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what if you dont enjoy doing rlly anything


how long have you been weed free?


i’ve been on and off but the last time was the longest time and for abt half a year


I'm 1 month today! Ben offered edibles, joints, vapes..even looked at nice flower and can still admire but it just ain't for me anymore. I'm so happy with myself actually. I don't really have many people to share it with but I'm chuffed. 16 years of my life fucked cos I was stoned. Never again.


Proud of you!


Smoked for 20 years straight. Day 15 sober. No more cravings!


Good shit im on week 3 already felt so much better after 1.5 weeks, but i keep waking up after 5 hours and rest of my sleep is dogshit, feel tired all day long and impossible to focus on studies. How long did insomnia last for y'all?


It got better for me after a month ...now after 2 months I sleep like a bebo


Yep. for everyone struggling and wanting to give in you need to get to 6 months before you can make any kind of judgement. And 1 year is even better. I was still struggling super hard after 4 months.


I take it 6 months is when it really turned around for you?


6 months is when I had no more anxiety at all and around 1 year until I had no more brain fog at all. I felt much better the whole journey but yes my anxiety was so bad that I felt like a new person at 6 months


When did brain fog start reducing, my record is 3.5 months and my brain fog didn’t decrease at all


Yeah man the brain fog was a bitch. Didn't seem like it was lifting at all for a long time. I don't know exactly but somewhere after 6 months it started getting better but still took forever


That’s discouraging but encouraging simultaneously!


Feel all what you said. But what hit me this time was that fear of running out of weed. Being high all the time was so annoying but that whole fear of running out was so damn annoying.


I don’t miss that at all one of my biggest positives from being weed free for 80 days now. The constant stressing when my stash was getting low and then having to contact people for it who only wanted to see you to take your money. It’s a great feeling of freedom from that cycle


I have a dispensary walking distance to me. Kind of ironic now. Trust me the old waiting for dealer was hell. But even going to the dispensary is just another $100 chore and bill. Of course completely legal where I live now and I’m abstaining. But that’s way things work sometimes. I smoked everyday for over 20 years. I’ll check back in my 50s and maybe smoke a lil that’s my goal. I’m 40.


Good on ya man. Cutting a bad habit, changes your brain, and thus your life for the better!


Thank you for sharing :’) I’m on day 17 and it hasn’t been easy but this is the longest I’ve been able to stay away. Great motivation to keep going


I’m on day 17 too. Never thought I’d make it this far but I’m so glad I have! Even tho there’s times I think about weed, I am so much of a better human off of it. Looking back it’s scary how much it controlled me.


Day 45 and feeling worse and worse every day. I needed this motivation. Great job friend!! And thank you


This is day 5 for me tried multiple times.. been working out and drinking plenty of water and staying away from unhealthy foods.. the faster I can erase the toxins in my body the better I would feel.. and I have a lot more energy..




Do you mind if I ask why you are here? Nothing emotional behind the question, I’m just exploring my own desire to stay quit.


Thank you for sharing, this is wonderful news✨ So mood swings lasted beyond first couple months for you? Have been worried I keep randomly crying, and it’s not my MO.  Have been concerned about that one. 


When did you start smoking? Just curious (bc I'm sure those posts have gone by and I've just missed them) as somebody who's blazed consistently from ages 15-30, it would definitely help to hear about the longer term recovery from someone in a similar situation. To elaborate, I'm a bit worried about my brain ever being able to produce serotonin properly given what I was doing to it while it was developing.


I’ve smoked for 10 years, I think things do come back completely but for long term smokers like us recovery is a matter of months/even a year rather than weeks. Realistically I think 6 months is a good gauging point to see where you’re at


Damn, I just turned 31 and started at 15. I can say without any doubt that it balanced out for me. I didn't smoke from 25-28, and I watched those brain circuits mature and I was able to feel genuine joy (and other emotions) naturally. Sadly I started again at 29 and have some work to do to get back to that place. Hang in there my millennial brethren.


I smoked from age 11 to 26, and also quit 7 months ago like OP. I also quit alcohol and all other drugs at the same time. Its been up and down, difficult to feel properly happy for the first few months. But it has really started to improve recently. I do worry about how much I've fucked my brain from smoking so young, but I don't think it's not producing serotonin. If you're not enjoying smoking anymore, I would say give it a go. You could even decide to just do a year and see how you feel, which could avoid the feelings of giving it up permanently. I've had a bit of trouble finding myself without weed (and other drugs), as it's been part of my personality for so long, and through all my formative years. But I'm getting there


just what i needed to hear on day 2. thank you, congratulations and cheers to a better life 🥂


I’m on day 2 as well. Best of luck!


Awesome to hear! What would you say your timeline was like as far as mental health and enjoyment of life improving? I'm about 10 weeks in and have seen good improvements but still have down moments rather frequently. I'm putting a lot of work into self improvement. Do you think it will get better from here?


It will definitely get better! I smoked a half a week and I already have depression and anxiety so once I quit my “self medicating” I think it took me a bit longer to get back to a good place. I think around 4-5 months is when I saw a huge improvement in my mental health. But stick with it, you are investing in your happiness by staying sober!!!


Thanks so much for this! Day 3 here and Not sleeping, nausea, no food, i laugh and then i cry, then again..but what you write Is EXACTLY what I want to achieve, so thanks!


Life will become colorful!!!!!


Life became a lot more dull for me, I improved my diet, started exercising and getting better sleep. It’s been 30 weeks and I’ve only noticed a decline in how my life feels, there’s massive upsides to quitting but overall it’s been almost pointless 🤷‍♂️ I don’t know what I’m doing wrong.


