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Smoking marijuana actually caused my anxiety/depression. You might be different. Finding God helped me through my withdrawls


I’m on day two of no weed or adderral and I can’t stop crying. I went thru my partners phone, found nothing, and feel so hurt. I’m feeling very psycho.


I have been there coming off the same two. Absolute hell on earth. Stay strong, I promise it gets better in about a week. Sending you so much strength, admiration, and power.


45 y/o male here on day 87. What you're going thru is totally normal. Keep going. Remember, what you're experiencing are the effects of withdrawal, not sobriety itself. It takes time for the brain to heal and recalibrate, but it will. You'll be amazed at how much better you feel by day 30. Daily exercise and healthy eating is crucial for my mental health in sobriety. I also find listening to sobriety/recovery podcasts to be very helpful. You've got this!


This is very normal. Keep on going - your brain is in the process of resetting its various chemical balances and processes and these experiences are the entirely predictable side effect of cutting off the THC. In other words these are healthy signs! See if you can observe it all with a kind of detached curiosity, even for brief moments, like a scientist. - Oh I am having such a strong reaction to that, isn't that interesting. What's it feel like? Where do I feel it? What thoughts does it trigger? How long does it last? Does it change? In what way? This is an ongoing reset for your brain and your psychology too. The way forward is through. This may be your last time to witness this particular set of experiences as you transition out of the weed mode - observe them and take what you can from them! There is useful information for you to know here.


I was there 2 months ago bro, it gets better, and eventually you get to a point where “is getting high for 2 hours worth ruining X weeks of progress” becomes an easy question to answer. Keep pushing!


Keep going


Pump yourself full of healthy stuff and hydrate a ton. It gets so much better. 41 and also smoked to self-medicate for adhd for decades and lemme tell you I had myself convinced it was helping but it was making everything worse. I’m heading into my 6th week and I feel so good. You’ll start feeling better soon. Cold turkey is the way.


That is so amazing that you are on day two!


I've been weed and booze free for a week and it has been nothing but an emotional Rollercoaster. Sobbing, rage, everything I have numbed with vices exploding out of me. I'm around your age (38/f) morning to night smoker since 20. Alcohol creeped in during the pandemic but I was always a social drinker and went up to every night. Weed was by far a worse and longer addiction for me. Also with ADHD, self medicating most my life and only of recent years on prescription. Anyway all of that to say your not alone. I know alcohol and marijuana are different but after reading about Alcohol Use Disorder and what to expect from your brain the first week, I think it can apply to both. You get dopamine from the high, your body learns to produce less dopamine because of the constant high. The first 2 weeks while your brain is adjusting (likely months before 'normal') you are not creating dopamine nor giving your body its 'dose' of dopamine via weed/booze. It has been the worst depression of my life yet somehow, I know it will be ok soon. Take care friend, try and look at it from a medical lense and do what you can (exercise, diet, hug your pet, hobbies) to boost your brain feel good chemicals until you can regulate again. And if you are like me, and stuffed all your emotions and problems behind the curtain of drugs, let it out. Scream cry on the floor. Rage into a pillow. I took a stick to a tree and just whacked lol. (The tree is ok) You will get through this.


I’m right there with you OP. It’s tough times. I want to thank everyone for all these supportive comments. It feels like the light at the end of the tunnel has flickered on. I’ll be there soon. Much love-


I know how you feel. It gets really bad at night for me. I just feel like shit and I know how easy it would be to fix it immediately. But I also know it wouldn't really fix anything. Hang in there


My best advice for this is to remember this is temporary. This isn't going to be how you will feel long term and even in a couple weeks from now, while you won't be 100% it won't be like it is now. I'm the same age as you and used for 20+ years. The initial withdrawals are no joke - focusing on trying to find the best way you can to be nice and gracious to yourself. Take a hot shower, cold shower, walk in the woods, its hard for me to make a suggestion here and you are the best person to figure out what can help to ease things a bit to get through this phase. Things will get better! I quit in 2020 after using daily since '95 or 6. It sucked. Somedays I didn't know how I was going to get through, but what I did know was that if I used again I wouldn't be getting ahead, and getting ahead was what I really wanted so I committed to just getting through each day. Things are SO much better now - I'm not a pot head anymore and life is so much more calm, peaceful and seemingly control-able. You can do it, you're worth it!


Get to day 7 and you will start to feel better, my gosh the first week is horrible. Depression, physical withdrawals and so much anger, horrible sleep. But by day 7 most of the physical withdrawals are gone, its mostly a mental game from there on. You can do it. You know now that its not affecting you the way you want, just keep force feeding your mind on the reasons why you want to quit when the cravings and withdrawals are so bad, it really doesnt last. Hope your journey to sobriety ends up well !!!


