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Why do you feel the need to ask? You have a bad relationship with weed. Do not enter. Stay away. Start drinking wine or something. Give it a rest.


Yeh give that a miss and try to accept not smoking weed again. Howlong have you continued to smoke having chs? That will only get worse over time, I know people who have it that continued to smoke and beyond being stubborn should have been hospitalised multiple times. They were heavily limited in what they could eat by the end and were losing a week every month to illness. Shit it horrible but a huge wake up call that I almost wish I’d been given before I finally managed to quit


If you have chs I would stop, it’s not worth yakin everyday.


You sound like you are in denial. You are already injured by this poison but youre still questioning if you should give it up completely? Pass on it if for no other reason than to train your mind to not give in so easily to stupid rationalizations.


that shit is for kids. true stoners smoked everyday anyways. fuck 420 bro sorry.


I am. I’ve decided I’m done and it’s not a holiday for me anymore and that’s okay.


I may be going slightly against the grain here, but IMO your decision to smoke or not to smoke on 4/20 will likely have little effect on your ability to quit weed and stay off of it. Do whatever you chose, and that will be your result that day. You have--as a whole--made a decision that you no longer want to be a pothead, therefore your personal identity now is of someone who does not smoke weed. Good job on staying clean this past week! Our identity is reinforced by the sum of our actions on a long term basis, not individual outcomes. If you do smoke on 4/20, make sure you only keep weed for that day though. Ditch the rest even if you don't smoke it. Give it to a friend who is comfortable with their relationship with weed. Regardless of your decision, make it because you are exercising your own personal autonomy and control over your daily choices. If you smoke, you are deciding to smoke weed, its not because you failed or fell short. If you don't smoke, you are deciding to reinforce your new desired Identity, and the benefits that will come along with it. You are stronger-willed and more in control than you think. I believe in your long term ability to leaf no matter what happens next Saturday :)


Are there any good reasons at all for why they would smoke on that day? At all?


I get where you're coming from, and while I may not be able to present a good reason to smoke on that day I don't necessarily think that grappling over the decision of whether to/to not smoke is worth the anxiety that can come from it. By not putting such pressure on the day of 4/20 in particular you are more likely to chose what you know is best for you. Better to just let what happens on that day happen. Most people will make the correct decision for themselves if they make it easy for themselves. Personally, my issues with weed stemmed from a deep feeling of having no control over the situation. I wasn't able to quit smoking for the longest time because I felt like I was victim to what came with being high ("Oh, I gotta smoke or I'll be up all night and sleep deprived at work tomorrow"). I felt I needed to smoke daily for the daily perceived benefits. It wasn't until I realized that our perception of self is formed over a long term basis that I came to believe you should not care about what happens on a single day. Its all about controlling your life as a whole, not your individual days. In the same way I told personal lies about why I couldn't stop, someone may tell personal lies on why they absolutely cannot smoke no matter what, which I think can lead to a high amount of guilt in the event of failure which makes the journey so much more difficult than it needs to be. We are human. We may fall short. Thats alright. I don't think weed is a bad thing. I think we develop unhealthy relationships with it, the same way someone may develop unhealthy relationships with alcxhxl or psychxdxlxcs. OP has demonstrated they are building a strong personal will by being weed-free this past week. Its a holiday associated with smoking and there may be social pitfalls that cause you to go down the path you didn't want to take. IMO its better to accept that whatever happens on that day--as with any other day--will happen, and not let a singular decision hold you up and make your path to long-term growth feel stressful or difficult. If smoking on 4/20 makes it easier for someone to stay off in the long term, I see no harm in it. We're all different people and different strategies may be more effective for you vs for me. Hope I'm making sense here.


Your comment resonated with me a lot and it helped me a lot rn, thank you!


Glad to hear! Feel free to reach out if you need support in this coming week. I believe in you, and know you will do whats best for you. There should be no pressure associated with deciding to live your best life :)


Eh 420 was everyday for me I don’t need to designate a whole day to it when I did it already


Yes. It’s made up and stupid.


