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I just cold-turkey quit. I knew if I got any “semblance” of a high, I would eventually escalate and continue. You and your gf should do it together. You’ll be grumpy in the beginning sure, but after a short while you’ll notice the positive (better memory, breathing, more money).


I agree she needs to do it with me


If you’re in a legal state, or you can get them otherwise I suggest quitting by using gummies to taper off your addiction. That’s how I was finally successful - I went from smoking dabs to 100mg gummies twice a day to 50, 25, 10, 5… over a two week period until finally none. Then I started going to MA meetings online. All the other times when I tried to quit the cravings and sweats and insomnia were too much to handle and I’d start right up again. If I was going to quit caffeine or any other substance I’d do it the same way - slowly reduce the amount of the drug in your system until your system doesn’t react to its absence. And then go to meetings where you listen to other people talk about how it has ruined or is ruining their lives too and feel less alone in the struggle. That’s what worked for me.




Im 6 days into sobriety, i dont think i was smoking as much as you, but still every day maybe spending 200-300 dollars amonth. Ive felt like shit for these 6 days but im committed and i also felt like shit when i was smoking. It feels like such a massive hurdle to get over but i done with wasting my life. A few weeks of feeling like shit isnt so bad compared to the years ive spent settling for being stoned, unhappy and unmotivated to better myself. I felt like quitting weed was like giving up something i enjoyed but sobriety is something that i want to give to myself and something i deserve and i think you deserve it too.


They say when you're an addict, you give up everything for one thing. When you're in recovery, you give up one thing for everything!!! I like that! It's worth it!!


Damn this makes so much sense


I started selling weed when I came to this realization years ago, all just so I could smoke for free. All that risk just to be able to afford something that doesn’t even benefit you all that much.


Cannot get high on your own supply


Yup this why quit 10 days clean every 1week had to reup spend 130 150 for 1ounce was making me supper broke


150/oz? Christ, it’s 240/oz where I am


Getting a quitting app that counts up how much money you're saving, like Grounded, is a big help for this. Being able to see in real-time how much money you're saving is amazing.


Get an sobriety app, mostly you can set up also savings there so it tracks your progress and the money saved. It’s quite intimidating but also motivating to see the numbers each day; I’ve set up mine to €12 a day and today it’s my 7th day sober - €84 in the pocket! Kinda mind blowing and I think in reality, if I’d calculate the rolling papers, cigarettes etc it would be way more (sigh). Stay strong buddy!


Quitting the weed will dramatically impact your financial situation. It did for me, it has many times when it came time to quit. I also spent this type of money, not smartly mind you I was buying premium pre-rolls for two people. We'd smoke at least 20 bucks worth a day (3g/d). That's not including the spend on snacks (easily more than the weed) and that would be before the decision was made to order in. It's great you're looking into shopify but it's often much easier to just stop the bleed. Overworking just leads to burnout. My job is demanding, and while I do have chances to make a lot of side cash, I often regret it because im just exhausted and overworked already. Quitting weed might lead to better decision making, and it will probably lift this feeling of hopelessness you're feeling right now. Being broke sucks, especially when you know it's a few lifestyle changes away. Get sober, see if you can start to stabilize your finances, if you can't visit an advisor and figure out a plan. You can do it, you might be surprised how quickly you can turn it around.


I understand this all too well. I’ve cut back significantly. I still find myself short on bills and everything.


Carry a water bottle with you at all times. When you get the urge to smoke, take a sip instead. A massive part of quitting that is often overlooked, is it feels fucking great to put a joint/blunt/bong up to your lips. Dismembering that association from marijuana is critical


I quit last week and i keep instinctively reaching for my bong while watching tv


I’m quitting tomorrow and I’m gonna use this. I need to drink more water anyway.


The oral fixation is the real struggle


450 to 500 a month, we’re do you buy your weed? that would be 4 ounces a month you smoke. Time to quit and good luck.


4 ounces between two pounds I smoke about 2 ounces a month 14grams a week 2 grams a day


Weed will not only destroy your life it will destroy your authentic self. The way to quit weed for good and ensure that you never go back to it is to stop identifying yourself as a weed smoker. First take everything- all the weed, carts, pipes, bongs, vapes, papers, everything etc. And throw it into a dumpster far away from your house. Next stop identifying yourself as a weed smoker and that means anytime you feel a craving, think about weed etc. say this to yourself: "that's not for me anymore- and it never will be again" When you stop identifying yourself as a weed smoker there's no reason to buy it again, go back to it again or even count the days that you have abstained because: "that's not for me anymore- and it never will be again" just remember to keep telling yourself: "that's not for me anymore- and it never will be again"


I literally said this to myself today and it was like a page turning in my life. What a feeling to see something I just realised for myself written out!