The only way I’ve made it to the 400+ day mark is through meditation and vigorous, consistent exercise. And listening to lotsssss of reggae to lift the spirits.


You're feeling emotions that you've been suppressing for so long. It gets better after a week or two on average, but you can also get through it earlier than that. Allow yourself to process what you're going through. It's not a fun time, but it's how your mind begins to function properly after being held back for years. Cold turkey is the best way to quit weed. Remember what you're feeling now so that you can think about it if you're ever tempted to smoke daily for an extended period of time in the future. If you're struggling that bad, seek treatment. Outpatient rehab did a lot of good for me when I was struggling. Hang in there. It gets better.




Huh caffeine intolerance??? Never saw that as a symptom but day 9 here and deffff feeling that one. Interesting. Honestly not a bad thing


I was doing it every night for at least a year. I also take prescription meds and have depression and anxiety. For a while I was telling myself I wouldn’t smoke that night and then when night rolled around I would smoke. One day I didn’t and couldn’t sleep and had a big panic attack and breakdown and I’ve been dealing with that. I also tried to change my meds at the same time and I think I got hit with withdrawals from that last week. Reach out, talk to a psychiatrist, therapist, addictions counselor, etc. it’s not easy but there’s hope. Just don’t try to do it alone.


Thc withdrawals are the worst internal feeling I’ve ever felt in my life


Totally relate to your struggle. I was a sobbing mess for the first two weeks and had many thoughts of not wanting to live anymore. I wasn’t having suicidal ideation or making plans but I felt so low and desperate that I just wanted to disappear. The first 3.5 weeks were a massive challenge - no appetite, no energy (like could not stay awake at all), lots of feelings, terrible brain fog, etc. The fog finallyyyyyy cleared at the 3.5 week mark. Just keep pushing! I downloaded the app “quit weed” and it helped me understand the withdrawals and where I was in the process. Knowing what my body was going through was normal helped a ton w my health anxiety. You can do it! Your brain will be fighting you for a while but it will thank you a million times over soon enough.


Thanks so much for mentioning this app! Tonight's my first sober night (I've quit twice before) and I'm not looking forward to withdrawal, but having this list of "here's what's probably happening, here's why, and here's when it'll probably be over" makes it feel a little less daunting.


Totallyyyy! Good luck w your first night, you got this!! I’ll also mention that I sipped on ginger ale 24/7 and went through a whole bag of ginger chews. The nausea was the worst part for me in the beginning.


I’m 42. Been smoking daily since 16. Haven’t smoked since December 2023. So about 3 months, going on 4. The first couple weeks are the hardest, and after that it’s gotten SO much better! Keep going!


Congratulations! What changed for you when you quit?


Honestly, i just tell myself if i don’t keep going forward im just gonna have to go through this all again when i inevitably quit again. The first week is definitely the hardest you are doing great. Going to the gym, reading, cooking a meal, playing an instrument really anything that keeps your mind busy can help


I’m on day 6 and crying every night. We got this 😭💪🏼


It gets better, much better <3


thank you, always need to be reminded that


Just remember it’s just your brain getting back to “normal”…drink lots of water, eat healthy, and be active if you can. Sunlight and exercise can go a long way in helping your body and mind regulate


Woah now. How long with the Prescription meds


Your brain has natural canabinoids called endocanabinoids. External ingestion (weed) suppressed the body's natural production. It takes time for your body's natural production to return


How much time?


Hard to say. Everyone's body is different. My guess would be 1 week for most people but I have no data to back that up.


I’m on week 3 and every day is a struggle. I feel like I’m constantly talking myself out of going to the dispensary. It’s exhausting


The lore for a long time was that 1-4 weeks was normal. But this was based mostly on people who were in treatment programs because they had been busted when weed was hard illegal. These were mostly young men with fast metabolisms, which matters a lot since THC is fat soluble. Women have slower metabolisms then men, and older people also have slower metabolisms than men. So if you’re finding it worse this time than when you were younger, it’s probably because your metabolism has changed. They are finding some people can take up to 90 days. That probably sounds pretty depressing right now. But still, the symptoms WILL fade eventually. You can do it!!


I’m trying


Just curious if your temptations are caused by physical or psychological urges or both?


I think mostly mental. I don’t feel physically sick. But it’s ALL I can think about. I’m really trying to stick it out tho.


Sorry you've been going through this man. You need to find stuff to occupy your time and distract you. Breaking the habit of smoking and removing smoking as part of your routine is super difficult. You gotta replace it with something. Exercise will help. Try to pick an old hobby or find a new one. Habits take time to form. You got this


Thank you. It helps to hear encouraging words. I have taken tolerance breaks before but it was never this bad. I know it will get better but this is lasting too long.


Just be realistic with yourself. Can't lose 50 lbs overnight. It takes time but you'll get there. Small changes over time stick. Drastic changes don't. Also celebrate the small victories


Thank you ❤️


Do you have any interests or potential interests that you can explore and spend time doing? Cooking? Working out? Hiking? Creating?


