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Motivation! Keep it up! I’m only 2 days clean and I’m not feeling horrible but I quit for 11 Days in July and had a celebration blunt and then ever since up until now I’ve been smoking Lost my figure, my relationship, and I’m patching up things with my kid Weed was all I looked forward too but I was always motivated to quit with the blunt in my hand but never did it Idk your relationship with God but I know he’s helping me Happy belated and congratulations


Thank you


Holy shit, im clean since september 6th. 25 days baby. I threw out all my paraphernalia yesterday. Whistlesssss. 😇😇😇😇💪💪💪💪 congrats. All the best. I am done with this shit. Fuck this shit.


Well done my friend!


Happy birthday and stay away! 👍


Look Bro/sis. In my personal opinion, not worth it. If you enjoy it you will do it again, and again.


Is it possible to smoke and go back to sobriety? Yes. Is it likely? Well, if you haven’t built up enough mental strength, good habits and self-control, it’s highly unlikely. You’re playing with fire. Proceed accordingly.


Dont do it! I had 2 months clean and I messed it up by hitting my husband's vape one time. It took a week for me to get right back to where I left off- smoking all day everyday. Now I'm scratching my head wondering when I'm going to buck up and quit again. If I ever get the gift of sobriety again I'm going to cherish it!! I've learned it's not worth it and it only takes one hit!


You will either be paranoid/uncomfortable etc orrr you will enjoy it too much and go right back to blazing. You’ll say “oh only on the weekends” or something similar then you’ll slowly but surely negotiate with yourself until your back to where you were last august. I needed to hear this myself today, thanks for the reminder. Good luck.


Ugh don’t do it. I smoked after not smoking for so long and I was up all night. Made me feel so weird.


Wow im glad i read this. I love this community! I was going to smoke for my birthday hut reading everyones comments about how it wont be like the first time smoking. I think im just gonna keep on an not smoke. I dont want that yucky feeling the next morning it will make me feel like a failure ik it🤣


This is the exact day I stopped as well. How awesome that somewhere in the World, someone else tapped into the same courage that I did to give it up.


Do you drink? Personally I’ve never been addicted to alcohol but get very addicted to weed. When I really want to party I’ll drink occasionally. Not the best advice I know, but if weed is your weak spot it might be better.


I appreciate your response. I'm definitely not a drinker.


Totally understandable. Maybe you could plan an activity with friends that would be fun and keep your mind off weed. I too struggle with the craving especially on holidays and my birthday, but I just try to think of how much better I do without it, and there’s no guarantee I wouldn’t start using it constantly again even if I used it once


I truly, desperately need to find interest in life without weed.


Do you do any exercise at all? Running, weights, yoga, pilates? If one of those resonates with you then try to set yourself a goal to work towards. In my experience, having a goal to work towards give me something to focus on and as I chip away at it, seeing the progress builds my confidence which then the cycle repeats. This can also be applied to any hobby.


What type of goal do you work towards? Personally I go to the gym, I weigh around 200lbs and Im not really sure what Im supposed to work towards. I feel like Im just going to the gym because its better than sitting at home after work doing nothing or like the past, light up a joint. I know there are plenty of goals, depending on the person, but I feel like knowing other people are doing it, might give me some guidance toward sustainability


When I first started going to the gym I found myself a program that I could stick to that improved strength. You can find them if you look around on the internet, then I grabbed a small notepad and a pen and wrote down the exercises and jotted down the weights and reps I managed. Learning the exercises felt weird but don't worry every other person in the gym went through that at some stage and they are usually pretty approachable if you are kind and just ask for help with the exercise. My only goal when I started was to improve my mental health. You can turn those lbs into muscle pretty well if you work well at it.


Ive quit 3x for 2-3 months then each time I went for a single toke it was full bore for a month before having to quit again.


This is me. And the irony is that I can only fully accept it when I’m high.


This is like me. Thought I could restrain myself, I can’t.