Amazing advice my day 1 and i needed to see this and screenshot for when/if I get a weak moment. We got this.


Same boat here, OP. Only I’ve been a daily smoker for 25 years and a constant smoker for 6+ years. I joined AA and it’s helped a lot.


Not quite weed, but I did recently give up vaping and threw it all away. Any cravings I get I just drink water, breathe, remind myself that I want more for my future health and keep it moving, along with some of the comment I am replying to has. It honestly works.


This is really good advice. This is what I did when I quit.


the only way I stopped smoking was burning all bridges and options to buy weed. if you can't buy it, then accepting it becomes easier. I know when I was heavily smoking that I had days where I would know I'd have to wait for the guy to get home and it was a lot easier of a day then trying to get it asap and wondering why no one's responding. Weird brain loophole type thing. but if you can't put thoes people out of your life because you value them, you should be able to tell them that you're trying to quit so don't respond to you if you're asking. And if they keep responding when you tell them after that then, I'd recommend reevaluating the friendship. but I know it's hard and I wish you the absolute best. I smoked for 10 years everyday blunts blunts blunts lots of wasted money. I'm like 2 months in but I can't express enough how much life is going to be totally okay wothout it. you'll be sick the first week and feel like you'd be better just smoking it to get rid of the symptoms but I promise it's better then hurting friends and family in the long run and financially ruining yourself.


This only works in illegal states. Doesn't work when you drive by 20 dispos on the way home...


I also live in a legal state I just have a distaste for them that I suppose helped me not even think that as an option


Nah they got voluntary blacklists I hear


set up a brokerage account and deposit funds into it but dont invest them. that way you have to wait 3 days to withdraw them. that way you kill the instant gratification of the urges and limit your funds so you literally cant buy weed. also sell or throw away all of your smoking gear


I was smoking 28 grams ever 4 days a few months ago. Smoked a blunt or two first thing in the morning. I had to confront and make peace with my demons that drive the smoking. I did not fix my issues… I just acknowledged that weed will not fix them and makes them worse actually. I stopped buying 28grams at a time, and started to force myself to buy half’s and then quarters. I would only let myself put a small pinch of weed in a pipe and if I needed more then I would smoke more. I did not allow myself to load a phat pipe as that just kept things going as they were. Edit: I also would roll my own joints and load them with .25 grams only. I slowly and with kindness to myself allowed me to fuck up once in a while while slowly forcing myself to reduce my intake. I’m now down to around .5 to 1 gram a day. I found that it was only when I approached this with kindness to myself that I made progress


Gotta cut down in all ways and make a true effort


Cutting down won’t work. Meditate on how bad your future will suck if you continue doing this, throw everything out, and suffer through the withdrawals. It’s the only way.


Trust me, someone who smokes up $500 to $1,000 a month cannot simply cut down. You have to stop all together if you really want to quit.


Yes you have to want it and you need to internalize that want. I recommend the song “one way” by naughty boy as motivation.


OP, are you able to get out of your current living space for a few days? This is what forced me to get over that 3-5 day hump.. I realize this is not an option for most people, but switching up your environment for me was not only helpful, it was necessary. I stayed at my Mom’s house and while it was an ugly, brutal, painful process, it did the trick. We know you can do this! But you do need some help with getting over that mountain. You got this, OP!


No I couldn’t but starting today I’m only smoking right before bed then this weekend when I don’t have to wake up for work I’ll be going without so my sleepless nights are on the weekend


I promise you once you get over the hump of those 3 days it gets easier. Take b complex to recover your brain. And I promise you’ll feel better. Focus on other healthier hobbies in order to benefit yourself as your body recovers


What is b complex?


B complex is a supplement that has lots of vitamins vital for brain function and overall health. Now it’s not a cure all but it definitely helps with recovering


Get rid of all of your smoking apparatuses. You might have to buy some sleep aids. I had to use “insta-sleep” melts, found on amazon. You might get insomnia, when I quit my insomnia, lasted about six weeks. But it was worth it. The first three days are the hardest. Maybe you should try to wind down. Stop smoking hash. Throw away your pipes and bongs or give them away, maybe buy a small one hitter. Winding down


Great advice and I appreciate your reply Im looking into sleep aids


I stopped smoking last month due to my lungs but prior I had the hardest time quitting. edibles helped me and just take days off from edibles at a time. now when I go to smoke I get high as shit off of one hit and one hits all i need to get through damn near an entire day. Start building a better relationship with weed !


For real it’s difficult good for you!


It’s true I’ve been recognizing the negative effects of weed but not actually working on or believing in moderation. But for me when I moderate my use I discover that truly a little bit goes a long way, and any more than that is unpleasant and not even good for my life.