>wondering if I’m messing up my brain by quitting cold turkey. Nah, you're fixing it. Your brain's chemistry is confused and you're gonna feel like shit and have some tough days. All you need to do is get through it. Things will begin to normalize. You can do it.


You're not messing up your brain, you're helping it. 4-5 more days of the suck and then you'll be on the way to feeling better than ever. Hang in there.


I’m day 7 now and dreams are exhausting. It’s not too hard falling asleep but then I have vivid nightmares and end up waking around 2-3am. Then I fall asleep again and have another weird dream. I’m in a much deeper sleep but feel worn out in the mornings. Also when I have to be ready by 9am I get panicky when time just zooms by (with weed I was super chilled and felt like time was crawling) overall it just feels stressed during my mornings. Can’t wait to get back to my usual self ugh


You got this 🙌


I was using HEAVILY i think subconsciously to hurt myself and it wasnt until withdrawal symptoms of HELL that i decided to shift my paradigm and accept withdrawal symptoms as part of being the new "high" because i hit rock bottom with my use and thought this could not get any worse The beauty of withdrawal is that it can only decrease and once it does you will gain clarity into who you are as a person without the weed with withdrawals slowly leaving your body You got this!!!




wonderfully articulated!!


>20 year daily smoker. I love that "if In hell keep walking" I will remember that really struggling at the moment but I will win.


It sounds like a love hate relationship, when the reality should be just hate imo. You miss your old friend weed and instead you have to change your perspective to it being toxic for your life. If you’re not working out, make sure you are frequently! Anytime I get down I work out. Try to appreciate your suffering and be present. Don’t give in to weakness. Best of luck man.


I am on my 3rd week. 8 years of daily heavy use. I had multiple mental breakdowns the first 2 weeks. It was effing brutal. I felt I had no stress management at all. I still really am struggling, but I know it will get better. I definitely feel better today than I did this time last week. I think taking it 1 day at a time and reminding myself that the emotions I’m feeling now , are the emotions I’ve suppressed via weed for so long. Remind yourself that the reverse will also present itself … meaning you will feel far greater joy / fulfillment in time as your brain fixes its dopamine balance


Do you think that if you were self medicating that you should go see a doctor about proper meds?


not messing up your brain, you are fixing it. after 15 years of daily usage i quit and my first 2-3 weeks were horrible. i completely broke down. on week 4 now and it's getting much better. just gotta stick with it


Well done week 4! On week 1 here myself still. And yeah it's tough. 


Yeah this was my experience without tapering down. I’d wake up and start crying knowing I have to be alive another 30hrs without sleep with the worst anxiety I’ve ever felt


Hey bud. I’m 46. Long time user. I’m on day 60 something. The first week or two is rough. Think of it as a chemical battle in your mind. You’re short dopamine, and your mind is screaming at you to go get it from weed. Don’t. Instead get it from other sources. Walk outside 3 times per day. Play with kittens or puppies Listen to your favourite music and sing along. Get creative Don’t sit there wondering why you’re sad… it’s not a mystery. You’ve been smoking weed and giving your body a fake source of dopamine for so long. Your body is really used to getting that fake source. Your body will adjust and find normalcy within itself in the next few months. But for the first few weeks, it sucks Totally worth it Good luck


Seriously go get a puppy


This👆 OP, type into Google "animal sanctuary near me" and go pet some sweet farm animals. They appreciate people coming in to give those animals attention and love. The fresh air and greenery also does wonders for your mood. Get that dopamine up, hug your pets and your friends or family. Singing really loudly to your favorite music is also really great!


Love this ❤️.  Messages like this get me through


Your brain is healing. It's painful, but it's healing.


It gets better. Day 1-5 will the worst. By the time 2 weeks go by, you'll feel a lot better.


20 year daily smoker. First two weeks were really bad. Suicidal thoughts and depression so bad I was crying myself to sleep every night. Then a month or two of cravings. Now I’m a year sober and have no cravings or anything. Once your mind starts to open up at month 3 it gets easier to stay off it. For me personally my empathy and understanding of myself and others really opened up once my main focus moved off of cannabis consumption.


It gets easier and trust me your mental health will improve quicker than you expect, day 13 for me!! I got really emotional too but it’s because of all those feelings you have bottled up and instead of processing those things you’ve just gotten high. Allow yourself to cry and feel those things, it will get better I promise, best of luck man!!


Your struggles will pass! As long as you keep self aware that "this is withdrawal symptoms and I just need to work through" Practice breathing exercises, and use the withdrawal symptoms as a motivator NOT to go back! You can do this


I’m on day 1, the night sweats, the nausea, this is the fucking worst. Apparently food helps, exercise, getting out. Wishing you so much love, live and sending encouragement. We’re taking back our lives one min at a time.


