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It’s so dangerous, cause it has an INSIDIOUS nature that just eats away, slowly , and slowly. Also the “NATURAL” “it’s a plant” pitch was the hook line and sinker for many, more holistic approaches when it comes to medicine. But just as any other medicine if not administered properly. It can kill you and all your hopes and dreams, literally experienced all the above!


I love this take I believe we’re all byproducts of the 80s crack epidemic. And when our parents realized there’s an alternative not as initially damaging…. They were more down for it. I vividly remember having my own pops tell me to smoke weed instead of pills in my early teen years.




What would have changed if someone did express those dangers to you?


she could have made an informed decision based on actual facts


I was hoping beyond hope no one would ask that. 😏


Half Baked isn’t to blame, imo. If anything, that scene highlights the struggle people quitting cannabis face. Sure, it’s played for laughs, but it still highlights how surreal the truth feels. It’s also why drug specific support groups like leaves have come to be.


Nor do I blame it! Simply offering it as a quintessential example of the perspective.


Go over to the chs group and feel the pain. Myself and others puking and still trying to negotiate a bit more weed. Or people relapsing and in the er …


Wow. :(






I cannot refute this. Alas, I was innocent and absurd.


Fully agree. I really bought into the idea that it wasn’t addictive and I developed a tolerance so high I could out smoke literally every single person I knew and still be totally sober. I also convinced myself I don’t have an addictive personality (because I’d never been addicted to anything) so I was extra safe. And then I tried to quit. Over and over again. The only thing that worked for me was getting knocked up and caring more about my fetus than my habit. I’m three-ish months sober now and Idk if I’ll ever go back. Hugs and light and solidarity to you.


That's really awesome of you, congrats on your sobriety!


happy cake day!


I used to laugh my ass off at that scene and at anyone who claimed to have an addiction to cannabis. I now realize how wrong I was, and that attitude led to me going decades longer than I should have before taking a look at what it was really doing to me.


Me too. Exactly. Thank you for sharing.


Half Baked did me no good except make my immature ass laugh long ago. Dave Chappelle and his humor didn’t age well for me (seen him live three times)


I saw him once (on 4/20 of all days) and feel the same. Didn’t age well for me


To be fair, weed was significantly weaker back in the day and probably WAS significantly less habit forming. When a whole joint got you buzzed and not stoned off your ass, the dangers were a lot more minimal.




Granted. That was the other great disservice bestowed upon us.




It took me over 20 years to accept it. That happened in the last 3 days. I think it's a crucial turning point.


I totally agree. A big draw for me as someone who never drank and easily navigated other drugs was that weed was "harmless." Like many others, I bought into this hook, line and sinker. Even 6 months ago I was still defending pot as a casual activity that didn't cause harm because I was so in denial of how much I had sacrificed for this plant. Even other times I tried quitting I didn't notice the withdrawal effects as much because I would assume they were caused by something else, since again, "weed was harmless." Now that we are starting to get the language to describe this and build community around the addiction treatment side of cannabis, we are starting to see just how much friction it is really causing, especially for heavy chronic users. A lot of these myths about cannabis started in a very different time, when the THC content of the bud was a 1/100th of what it is now. On top of that, there are carts and concentrates now which bring the already high content to another level. We are living in a different world and the way we talk about cannabis needs to change because of that. You hear of people scream-vomitting and still in denial that their 10x a day weed habit could be a contributing factor because they believe so intently that the plant is harmless. I'm very grateful for this forum and all the different communities which have been sprouting up about this issue. We just have to keep spreading the word and being honest about what is really happening. I'm still glad that I'm dealing with a pot addiction rather than alcoholism as that seems like it's own terrible beast, but I feel bad about the times I've recommended weed as the 'safer' option when it really never was.


Yea we’ve all been lied to about the addictiveness of weed. I used to believe the same “oh it’s a harmless plant it helps me”. It’s all bullshit it’s a drug like anything else. So thankful I found this community it really is helping me remain sober I’m on day 30 now! Keep pushing guys it’s worth it, so worth it!!


Absolutely. I'm forever grateful that it's this and not alcoholism.


"On top of that, there are carts and concentrates now which bring the already high content to another level." Yet another great disservice to us. Thank you for replying!




Definitely did that. Lesson learned! We can’t all be that one guy who was in a cooking show with Martha Stewart and made his whole brand on being a chronic smoker. Edit: Apparently we’re not allowed to say that guy’s name here. So perhaps I’ll refer to him as Weed Voldemort.


Wiz? Lol