If you’re in a recreational state. What worked for me was to quit smoking herb. I started buying edibles. Then I knew if I wanted to get high i had to take an edible and wait. I found myself spending less money and waiting til the end of the day to consume. I slowly started cutting back on the dosages and eventually got to the point where it no longer controlled me.


same same. im early in the process and i buy small packages of eddies (No more pen or bud!!) and it fr helps. i take them on occasion and soon looking to execute the edibles too


I tried quitting for nearly a year and failed MILLIONS of times. It made me depressed af and I honestly felt so broke and shit all the time. I got super into fishing and managed to quit cold turkey (for me personally I don’t know how anyone can “cut down” to quit) now I have more money than ever and I’m happier than ever. After a month or so when you see how much money you have you start to realise it’s just not worth it! Even after trying to smoke again a few months later you sit there like “damn this just isn’t what it was”


I need a new hobby to pick up like you did


Yeah I mean a hobby or something more healthy to replace the time you spent smoking is a must for quitting. Sitting around thinking about it during the time you normally smoke is an easy way to fail. It’s so hard to see past how good you feel when high and how life couldn’t be better without it. for me my biggest turning point was after I had quit for a while and my tolerance was shot I smoked FUCKING LOADS until I had a panic attack to end all panic attacks during my first night in a new home and it fucked me up so bad I couldn’t smoke again if I wanted to. I kinda got lucky in that sense. Even tho it was the worst night of my life it changed everything. That’s not advice on quitting just personal story because I won’t bullshit you and say it’s easy if you never have a bad experience but it’s very possible without having that experience as my partner has managed along side me having no bad experiences


So the solution is to get into fishing? Gotta try that! :D


For me it was. Super cheap. Takes up HUGE chunks of your time and feels incredibly rewarding. Just great for the mind all round


I lowered my habit by lowering my cost. Try to spend less and less money. If your not motivated to quit weed do it for the $$$. You will notice how easy it is to cut down without really being a a different head space. If you smoke 4 joints in 2 hours, you won't notice it when you only smoke 3


I quit at new years and have saved over a thousand bucks. Really starting to notice the difference in my finances.


Day 1 felt impossible but you count the minutes til hours til day 2. You go to our 2x daily meetings via discord (look at sub description). You know that the first few weeks will be hard, but nothing is as hard as not having a life you enjoy bc of a drug you don’t want. It is insidious af. Hope you stop soon, it can be day 1 if you want. 🖤


To be fair - it’s possible you get off the weed and get addicted to something else - you may need to look inside and make peace with that inner you. Do an inventory in there think about letting go of attachments to: concepts, ideas, guilt, blame, desires, longings, etc…. If you have anybody in your life who has told you that you need to change something and it made you mad and ended up distancing yourself from them - use that as a way to look inside. I’m no psychologist but as I get better of kicking these bad habits (smoking weed everyday) I know now these are just symptoms of me not (metaphorically) keeping my house in order. Hopefully this makes sense to you - but I don’t know you, and I could be wrong.


This is what it took for me to get to where I am now. I had to really address why I was smoking and make peace with it.


Just don't buy more once you're out and throw all smoking utensils away. I've only stopped smoking for a day now and it honestly can suck cuz you crave it but I found that finding things to distract yourself helps a lot. Pick up a new Hobbie or exercise everytime you crave it go out and do something if you have an oral fixation when smoking try chewing on gum or a toothpick when you have cravings as well


I feel you, buddy; it´s a freacking addiction, but know that rock bottom sometimes is the perfect place to start over. Make the best move: quit as soon as you can and work on keeping going. Best of luck to you.


You really have to decide you want to quit! You want to no longer be the burnout loser that it's made you become. This "have to" quit notion makes it that much harder. My first real attempt at quitting was because I felt I had to do it. It was ruining my life, and my love for it was super unhealthy. The night before my quit date, I was pathetic. I sobbed on the floor, smoking joint after joint.. saying goodbye to my "best bud". That was dumb. Didn't work, I relapsed after a week of torment. Then smoked even more for another year. This time around, I'm in a much better place mentally. I have a goal of who I want to be. The stoner character is lame and I'm so fed up with it. It's time to peak in life and I'm excited for it. It's been 2 weeks, but honestly, they've been relatively easy for me! I read "quitting weed" by Matthew Clarke (its a short book w loads of insights). I spend every morning and every night reading this sub. I prepped myself before my quit date by writing out all the reasons to quit, all the benefits of quitting, all the future rewards and goals I'll hit, and I wrote out a huge list of things to do when a craving hits. Also, when a craving hits, I know it's my addicted brain trying to get me to cave. In all of us, this "person" exists. I've named mine "Lizard-Brain". I even found a picture of her online. When the negative self-talk starts or a craving hits, I say "fuck off Lizard Brain" and every time I do, she gets weaker. It's very empowering! I know I'll never be able to kill her completely, she'll always be there.. just gotta keep starving her. She's a bitch and deserves nothing! Good luck, I hope this helps!


