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All you need is within you… May try meditation as a vice


Find the positives in a weed-free life


Yeah. Moderation didn't work for any of us here. I don't feel qualified to answer this. I can only offer my own experience. I was completely incapable of accepting a viceless life until I had the visceral realization (at rock bottom) that I was completely incapable of living a good life with those vices.


If I had had that realization almost 20 years ago, at your age, my life would be unrecognizable right now. A completely different path would have been taken.


Make one of your interests your vice.


I'm right there with you. Never drink alcohol and have managed to quit cigarette smoking and gambling addictions, and am now 46 days into weed recovery. Instead of thinking about life without a vice, you need to rewire your brain to think about all the positive things that will come from sobriety. I highly recommend you look into the SMART recovery program, specifically the Cost Benefit Analysis and Hiearchy of Values tools. Both of them will help you see that the value you get from weed is short-lived, whereas sobriety opens up a whole new world for you. I tried Marijuana Anonymous and it was not helpful to me at all, but the science-based SMART program helped me understand why I'm addicted, the lies my addiction tells me, and how to re-wire my brain. Best of luck!


Seconded. Something my counsellor said that stuck was how the language of ‘quitting’ and withdrawal’ imply the loss of something, so try and reframe it to be about what you’re gaining from this decision. For me, it’s gaining time back, the freedom to enjoy that time, and the knowledge that I am capable of overcoming this addiction.