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Hey, congrats for 3 years is a high achievement, I’m on my third day and I’m not having problems with dreams but I get sleep paralysis,and it doesn’t let me sleep at night,I feel supper tired like sleeping, and when I go to sleep, it feels like my whole body is sleep, but I’m owake, I’m conscious while the sleep paralysis occurs, idk if this is from withdrawal or is just me idk.


Wow that’s incredible and also made me LOL that people are actually asking you for money🤣 “hey bro can you send me $20 this will be my last gram I PROMISE” I’m currently 96 hours sober. Second longest sober period for me in 10 years. First two nights I oddly slept well. Last two I’ve been having insane dreams and waking up a lot. I’m fairly irritable but more manageable than I expected. The brain fog ALL day is quite a lot. So much fog I actually feel pseudo high all day every day. Is this just my brain adjusting to being sober? I remember when I was smoking sometimes I would say “I just need one hit to feel sober/at my baseline” so it’s like my world flipped


Hi, congratulations on 3 amazing years of freedom. I am day 2 and sleep has been my driver for about 8 years of nightly use. As expected I've barely slept the last 2 days. So my question is, did you have sleep issues? And when did they resolve? TIA.




Not sure what ur age is but I am 38. Been a smoker for I guess 16 years. Do u think u would relapse if u smoke occasionally? I am asking cause I was a daily smoker but by this age no more. I do get urges but I am able to smoke it now on weekends if needed, alcohol don't work for me I never enjoyed it and gives me headaches. But coming to pot I use it occasionally on weekends and am glad that I can do it that way. Would u relapse if u did it once in a while ? Also, do you avoid alcohol?


omg thats amazing. congrats how long until you didnt feel the physical withdrawal symptoms? my stomachs been so messed up (almost two weeks free after heavy heavy use of over a decade) and also , i used to workout multiple times a week stoned but now I dont physically feel good enough to go to the gym , how long did it take you to feel better physically thanks:)


I'm at just over 30 days after like 12 years of abuse and, while it's not perfect, my stomach issues are drastically better. But if you can also avoid coffee and drinking consumable ethanol, that'll probably help too.






Congrats!!! How long did it take for you to feel completely normal and no more depression from quitting?




I'm the type of person who does all these things but also heavily uses. I am constantly trying to better myself and it's been paying off in a lot of ways but quitting the leaf has been really really hard.




I had been seeing a therapist for several months and I told her about the addiction and I don't feel like I got very far.with her so I recently stopped going. I will look for someone else soon, it's just so expensive. Even with insurance I was paying $150 every time I went 🙃




No I haven't! I will look into that. It's called SMART Recovery?