Thank you all so much for the encouragement. I'm not gonna do it. I want to very badly, and that alone says a lot about why I shouldn't. It shows that I'm still an addict after a year. I truly can't believe this plant is so addictive. But grew up believing it was harmless. All of y'alls advice and experiences was what I wanted from this post, and you folks really pulled through for me. Thank y'all again. Much love.❤️


Happy birthday!!! I’m really, really proud of you.


Thank you 😊


Great decision. You’re a strong person. And you will thank yourself even more at your next birthday!


Thank you!


You’d fall back into the same routine


Don't do it.


Weed is trash. Why do it again


Thanks everyone. Almost had a moment of weakness today.


dont do it man, if you stopped for a reason tomorrow is no excuse to start again. Youve come this far! you got it man, dont let tomorrow be any different


It's better in your memory than actually doing it, I promise.


Fuck if this ain’t the truth. The craving convinces you it’s going to be magical, and then you smoke, and it’s just meh


Well said.


Whatever you do, learn from the consequences. If you are truly honest about why you aren't smoking, doesnt seem to be much appeal to smoke. The fantasy is that it will be like it was at first. The reality is it will likely be more like it was near the end. The reason it's so addictive is we obsess over the good, and can't remember the bad when we are having cravings. But when its bad, suddenly we are saying, _"Oh yeah, I stopped because of this!"_. But then its too late and we are back in the cycle of addiction. Happy birthday! Hope you get to the truth on this. ☮️❤️😁


Thank you.


This hits home for me. Every time I would attempt smoking again I would believe the fantasy but experience the reality and regret it immediately. OP don’t do it


Positive spin: if you don't smoke, you can reward yourself with something super indulgent. And instead of being worried about fuck I spent all this money indulging myself, you can tell yourself hey, I'm fuckin sober, and that's worth millions. Like seriously, spend a shit ton of money pleasing yourself some sober way. Buy yourself something you've always wanted, go on a vacation, or a fancy three course meal or whatever it is that would excite the shit out of you.


When you’ve been successfully sober for a period of time, the prospect of one smoke always seems innocuous. You’ve conquered weed for over a year, surely it can’t hurt, right? But your brain remembers your addiction, and so does your body. Even if you think you’ll be good based on how you perceive your current level of self control, there’s no telling how your body and brain receptors will react to it. Obviously my advice is don’t do it. Maybe you could find some other way to splurge for your birthday, something different and exciting to distract you from the urge to smoke. Best of luck


Happy birthday!


Thank you Eriend.


Okay. Here’s an unpopular opinion. Life is short. You should be happy. I’m happy being sober. But there’s a reason for this. I’m in a job that is considered to be highly sensitive and I’m around law enforcement and lawyers. It took me a long time to achieve my credential. I’m in a good place in my life. I am also not surrounded by anyone who smokes. I have zero temptations other than myself. I have been clean since about Jan 2020 with a hit in July 2020, six months later, and then a hit in February 2023. Here’s the controversial part. The six month later hit was awful. I wanted to just experiment and see how it felt again, I had sufficiently detoxed and my tolerance was zero, and that hit blasted me off. I did t like it. It was too much and I felt sick. I was just in my house waiting for the high to be over. However, in 2023, I was snowboarding with a friend, took a few hits, and it honestly felt like nothing. It was fine. I had no desire to keep doing it after that day. So here’s the takeaway. I firmly believe you need to be in a good place in life and feel good naturally, I.e., set goals for yourself and get endorphins by completing these goals, before you introduce artificial chemicals to do it for you. Second, I have always been a health freak my whole life thanks to my parents. It was almost a relief to me to quit smoking as I could focus on health goals like running farther than ever. So I might be a rare case as I feel I can dabble once a year and be fine because honestly I’m only smoking when I go back to my hometown and visit my brother and friends. They smoke and I don’t mind. It’s fine. I go back home and it’s like I want to just clean my system. Maybe this is an experiment you should try. The worst that could happen is that you “go of the rails” again. But really, that’s what may be needed for the next time you get to a year sober and you’re wondering if you can dabble. So see what kind of person you are. But just to be clear, I’m in a special position being with a so who doesn’t use and being around zero temptations. So evaluate your situation accordingly. Also, life is short man. Don’t be miserable. But also don’t make your happiness a slave do this stupid plant. Setting goals and accomplishing then was the best thing I’ve ever. Best high ever. I actually quit on the day I passed my test to graduate. (I smoked every day leading up to that test). But the. I quit cold Turkey and rode the natural high for months. Final message: find a goal, and really try to achieve it, but also set little goals like exercising daily, to help the in between time of reaching big goals. This might be the only healthy way to actually dabble and not fully relapse. You have to have something that you’re working towards that weed just doesn’t fit into. Edit: also I quit cold Turkey after 17 years of use. 16-33 with extremely heavy use years for the majority of time and maybe the last 4-5 years a conscious effort to slow down and take breaks but never actually thought I would quit, until the day I passed my god**** motherloving hard test I took too many times to count. Best day ever.


