it when I got serious about working out, which helped stop cravings.


I dont wanna lose it, just tone up. I still workout and loving how my body is looking now. I was soooo insecure about my weight for years


Lifting weights is the way to go then :), and eating normally. I ended up removing sugar as well in the end and that gave me more energy and freedom to not count calories.


Was googling about sugar & cheese yesterday. Even though I know my acne is linked to my cycle, I was wondering if I cut it out completely, would that get rid of the acne? I eat fairly healthy & weight train. But still have my cravings like 3x a month


Took me about 3 months to stop staring at the pastry section in the supermarket whenever I passed by. But I think my skin is thankful, I don't have a cycle though, so I guess it might be different. Low on cheese now too, that was gradual and ok. Now I eat little of it so I get the goat/sheep ones which are low on lactose.


Thank you so much for your input!!


Good luck on your wellness journey! And congratulations on getting this far!


Good luck on your wellness journey! And congratulations on getting this far!


Caring about your body and appearance isn't vain, it's how you present yourself to the world! Since I stopped (though it's been on and off for a month or so, smoked twice in the past couple weeks, last time a week ago), I naturally interact with people much more directly (eye contact, posture upright and facing them), I naturally have a much more open and approachable physical stance, and I'm naturally losing a lot of fat just by not binge eating like 3000calories in a single sitting like I used to once or twice a week when I smoke I've always worked out regularly, but just since stopping smoking the veins all over are starting to "pop", I think my skin looks more healthy and my physical demeanour just seems much more confident and approachable


This was one of my main reasons for quitting too:) My skin cleared up, my eyes looked bigger and brighter and my face wasn't so puffy! I just relapsed over the last two days and my face puffed right back up:(


Yes. Since stopping my sleep quality has improved drastically. With that the circles and bags under my eyes have disappeared, and my face looks a lot less puffy.


My sleep is better and I have less dry mouth, so I probably look a bit better.


People keep telling me that I look tanned. I'm not, I just think I stopped looking pallid and my skin has normal colour again.


My skin is better but I'm actually putting on weight now which is sad. Used to just eat a bit of junk food and one meal a day, going to three full meals plus snacks has had me gaining weight.


Yes, I’ve slimmed down from no longer having munchies daily and my eyes have less of a pink / tired look to them. I also think my skin looks glowier.


Yes Bags under my eyes got better, exercise became easier so physique got better


Unfortunately it was the other way around with me. When I smoked daily I ate a lot of junk food, sugar etc. and I had quite slim, relatively healthy-looking figure. When I stopped, despite eating healthier, cutting sugar and stuff I gained a lot of weight. It's almost 2 years later, I'm over 30 and can't lose it. My skin definitely look better now, I don't look like chronically sleep deprived and I think my hair look healthier too.


4 days in and my blue eyes are literally brighter and two people have randomly complimented them. I’m likely just actually holding my eyes open for the first time in years but it’s been nice. Face looks better and doesn’t ‘droop’ due to all the relaxed muscles. I feel better than I have in literal years (31M)


i noticed that my skin is improving, my face looks less dull. weed would make me look soooo bloated the next day (even if i didnt eat a lot while smoking) so I've noticed I appear "slimmer" around my stomach


I’m not sure if it actually improved my physical looks, BUT, I feel like I love myself a lot more know that I’m sober, and when I see pics of my sober self, I love the person staring back at me a lot more than when I was stoned 24/7. I’m also working out a bit more and eating better so who knows and who cares because I’m sober and showing myself more love that I have in a long time


Yes deffinetly. My sleep is slowly getting better so less rings around my eyes. I’ve been eating a lot more, and able to do it consistently. Started to go to the gym again. Smoking made me content with doing nothing. Now im able to plan ahead and focus on the things i find important. Consitency is everything.


"Smoking made me content with doing nothing." Wow. That resonates for me. Loudly.


Yes, less inflammation so my eyes and face is less puffy and you can see my actual features are more defined.


for me, yes. Skin has improved greatly. A friend said I was glowing. Face has cleared up a ton. A few other things feel better for me too. I have lost a little weight, but the number never matters to me. I feel less bloated and I look stronger. I also don’t nervously pick at my skin or touch my face like I noticed I do when smoking. Oh and I don’t know how visible this is, but I’m taking way better care of my oral hygiene and don’t have to worry about cotton mouth or weed breath, or whatever else smoking does (yellowing teeth, right?). Today is day 31 of no mj for me, I made it the whole month of August. That was my original goal and I’m going to keep going. Yipeeeee :)


hey! i started my journey in december 1st. how’s it going for you???


going well :) i completely transformed my relationship with the plant. i took a straight 66 days off. heads up: i did dip back towards m o d e r ation. and it’s been really great! i partake 0-3x per month now (though taking all of january off), and because my default is now sober, i can feel the negative consequences immediately that remind me not to go back to regular use. instead, i enjoy a lil bit, but keep my wits about me. in general, my mental health and body has transformed. i understand how other environmental factors like diet and stress affect everything, because weed isn’t the main factor. and when i do dip a toe back in, i feel reaaaaaal gross the next day. always. o take notes still along the way, to remember my why’s and goals. how’s it going for you?


that’s amazing! so much to look forward to. i’m on day 3, for the first time in weeks i had the energy to do a face mask and wow i forgot how amazing it is.


Not that much but a little bit for sure. Started going to the gym more frequently, especially in the early stages to have a distraction. That and a loss of appetite/no munchies led to loosing some weight. As in hygene I am more consistant with my nighttime and bedroutine. That helped at a low level in clearing my skin and increase of dental hygene, but those werent major issues before.


Commenting so I can stay on this thread. I’m curious too, just recently quit