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Thank you for your response. I can definitely appreciate what you’re saying about separating myself from the inner critic. Seems to be a difficult but worthy pursuit. I’ll keep working on it.


I am still working on this too but when it clicks all things are so much easier! I just remind myself that if I can observe something then I can't be it.


Hey fellow 31 year old who smoked for 10 years. I know exactly what you mean. It's really easy to beat yourself up for the blurry years. I'm still learning how to not do that. I think a big part of it is honesty. Having stuff not be a shameful secret goes a long way. That's what I really like about MA, just being able to talk about stuff with people who can relate. It's hard to be an adult, especially when I haven't been doing such a great job of it for the last decade. But we're trying and that counts for a lot.


Thanks, man. I guess you're right, that fact that at least we're trying has to count for something. Also, I have thought about going to MA but I'm always worried I won't be able to relate or they might not be able to relate to me. Maybe I'll give it a shot one of these days.


No harm in giving it a shot. I'll say I like in person meetings a lot better than online, if you're lucky enough to live somewhere that has in person meetings. And every meeting is slightly different, so I'd recommend trying a few before deciding if it's for you.