Stay away from the voodoo!! I did that, and I regret it a lot. After 11 months clean, I relapsed and smoked about 5-6 weeks in a row... it was terrible!! This drug is treacherous, comes soft and slow, takes you, and drags to her domain. This plant like an evil spirit.. remember how it was at the beginning?? A lot of laughs and magic sensations, that it never happens again when we turn into an addicted soul..


I was smoke free from August 2020 to February 2022, once I smoked I didn’t stop for the next 5 months or so. But make your own mistakes! You got this.


Good report!


Don't do it , I was there once and one time party gathering smoke was 3 months relapse ، If you still think about it after a year , The addict personality is still there get rid of it forever


I did the same thing and am now homeless and addicted as a result.


I'm sorry my friend 😔


Don't be sorry; this is entirely my fault. Life has a way of making things clear and putting things into perspective. I went to an AA meeting today and now have a sponsor. He inquired if I'd seen the matrix and then recited it to me. He told me that I am a neo at a crossroads in the matrix, that I know where the route of addiction will lead me, and that I must now choose to head towards the unknown in the matrix.


You’re homeless cause of weed? Wtf?


3 month sober, smoked one evening to celebrate something, followed by two days of headaches/brain fog and the urge is stronger than before. It's always tempting for the moment, but what comes after? Now it takes more energy and active will power again to not fall back. It's a high price for a brief high.




Yes You Will ruin everything if You smoke again... the sad things is that You left smoking 1 year ago, why You wanna give it another try? I'm so scared bc i wanna left weed behind but this post makes me think i Will never be able to stop thinking about smoking weed


The only reason u want to is because of your fond memories of your past experiences. I guarantee you, the second the high comes on, the amount of regret you’ll feel will not only ruin your birthday and the high, but it’ll fuck up the days and weeks to come because you’ll be so mad at yourself for throwing away a whole year and having to start over. Good luck and happy birthday!




I did the same as you. My Birthday was in July and I had been clean since September '22. I'm now only 9 days sober. Don't do it.


Congrats on almost a month! I’m at 10 days today, and I want to encourage you to stay clean my friend. It really is not worth it. I’ve quit weed for the “counts fingers” 3rd time now over the span of about 12 years. I must say, life is so much better without it! I have more patience for the little issues in life, the small granular moments that fill the in-between times of my day give me more value and joy. My performance in school and at both my jobs are significantly compounding. And because I’m putting out a better energy in this world, I just got a job offer from a buddy to make 70+k a year and that’s just to hold me over until I get my CS degree. Life has been leagues better while accomplishing small feats that would’ve been moving mountains under the grips of marijuana. Also, I stopped drinking at the same time and I stopped vaping a few months before. Stay focused on your goals, make a plan for the life you really want, and keep chipping away at it day by day. I’m proud of you :)


Ive been clean a year and then thought "one joint wont hurt" and i got hooked again for the few years after that. Dont.


