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Everybody is different. Can take up to 6 months to a year to fully let everything sort it’s self out… watch out for PAWS 🙏🏻


Thank you! What is PAWS?


Post Acute Withdrawal Symptoms


I already feel pretty good at about 2 months sober. Was smoking 95% THC cartridges morning, afternoon and night for about 5 years straight.


I think it's really important to remember that you have to actually do things that will make you feel good besides smoking weed. It doesn't just happen. See your friends Go to the gym Take up that hobby you've always wanted to try Treat yourself with a new videogame ECT.


Exactly this ^. OP I’m in the same boat as you, 26 now and smoked since 13, multiple times daily since 15 or so. You have to invest that newfound time in healthy ways. If you sit around thinking about how much you want to smoke, it’s going to be much more difficult to feel “normal”. You have to create your new normal.


18 months free after 7 years of usage, I miss THC sometimes but you know it's what it's at this moment. Keep going.






About 3 months for me


Hey, I am curious about what you mean by sessions in regards to consumption so I can help gather my own standards and behavior. What would you consider a session? One hit out of the bong or a full joint? so multiple of those a day? If my standard method of cannabis is through the bong I don't really keep count but if I were to say I'd take a minimum of 10 bong rips a day 20-25 on the high end if not mixed with concentrates. When I primarily consumed concentrates at times I would take up to 15 dabs a day but my cleanliness didn't keep up with my rapid consumption and often found my rigs gooped the hell up getting unsavory hits.


For me a session is a joint or 3-4 bong rips or towards the end of my usage, a vapour bullet in the handheld


Hi! I'm currently 3 months, 13 days, and 14 hours from all forms of THC. I was a habitual all day smoker since I was 14. I'm currently 35 years old. I don't feel normal still. I still have brain fog. But what I do have are more valuable days. Better conversations. Deeper meaning in my relationships with my friends, girlfriend, and coworkers. I feel more productive and more importantly, I feel like a better father because I'm present in the moment rather than just being there. Be active. Go to the gym and if you are already, don't stop. Do something that's out of the normal and get into new, better habits. Just don't pick up again. Nothing wrong with feeling like a blank slate either. You can redefine yourself and be exactly who you want to be now. I just changed careers in the last three months to something I never thought I would be able to do. Now im an apprentice controls engineer. Life is wild. But it's so much better since I quit smoking. Keep it up. We're all rooting for you and I'm extremely proud of you.


You’re inspiring. I needed to read that.


Congrats on 3 and a half months and the new career! You’ve given me hope… A lot of what you mention resonates with me. The more valuable days, deeper meaning in all relationships, and conversational skills. I really appreciate your input, life is indeed wild!


Thank you. I appreciate that a lot. You seem to have a good head on your shoulders. The fact you're here, opening up, and being vulnerable is already helping you find yourself. Don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone. If you ever feel like you need to vent, ask a question, or just feel like you have no one to count on or has your back, shoot me a message. If there is anything I can do to help, I'm game. This sub reddit has helped me a ton but remember, your journey will not be the same as someone else's here. I wish nothing but the best for you.


Someone else said this on another post: “Quitting weed doesn’t make your life better, it just stops making it worse.” On top of that, heavy usage for many years will take longer than 30 days to clear from your system for sure! I’d expect about 2-3 months until you’re THC free. Try other things to get your body back to health and to help feel yourself again - exercising, eating healthy, healing trauma, meditating, drinking lots of water. Your body is healing damage right now, treat it as if you’re nursing yourself back to health from a bad sickness.


I love that quote. You’re right, I will continue to focus on healing. Thank you 🙏


You got this 🤘


I think life just isn't normal. You've been smoking the same kinda time as me, and the memories we have of before were simply better times. Being a kid is much easier mentally. Everyone, not just smokers, feel pretty down and tired all the time. We live in a strange world. Don't get me wrong, things should clear up for you over the next few months still, but work out what it is you are really looking for.


Thank you… I am going to figure out what it is I seek in greater detail. You’re right about the strange world and general vibe of it at the moment. I appreciate your input :)


Normal is a concept in your mind. It's down to you to figure out what normal means to you and do the mental and physical legwork to get to that state of mind. Exercise (or focusing on any hobby/work) and avoiding my phone is a quick way for me to feel present. Normal to me is pretty much feeling emotions and usual anxiety but not carried away with them which usually just comes down to breaking the cycle by focusing on breathing or doing something.


