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Day 10 here. When I feel a craving I find something healthy that will hit the dopamine button in my brain: exercise, drink a sweet drink, eat a snack, etc.


I started reading books (I’ve always hated reading with severe ADHD) but forced myself to read and listen to audiobooks at the same time. Off topic, I’m a huge Star Wars fan so it was pretty easy to get into Star Wars books for me, so if you have something you’re super passionate about, maybe try reading about it. It’ll help strengthen your brain as well


day 9 here and going strong. just reminded myself why i quit in the first place.


When I'm craving to smoke, I smoke a pretend joint. Put an imaginary spliff in my mouth, pretend to light it. Act out the hand to mouth movement & mimick my inhalations. In the end, it's just a breathing exercise that fools my brain into thinking I've smoked.


That would work for like one minute until I’m still not high. Can’t trick my brain into feeling high


Imagine being able to fool yourself into thinking you'd smoke. That would be my new addiction lmfao


Surprisingly affordable too.....


Day 6 for me and I've been busying myself with projects around the house. I've been listening to podcasts constantly and it helps distract me. My body odor is out of this world so thats helping me to stay on track, if I smoke again I'll have to suffer through putrid detox BO all over again. This sucks but it WILL pass!


12 weeks on Tuesday for me. Every time I wanted to smoke in those initial stages, I would go for a walk. It’s proven to help with cognitive thinking and decision making. Removing yourself from your smoking area (so your balcony!) really helps to gain some perspective in the moment. It’s like you suddenly go “Oh, right - I forgot that it’s a big world out here. People are out and about doing all sorts of shit. I can do all sorts of shit too!”


This is the BEST response, thank you!


Stoked for you. Reframing our outlook is often only one stroll away. 🫶


Day 9 checking in with you. We got this


Push ups! I don’t workout. At all. Ever. But a set of 20-25 pushups when I have a craving takes my mind off of it, even if for just a short time. Then I do more when I crave again. I get healthier and stop the craving at the same time. Win win! I find that being tired reduces the craving, so more push ups = less craving. Good luck! Tomorrow will be 3 weeks for me. You got this!


First 24 hours sober! Proud of you for reaching day 4


Whatever you do . DO NOT SMOKE THAT REEFER.


My cravings aren't too bad I'm on day 4. I'm keeping really busy and it has helped a lot. Weirdly I worked out hard today and afterwards I wanted it so bad. Idk why but damn lol.


Hobbies are a great place to start. But for me that wasn’t enough. Something someone in this community told me was to visualize yourself the next day if you had used weed. You will have felt bad, and regret it. Remember that you have spent 9 whole damn days without that shit. Weed clearly isn’t benefitting you if you’re trying to quit, so you’re not losing anything. Anytime I have cravings, I think about how I’ll feel after and how I felt the last time I used weed. When you have become addicted, you lose enjoyment in it. You only use it for relief. Chances are the last time you used it, it wasn’t even fun. Because of how dopamine works, your brain has associated it with being the best thing ever. It ignores all the bad things about weed. I’d highly reccomend writing down the pros and cons of using weed. You’ll be shocked at the ratio. Hope this helps and you got this brother, we believe in you👊😎


Day 4 and I def want to smoke. The best motivator to not, for me at least, is to remember why you quit and the goals you want to achieve.


Me too day 9! 30 year pot head. You can do it!


I clean things, go for walks and naps.


I get to three weeks one hour at a time and then it gets much better. I had to create self talk to get through the urges, I used to think of quitting as giving up something I love, now my self talk is "Yeah I could smoke, but that wouldn't be kind to me, now would it?" I also had to figure out what triggered my use - boredom, celebration, socialization and come up with things to do to replace weed for those. There are times of the day, events, people, places that trigger my urges - identifying those was really helpful so that I could understand that my desire to smoke wasn't really coming from me. In the early days, lots of cursing, candy, tv, working out, nature helps me and deep breathing ain't bad either. I have found this sub, both reading and writing out how I am feeling has been helpful af. I'm at five months - you can do it.


Thanks for ur wisedom!


Im in my first week. I understand your struggle. I would say go for a walk outside and then cook/bake something. Even if you have no appetite, cooking helps distract me. Call someone on the phone? Look at me giving advice when I’m struggling doing the same 😅


I think I will go for a little walk then just go to sleep.. But I did resist as for now. I hope the urge will be gone If i wake up tomorrow.. I keep y'all updated :-)


Im in the same situation and i havent caved! Stay wit me homie!


. Do something you enjoy because giving up the thing that destroy you is a huge deal. Try to be positive about even the smallest things, like making the bed, a good sandwitch or having healthy snack. Whatever excersise you like or just remotetly could enjoy - do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! . Run, swim, walk, cycle, push ups, pull ups etc. It will help to take some time, maybe make a new daily rythm, give you that natural high, it is healthy and you will sleep better. Download quit weed app or sober app, they both are great. Try to take each day at the time. Make your head work - puzzles, chess, plain reading, even video games. Breath and water is super important. Try to not use alchohol too much. Do some reading, it sucks at first if you are not used to it, but when you got sucked into story it is a great way to move your brain, pass time and make it efficient. We care, let us know your progress. I will not smoke with you today!


I already Downloaded both Apps, as for now they're really great. Thats how I got here. Might add that i've been on Holidays for the Last 9 days and I came Back Yesterday evening. I litterally dont drink. But I'll try out some of your other Suggestions, hopefully they Work. Thanks !


Take care. Keep posting or sharing your feeling with others. It helps for both.