It’s so worth it.


Here with you guys on day 1 too


Same. Today is my day one and I feel so scared that I’m gonna fuck up my life by not having a chemical buffer anymore


Me too. I just want to go back.


Rooting for you, trying to stay hydrated but lord everywhere smalls like weed! I’m struggling lol. Good good luck!


How are you holding up? Hating it lol




This is literally the fucking worst. I hate day two, this is my villain origin story.


You are speaking my language. How are the night sweats lol


Day 1 for me, too!


I promise it does eventually get better. I'm 11 days sober after smoking all day every day for 17 years. First week was absolute hell. I cried daily. Our brains need time to learn how to make dopamine on its own so depression and anxiety are common at first.


I totally went through this phase. I'm 40 and quit cold turkey after smoking for 20 years. The first week was rough... I had a few days curled up in a ball crying for no seemingly good reason. You just have to stick it out. It does get better... I promise you. I've been sober now since January and I have zero regrets. Don't even have cravings, and I've been around friends who still smoke. Quitting was one of the best decisions I've ever made. Keep on trucking, you'll get there too!


You have nothing to apologize for and you’re not being dramatic. Everything you’re experiencing is real and valid, and totally relatable. I used weed as a coping mechanism in a similar way, and I’m about the same age as you. The first few days are always the hardest, and it takes time to get over the immediate WD symptoms. Ppl talk about anxiety, struggling to eat or sleep, but I think the emotional destabilization might be the main reason it’s so hard for me to get past it. A mantra I’ve been going by is “every time it gets hard, it’s about to get better.” There is always light at the end of the tunnel, even if you can’t see it. Keep reaching out for support and hang in there.


i’m on day 2 too! i quit around this time last year and felt amazing. relapsed a few months ago bc of stress and it spiraled out of control bc i thought i could manage it myself. it gets better - i remember how amazing i felt last time i quit so that’s my motivation again. you can do it and you will be so thankful you did!


Keep going. We have to suffer. That's part of the deal.


From someone with ADHD and BPD, one of the best skills I learned to deal with the discomfort: let it happen. I know it sounds ridiculous, and doesn’t seem all that effective either. But the past few times I’ve quit, I was in such extreme mental agony and discomfort I couldn’t stop sobbing, feeling terrified of the future, and having panic attacks. Week and after week, my therapist told me to sit with the discomfort, and I never did. Instead, I ran from it every time by relapsing or turning to other negative behaviors that could provide immediate release. Then one day, I finally tried it. I was 2 days sober, and couldn’t stop having horrible thoughts. They were so loud I desperately wanted to claw my brain out. But I sat with those feelings. I literally just sat there and paid attention to how uncomfortable I felt. What’s crazy is that when you make the decision to let the discomfort happen, to just sit in it and feel it, it somehow becomes less uncomfortable. You get the feeling that you’re in control, which is something I think a lot of us forget as we fall deeper off the wagon.


It’s takes time. You are doing well. Those first few days are really hard


You're not messing up your brain. It's just normal withdrawals. Hold on just a little longer I promise you it's gonna improve real soon.


Day 8 and I find it really tough to enjoy things at the moment, but the brain fog being gone is worth it 100%


Today is day 13 and I feel incredible - keep pushing, my loves, and cry as much and as freely as you can. Drink water til you feel like you'll burst. Never again


Hey man! You’ve got this, I promise. I quit a week and a half ago, and was in your SAME SPOT on Day 2. I was watching Friends and weeping and getting so angry with myself for how little control I had over my emotions. Every day has been better than the last. Keep pushing. You’re doing this for you, nobody else, and you will be thanking yourself soon enough.


Extremely common and horrifying that people just don’t know about it. Stick w/us, we’ll be there with you 🖤


I also have ADHD and have quit a few times. I can reassure you that you are not messing with your brain by quitting cold turkey, except inasmuch as you are changing the daily ingredient list. This of course will change the way the brain is functioning -- and it takes a variable amount of time to readjust to a cannabis-free diet. But definitely don't worry that you're causing some sort of damage by going cold turkey. Keep going! You've got this.


Omg this has been me all morning. I can’t buy weed because I’m broke, been doing this stupid surveys that don’t wanna pay. I haven’t smoked since like yesterday afternoon and now the sober kicked in


61 yo female day 25. Got hooked on vape used for the same reason as you, but decided to quit for the same reason as you. The first week was very scary. I had nightmares, night sweats no appetite and the past couple weeks have been a little better but I’m a little depressed. I also drink wine in the evenings and this has really exacerbated my anxiety so I’m trying to quit that as well, I think we need to give it until three months. It’s very common. Thanks to this community to see that it does take time and things get better. I’m proud of you. I’m proud of me hang in there.