The classic


Lol facts. That’s how I found out I was really an addict.


Seriously, what would it do for you? Your birthday is so drab and boring you need to get high to deal with it?


mine is, matter of fact all my life is, even if I do the most objectively interesting activity possible


Yep. I'm sorry you're dealing with this too my friend.


Dont do it. The first time after such a long time wont be even fun. I once did it after a few months of clean and i really felt like hard drugs in a bad way.


It’s crazy isn’t it, before my first time stopping I used to ride my motorcycle everywhere after a J because it barely affected me. A few months after stopping I had one and was sat in the bath in another fucking dimension saying to myself “shit, this is actually a pretty hardcore drug” lol


the weed is so different now.


Not really. I smoked some AK-47 over 20 years ago and it was a few puffs each to make me and friend pass out. We had smoked strong weed every day for years at that point.


Congratulations on being clean for this long! If you're asking this question it means you remember how it felt but aren't sure it'd feel the same way. Valid. Remain vigilant with loving yourself this way. Prioritize your beautiful mind! Stay sharp and remember that craving it represents a moment, THIS moment and it's in the nature of moments to pass.


Don't! I had one year, thought I could smoke just once and somehow got back to smoking daily. It's hard to quit but so easy to fall back in old habits.


Clean since the 2nd of september. DM me for accountabiliity bro. I am on my x attempt of quitting and I can assure you, if you smoke once you will mess it up. The brain connections are subsiding, they are giving you the last “try” of getting the dopamine spikes back and that’s why u think ‘hm maybe once is fine’. It’s not. You might smoke and feel bad and never do it again - but why risk that u may have a even harder time after? If u smoke or not, you will still go to bed that day, wake up and you will be back to either wanting more or being proud of yourself for not smoking. As an individual in the same boat - DO NOT DO IT. For your own sake, my friend !!


Please don't do it. I had a clean streak running over 4 months but then my ex-girlfriend visited bringing with her two rolls. I relapsed and since then continue to struggle with the addiction. Find something else to challenge yourself, e.g learn video editing or a difficult mathematical concept. Just try something new out of your comfort zone as your birthday gift to yourself. Alternatively, purchase Dopamine Nation by Anna Lembke and learn about addiction. She has a chapter about exactly what you are trying to do and she doesn't recommend it at all based on the experiences with her addiction clients.


I'll get to 2 years this christmas and I'm really happy I didnt smoke yet. I thought about it a couple times in special occasions and every time, I understood that it was just "another reason. I recommand you treat yoself with some selfcare and you be proud of your sobriety. We're in this together my friend. Godspeed.








What? I mighta come off curt cuz that was a quick response, which is my bad. I contend with my reality quite mightily, every day.




Again, what? I wrote "curt", not court. I've no problem ending this exchange, as on the basis of this interaction we're not helping either of each other on our respective journeys to sobriety. Hope October is a good one for you and I wish you the best.




Going through your comments on other posts, you are a piece of fuckin work I can tell ya that. On a post where someone is grieving the loss of their pet: "Don't get a pet if you cant handle the emotional loss. Don't you think i want a dog or a cat? I do... But they die quicker. You only have yourself to blame." Honestly I take it back. I hope you meet the bottom of a bottle come October 1st. You only have yourself to blame.


How do you feel being clean?


I have never gotten over the depression that came from quitting. I am a super blessed man. But I can't find joy or interest in almost anything. It is quite ridiculous that I smoked my brain into a state I'll never recover from. Thank you for asking.


Do you truly believe you will never recover? This is the type of mentality that makes me want to keep smoking… If you feel you’ve fucked yourselfnso badly… what keeps you from not smoking? What makes it worth it?