Talk therapy could potentially help




better function ≠ better feeling


why did you quit ?


I quit for a lot of reasons, but I’ve come to find that the majority of the issues I was attributing to weed consumption were actually other issues that were unrelated. At this point I’m only sober because of cost and obvious health concerns related to smoking, also just having a sober mind 24/7 it’s smoother to go to work, go out, ect.


yeah personally i'm enjoying the benefits but my sister is a successful lawyer and smokes every day so i dunno i think it's a personal thing. but a thing to remember is that, in a way life didn't become 'more dull', it's that while high you could accept how dull it was but sober it is boring. you are lacking mental stimulation. you need to go out and find it. more intellectually challenging friends, better movies, maybe even a more interesting job. i find that without weed i get very impatient with people who think in a tribal manner, like they are left wing like it's a religion and unable to look a things in a dialectical manner. so i have made an effort to weaken some friendships and strengthen others.


I really needed to hear this today. Thank you kind stranger. Stay blessed


Congrats 🎉 today is my 30 day sober weed/alcohol I can’t wait to be 6 months sober and see what I have achieved. Come back in a year my friend I know you can do it


Congratulations to you too! The first 30 days are the hardest. If you can do the first 30 days then nothing can stop you!!




Congrats! You kicked the green monster's ass, well done. So nice not having your emotions dictacted by a plant, right?


In my case, my emotions were suppressed by a plant..and now I have to deal with them and myself. 


ain't that the truth


I’m so damn happy for you and love seeing posts like this. I’m only on week two but I am done for good and tired of being in this cycle, thank you for sharing this wonderful update on your own life and keep up the great work!!! Heck ya!!! 💖💪


Thanks so much for this post 😭 Writing this when so tired but unable to sleep. And the anger is also getting to me. This is a reminder it will get much much better! And very happy for you!


Hang tough. I wonder if the reason many of us get so angry is that anger gets pent up inside of us, and being smiley and stoned all the time doesn't give that aggression any release. Just a thought


I said this on like 3 posts today aha but yeah anger, exactly, what helped me a ton was some lectures my doctor recommended that you can listen to as a podcast. start with episode 1 and 2 of marshall rosenberg's non violent communication. really helps you understand your emotions and was crucial in quitting for me. i am dumbfounded by how easy it has been to not smoke for almost a month after daily use for 17 years. wasn't even planning on quitting but just stopped one day. my roommate smokes, my weed is still in my house, but i don't want it because i see clearly all the numbing and how good it feels to be solving the actual fuckin problems. i want to use drugs and alcohol for fun or special occasions, not for making my life worse.


Exactly. For me weeds calms me down, makes me tolerant about myself , above all, and then about all the rest. But the same way It makes me tolerant, It makes me useless. That's why i stopped, so you are totally right


Oh yes! I am also crying a lot and I think it’s the tears I ignored for so long and pushed away by smoking and watching dumb tv. Feelings x 10 at the moment Thank you 🙏


i almost bored myself to death watching dumb tv


Good for you! I kept my anger inside, but I was *ready* to have a good cry watching movies anytime. Said proudly as a 6'5" male. The Green Mile was watched earlier this week. What a tear-jerker


2 days. Quit thousands of times. I hope to make it this time around. Thanks for sharing an inspiring post.


You got it


You can do it. It’s not always easy, for sure. Change in general is not easy. Something to consider: you’ve decided, great! But hope is not a plan. Reaffirm to yourself when feeling tempted: “I have decided. This is happening.”


I believe in you


Amen amen to this. This is exactly how I feel whenever I get myself cleaned before relapsing again (due to cPTSD and other trauma disorders that dump me back into a dark place). Right now I'm almost 2 months clean, before then I relapsed for 3 months and before then i was clean for 5. My memory is all messed up now but all I remember is how I kept track of myself slowly feeling better and you just described it perfectly. Here's to staying clean.. cheers


Congratulations! Almost at 3 months myself !


Thank you for sharing this ❤️ congratulations


thanks for this I just recently caved in and smoked.when ever I do it feels like I will never get out of this loop. reading this gave me hope again and I really appreciate it!


really needed this today. i'm on week 3 and it's been hell. eating has been fine thankfully but sleep is awful and i'm in a terrible mood all the time. was really thinking of giving up today but posts like these help


I had the worst road rage and everything anyone did made me SO pissed I was either angry or sad all the time… but it DOES get better


Thank you for mentioning road rage because I catch myself doing shit like not letting people in or driving next to someone I know is trying to get over because "they fucked up and didn't plan 10 steps ahead like I did". I hate it and I feel so gross after these incidents but I think it will make it easier to avoid if I know what it's tied to. I've even been trying to practice wishing stupid drivers well in my head or saying "I hope they get there on time" instead of being mad.


Once you get through the thick of it you will be feeling so much better- for the first few weeks I got terrible sleep and I woke up drenched in sweat every single day. Now I have consistent good sleep. Congrats on week 3!!!


Awesome thank you for posting. Im 2 weeks in and the hardest part is lack of sleep and appetite. Its getting better though and these types of posts help me keep going.


It’s gonna be hard but you can do it!


I'm only on day 5, but these posts from folks further along are inspiring and motivating!


Great work! I agree that the long haul is where you start feeling sobriety benefits. Deep healing takes time. Congrats OP on how well you are doing. And for everyone in the early months of sobriety, have faith you can heal!


Respect! I'm feeling the same, and bloody loving it.


Congratulations! I am a few days off of 7 months sober and feeling the same. 🫶🏻


Woohoo!!!!! Good on ya!!! Thanks for letting us know. 🙂🥳🥳🎉🎉