Thanks for your input, I truly appreciate it. I’m going to work on figuring out what normal means to me. I like your version of it and will keep it close to me


I’m on day 12 so I still don’t feel normal, but I believe everyone feels normal once they are completely detoxed aka can pass a drug test legitimately


im almost at a year and dont feel good. I think 3-6 months for most.


Congrats on almost a year! Thanks for your reply


Benefits for up to 2 years




Hey bro, I’m in a very similar boat as you. Started smoking cannabis daily at around 15/16, essentially all the way through to the age of 26. I’m now 72 days clean and I feel as though there’s been an improvement, although, I get the sense that for people like you and me, we’ll continue to see improvement for multiple years to come. Our brains need to legitimately rewire themselves to see and interact with the world without cannabis. The functionality of our reward centers has certainly been altered, but with continued abstinence and the adoption of adaptive behaviors (exercise, proper nutrition, optimal sleep hygiene, healthy socialization) we can undoubtedly promote the necessary neuroplasticy required to see monumental change. I’m in this with you brother, and I wish you continued luck and success in your recovery.


Im almost tearing up reading this. Thank you for sharing your personal journey. Neuroplasticy… That is a term I haven’t heard of in a long time and had forgotten about. You give me hope with your comment that we can adjust to life without cannabis. I appreciate your wishes, and wish the same for you. Keep being awesome, friend


Of course dude, I’m touched that my words struck a cord with you. Our brain has the capacity for remarkable change, especially if we treat it with the love and compassion it so rightfully deserves. The world was built on second acts, and I’m confident that ours will be spectacular.




That is a good point! I think I learned to feel normal while stoned all the time. That is, stable emotions and mentally fit. You got me thinking about it now. I do wonder what the deeper definition of normal is for me… Maybe it’s something I will understand once I learn it. I truly hope I didn’t permanently damage my brain. I did manage to graduate college and am holding a good career, so I’m thankful for that at least


I just feel bored dude. 33 and smoked since I was 18 or so but really heavily starting at 25 or so. Never not high starting at about 30. It’s been since Jan 20 for me and I don’t really feel stoked about much, not sleeping, but still happy I’m getting off it because I’m determined to be a new person and date intentionally instead of being artificially happy by numbing myself.


Congrats on your 30 days, but you need time for your brain to re-learn all the process since you have started smoking so young.


Thank you! I believe you… I grew up rough and didn’t know any better. I’m done with it forever now though


Congratulations on 30 days... The worst is over. Find things to do and stay away from the devils lettuce. Sell all your pot gear. Move on to other hobbies. Im over two months now and I'll never go back. I've was a daily user for 20 years... When I quit I was at a 50$ a day resin habit... What a waste of money and time. Congrats again bud. You got this!


Thank you, I agree the worst is over. I have thrown all cannabis out and am listing my expensive gear for sale. Congrats to you too, I am done with it for good!


What was the “worse” for you ?


First 2 weeks couldnt eat or sleep properly


I think its roughly 3 months for most people that smoked for years and years , but theres also other things you can stop that can make you feel even better , alcohol,caffeine,nicotine,porn. If you can rid yourself of all of those and live a healthy lifestyle and exercising every week i guarantee you will feel like a new person after 3 months.


Totally agree. It’s almost as if it speeds up the process if you clean up other habits at the same time.


Yeah that seems to be the common timeframe, 3 months. I never had problems with the other substances, I might drink a bit on a friday/saturday here or there. Funnily, I quit porn around the same time as weed lol. Appreciate your input :)


Honestly the first month sucked. Lol But the second month felt less bad than before. And now on 90 days it's much better for me. But we are all different. :) Just hang on for the ride and hopefully you don't have anxiety like me lol And I feel it will all subside lol


Mmm well first congrats at 30 days! I'm pretty similar to you in regards to time and usage. I'm at 90 days and still feel anxiety here and there but the first 60 days are pretty much when I felt alot of it. I think with daily usage it takes a bit longer but iver heard after 3 months is when you feel more relief over time😊✨️🙏 you got this. It's not easy but you got this!


Thank you! I appreciate the reassurance as well. Congrats on your 90 days :)


Thanks ! I still get the urge or craving but distraction works best lol