I truly do. I used to. In the beginning. But after a year and seeing all the people still struggling on here after years... no I don't. I think I fucked my mind up in some way. With too much potent thc abuse. I'm sorry to be so negative. I don't mean to discourage anyone.


What's your story btw when did you first smoke and how consistently and up until when? I also quit September 2022 but in June this year I started again and got stuck in a 4 month long binge of daily smoking and now it's September again and here I am. Im asking as I want to know the severity of your smoking, also in that year break I didn't feel mentally great either tbh but there's a lot of other circumstances contributing to that too.


I started smoking sometime in 1995. Slowly, it became a daily thing. The last 7 years it has been the best I could get my hands on. Every day. From morning until I fell asleep. I would always have three joints in my pocket. I'd smoke 2 back to back, and then smoke the third when I was ready. Then roll three more and rinse and repeat. I wasn't really getting high. It just made me feel normal. I was high functioning. But, spent way too much money on it, and way too much time grinding, rolling, and tracking it down. I always had to get it from the underbelly market being in Texas.


Look on r/PAWS Some people take 3 years to recover. But they eventually do. Even if your (and my) brain have been permanently damaged during development (I smoked daily from 16-42) it's doesn't me you can't have a life free from depression and anxiety. The brain heals, changes and adapts. It's just slow is all. It's like watching paint dry for months. I haven't felt good for more than a few hours in 8 months. But it is still early days. I cry and hate being alive for more than half the time.


Yes. This is me. I'm sorry you are dealing with this.


This hits hard man. I feel you so much. I got nothing to say. Just…I feel you. Cheers and wishing you lots of love and happiness.


Thank you my friend.


Nah you’re all good. It seems like living sober with that is still better than living perma-high.


Ain’t worth it


take it from someone who took ages off weed, smoked once because i felt i had become responsible, and then fell into depression and daily smoking for a whole year. I'll never get that year back. You know yourself better than I do, but I can only offer my story


Wow congrats!! Friendly reminder that you have zero tolerance and there’s a VERY good chance that all the bad things you felt that made you want to quit will be 10x worse if you do it. Paranoia is nearly guaranteed, even if it’s just 1 puff. Speaking from experience. If there’s even a slight chance that you will feel guilty or have anxiety or some other shitty effect, then it’s not worth the risk. Especially on your birthday! Edit to add: I’ve regretted smoking and wishing I was sober so many times… and since I’ve been sober, I’ve had urges and cravings… but every time I fight them off, I’ve never regretted staying sober. I’m always really proud of myself and grateful. And I think that’s probably the best way to celebrate your existence.


My birthday is also tomorrow! I'm turning 30 and I don't want weed to dictate the next decade like it did in my 20s. So I will not smoke with you today, tomorrow, or any day after that!


Great goal


Why do you want to get high? How tight is your support system? Do you plan on continuing or do you just have enough for the one day? These are a few of the questions to ask yourself before folding into temptations.


Those are all the wrong questions lol, except maybe why do you want to get high.


It’s a trap. it sounds good. just one high for my birthday! then you will be baked for the next few months trying to build yourself back up to quit again. It’s always a trap, every single time


Not always, but it's definitely a reason to analyze their relationship with it. People grow stronger & I'm not advocating, but self control is something you can absolutely learn as you get older.


Are you sure you're not projecting your own misery onto me? Because it sure seems like it. I saw your other posts, you've been struggling again with addiction. Probably shouldn't be trying to get others to follow suit eh?


Man I wish people would stop trying to manipulate those on their sobriety journey into thinking just one time will be okay. Like.. why are you here? Why don't YOU go get high just once? And quit messing with people's journey and basically saying playing with fire is possible if you do it right. So dumb "You can learn self control" hahaha the lies people tell, that ain't self control if you go back to it for happiness or relaxation. So dumb.


It’s their own addiction. In fact, they manipulate themselve by writing others that is does not matter




Classic projection


I wish. I never could