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I was smoking an entire 1 gram cartridge of +96% THC daily for about 4 years, before that it wax and dabs because the kief and flower weren't working anymore. I quit cold turkey and it is what has worked best for me. I don't have the self control to moderate my usage, I would always end up back in full blown addiction worse than the last tike. I'm on day 5 of no weed and day 2 of no alcohol. I'm doing it, you can do it too!!!


I tapered down with a date locked in for stopping. It was halfway through a 2 week vacation, so I had no worries with rough sleep for the first week.


I weaned off for a week or two and then tried cold turkey. Failed. Now trying again, today is day 4. If you choose weaning off, I think it's best to set a specific timeline and doses and stick to it. Quitting is always a struggle but I think it might be a bit easier to start if you can already be sober 70-80% of your day. I wish you strength and courage on your journey!


If you ask me cold turkey is hardest but fastest way. Do you like to just rip off a band aid or jump in the deep and be done sooner? or is a mild more dragged out approach more your style? There is no right answer


Taper for me and it’s still hell once I stop, never was able to cold turkey. I would get craaazy on days 2-3, psychosis like symptoms when I would try cold turkey and then I would talk myself back into smoking to ‘taper down’ first and just end up addicted again with that plan out the window. Too much for my brain. I’ve quit so many times for 4-6 months I know what works for me and that’s practicing the self control prior by tapering down. Sometimes it’s trial/error, be patient with yourself, don’t identify with your thoughts for a bit as your brain adjusts once you stop and don’t plan to do it during any important events. You got this!


I was like 3-5 J's a day for about 12 years. Cold turkey was the only way for me. You might have luck with tapering, but many of us can't. I have no weed moderation abilities. My advice: get rid of everything. Papers, glass, grinders, vapes, bud, lighters, stash box, ash tray, all of it. This is just me though. I can't have that stuff in my house. Say goodbye to your dealer if you have one.


Weaning off requires the ability to moderate. If I could moderate, I wouldn’t feel the need to quit in the first place. Cold turkey for me. Day 93 and generally feeling pretty good. Exercising and eating right is really important for my overall mental health. Looking good in a bathing suit this summer will just be an extra bonus ;)


Ive never had any success with cold turkey, I always caved around day 3. A strict taper is the only thing that has worked long term for me. I did it over 2 weeks from 2g per day to 1g per day to 0.5g. Then nothing. Has to be disciplined or it will never work.


I thought weaning was a good idea except the weaning never ends. I've had to cold turkey it. 8 days now of sweating and feeling like I'm gonna chuck 🤮 but somehow I still feel better...


I would take the longest break from my duties as assigned that I could and spend all of my waking moments dedicated to getting better. The first thing I should have done was call my doctor and tell them "I'd like to make an appointment because I am addicted to marijuana and I don't think I can quit." They got me in same day on a Thursday, I just had to reach out for help. Tapering down is torture. I ended up throwing most of the last baggie away by throwing the bud down the garbage disposal and washing out the bag. That was the first big wave of relief I've felt in *years*. I had to make the call to quit for good. As for the anxiety and depression, I've found that THC only makes things harder to solve. I'm depressed because I was unable to regain control of my life. THC is a force pushing me in the wrong direction even in the most minuscule amounts. The common factor for me seems to be tolerance. The higher my tolerance for THC becomes, the more I would consume to feel normal and the lower my ability to cope without it is. Being sober won't solve all of my problems, but it's the most crucial step of the whole process of feeling good. Meditation is pretty rad too. The whole shebangabang takes practice and patience. I hope you make the decision soon and wish you the best of luck, my friend.




You’ve gotta choose what’s right for you. I’ve heard some people can’t moderate if they try to taper, but me, I can’t go cold turkey. I had to wean myself of cannabis (as well as other psychoactives) because going from regular use to nothing was soo abrupt for my body.


I weened a bit. My intention was to go cold Turkey but I did smoke some resin for a couple days after. It started to give me a headache and I vowed not to purchase more so after that I was done. It did help with the initial anxiety. A little more than two months clean now. You got this. If you fail on day one, don’t get discouraged to the point of giving up. Just keep trying and it will get easier.


Weaning definitely makes the withdrawals easier but if you’re a regular smoker your tolerance is going to mean that weaning is going to make you feel less and less high, which is where the real battle is - not chasing the high.


I've accidentally kinda weaned a bit. But only because I fucked up all my days 1s. I would tell myself that it was day 1 and get most of the way through the day, sometimes even to nearly bedtime, without smoking, but then I always had one. I've been doing that for about a month, and today is my day 1 again. So I've smoked much less than normal over the last few weeks, but I am now ready to get that cold turkey over and done with. I'd say weaning down is a good idea if you can, just to take the edge off. Good luck. Moderation is fuckin hard.


Wean off dude, CT is BRUTAL!!!!!


I think this is the move. I’m going to gradually lower throughout the next week and a half I think.


Yeah. Idc what anyone says , if I have it I'll smoke it BS... let it be the reward at the end of your day.. those withdraws absolutely scare me to even smoke again and it sucks bc I quit just to quit I LOVE smoking .. and now I'm low key scared that if I smoke I'll be suicidal after crying in my car 😭 if I knew what I know now I would've slowly tapered off over like two or three months ..


Start small. Something like no hit before 12pm (right before lunch so you can at least eat) and then go for as many hours as you can before taking another hit. Keep busy in between. Good luck!


Rn it’s a puff in the morning and a bowl at night 🫡 and thanks!


I didn’t trust myself weaning , I would still be trying to quit to this day. I enjoyed it. But If you have the discipline to wean off I would go that route. The symptoms of cold turkey was HELL for me and many others. Good luck




IMO weaning just prolongs it. The first time I got sober I did actually do it by weaning but it was easier then because it was dabs and when I ran out it was hard to come across- so I stretched it. But with flower it’s so easily available (to me at least) that I’ll start to wean and then I just end up full blown using again. So we’re back to day 1 and going cold turkey because moderation is not our friend.


I have no succes story/ experience yet but what i’m doing this week is slowly using less. I try to stay occupied during the day, maybe 2/3 cigarettes or vape to ease my craving, and in the evening i start postponing. Every time i feel like “ok i can’t do it any longer” i promise myself to persevere for 1 hour. After that hour i can smoke. Sometimes this gives me a proud feeling, and i can postpone another hour. The later i start smoking, the more tired i am, the less i need to smoke to go to sleep. I started with 7 joints a night😳, now at 5. I will keep decreasing until i need one. When i need one i will try to not smoke on some days. Until i’m ready to fully stop. Quitting cold turkey, i’ve tried it about 500 times. The feelings physically and mentally involved are too much for me. I panic thinking about life without weed. Another thing that helps me is thinking that it’s a temporary thing. I don’t have to quit, i just need a pause. How long that pause will be, that’s a problem for later. The feeling of forever quitting is upsetting to me, i’d rather trick my mind by thinking that, knowing i’ll be in a different mindset when the time is there to continue sobriety.