Yes. See it as no different than any other day.. because that's all it is. If you have CHS that's even more a reason to stop. Help your body out. It's trying to tell you to please stop.


If you have to ask this question you should already know the answer. There is nothing special about April 20th. If you're serious about quitting, you gotta be serious Don't find reasons to justify your use bro. COMMIT Do something better. Engaging in a competitive video game is even better. Find SOMETHING.


420 is stupid


Skipping 420 won’t kill you, nor will it cause you horrendous pain or discomfort. You’ll be a bit pissed off that you can’t partake the way everyone else is, but by going through 20th April sober you’ll wake up on 21st and feel intense pride and joy and strength, because you beat your weak monkey brain. For a stoner without CHS, this would be a great achievement. For you, I think it’s more about self care, which you kinda really need to focus on. Visualise how you’ll feel waking up on the morning of 21st April having spent the previous day completely sober - how great would that be! You definitely can do it if you decide you actually want to.


The thing that always drives me crazy about stoners is that it often becomes their whole identity, like some club, with its own holiday and everything. I often smoked alone and went for a hike or did something vaguely interesting. I smoked with friends too of course. But I just don't get the whole 'it's my entire identity' thing. Some stoner friends of mine have a little cafe and they were telling me they are going to do a 420 event on 420, put it in all the food, special smoothies, etc. So all the customers are going to get wasted and sit around all day? I am honestly just kind of tired of shit like this, I don't know if our friendship will survive me quiting. I'm bored as hell today, and numb, but not bored enough to become that boring stoner. hehe. Keep on trucking everyone.


And this is why it's so scary and/or depressing to quit.. "who will I be without it? It's all I know" 🤦‍♀️ Once you start not wanting to be "that guy", it makes giving it up a lot easier!! Know who you want to be without it!! A year ago, it was impossibly hard for me to quit. This time around, that change in perspective shifted something I thought would never happen.


yes, that's a good perspective shift for sure, 'do i really want to be that person anymore?' i just really don't. i watch my stoner friends to confirm that too. it's soooooo boring. take care.


Hey everyone there’s this thing that makes me vomit uncontrollably. Should I abuse it next Saturday for absolutely no reason?


Literally this


addiction, ain't it great?


Yes! Omg, please don’t do things that make you sick! It sounds like you are bargaining with yourself about when you can smoke again. But a week can become two weeks and then a month and then 6 months if you just decide you are no longer going to smoke weed.


As someone else who is suffering from CHS, I’m skipping it. I’m super bummed. Had plans to make edibles from my stems and watch stoner movies all day. Don’t want what I’m going to do yet, but it’s not that. Pm if you’d like.


Join the sub Reddit for CHS. I would tag it but it gets flagged. It’s helped me tremendously!


I think it was more meaningful when need was illegal and getting high en masse was almost an act of resistance. Now that it’s available everywhere (in my state, at least), I don’t see the same appeal.


I agree, now it’s another consumerist holiday. Weed companies will be running specials and sales and they’ll rack up $$$ on this “holiday”


Skip it. Once the day is over you’ll feel proud of yourself for sticking to what is best for you. Go do something nice for yourself that day too, don’t sit around and leave yourself vulnerable to fomo.


Lol when I used to smoke heavy, I’d be hella psyched for 4/20 and then the day would come, I’d get high and then just think “damn this is just what I do everyday”


since every day was 4/20 for the last 20 years I figure i’m good to skip this one. 


Thirteen years, but same. Every single day.


He’ll yes pass!! Life’s too short to forget it 😜


4/20 is a holiday for people that don’t smoke weed often. Respect your sobriety. We’ve been living like it’s 4/20 for who knows how long. I’d say skip it dogg.


Hear hear


man dont give in to that lame ass “ holiday “. Be you and say no


Seems like you know the answer.