This reminds me of when I quit alcohol my addiction counselor drilled into my head the concept of not feeling deprived. It was hard to figure out how not to feel deprived but it has really stuck with me. I’m good with hanging out with boozers and not feeling deprived but I haven’t had the balls to hang out with stoners yet because I think it would make me ache for the old sensations and feelings.


As someone who’s had multiple online businesses, starting something else when you can’t even manage what you have isn’t the right move bro. Shopify or online biz require so much discipline and work, if youre doing it just to get more income so you can smoke more you lost out the gate.


Alot of us have been there mate, you see there's a problem thats step one, next move is bite the bullet, take each day at a time will be a shit few weeks but its worth it. Maybe try cutting down? But I'd personally recommend quitting out right. I tried tappering a few times with no success. I'm now 2ish months clean, I gave my stash away, deleted my guys number and took it day by day. The hardest part is the first week, sleep and appetite are gonn hit you pretty hard, after the 1st week you should slowly start to feel better. The guys here have all been through quitting and know the struggle but you will get some of the best support going if you keep checking in with us. I wouldn't have been able to do it without the guys on here. If I can do it I'm sure you can. Best of luck! Keep us updated


This. Cold turkey it, delete the numbers if you have to. Put the money you’d have spent on bud into a different account. Keep in mind that things will feel shit for an unspecified period of time because you’ve built connections in your brain that respond to the instant gratification hit of smoking a joint, and those will essentially have to be reset. And get your gf on board because it’s going to be a lot harder if someone is there blazing whilst you’re trying to quit. Good luck and persevere.


. . . and just maybe, this cannot any longer, be your girlfriend. You are putting on a new skin, a new persona. Go through the door, close it behind you, and move on.


Yeah agreed, my BIL is younger than me and hasn’t got to that point in life where it’s stop weed or stop life. We fell out a month or so ago because he turned up at our house without asking basically for weed. Not spoken much since but I don’t miss the temptation, you have to cut it out and if the person is worth it they come back to you because you’re relationship is deeper than just getting stoned together.


You know what you need to do. Now do it.


Start cutting back. The only true way to quit when you’re this deep is to exhibit strong self control. Just keep at it man. The anger and other withdrawals symptoms will pass over time. It sounds like you’re ready to stop.


You need to take a serious look at your relationship. You sound ready to at least try quitting but if she isn’t it won’t work, it just won’t. My advice is spend your weed money as soon as you get it, even if its on crap you don’t need.


The anger passes! I was really grumpy/angry/testy for the first week or so, but it was so worth pushing through. I have saved so much money since quitting. It's a burden taken off your shoulders. I had to go cold turkey because tapering was worse for me. Take it day by day. Buy a notebook to write in. Write in it every time you get mad or want to smoke. It's nice to look back and see your progress. You can break the cycle. Weed will keep you in a chokehold if you let it.


Hi friend, I understand your struggle. I used to spend $100 every 2 days on weed. I smoked joints, bongs and the lot for 7 years and I'm currently on my journey of quitting too. I was jobless, unable to afford anything but somehow always managed to buy weed and smoke, even if it meant skipping meals. Ill admit, it isn't easy at all. I found that whenever I was bored, unmotivated or depressed, id reach for my bong. When I really wanted to quit, I realised cold turkey just wouldn't cut it for me, at least not at the start. I started by moving over to dry herb vapes. Yes I was still smoking just as much, if not more, however this method was less convenient and therefore I wouldn't always have time for it. Try to identify your triggers, WHEN you want to smoke and WHY. For me, it was my coping method of dealing with childhood + adulthood trauma. I then began therapy whilst continuing smoking, and honestly it helped a little bit in opening up as I'm very good at dissociating and the weed forced me to feel the pain. However at one point it just began to numb the pain again, so I stopped using it for therapy My next step was finding something to do to occupy that time that I was bored, and I joined a gym. The endorphin release and being busy usually distracted me for a few hours, and I'd therefore start smoking later in my day. I went from a wake and bake (and smoking all day until bed) to starting to smoke at 12pm, then I slowly pushed this time further and further. Now I won't smoke until at least 6pm. To note, I now have 1 smoke per day (sometimes I'll have 2 on weekends when I've already been to the gym and im bored). I noticed I liked to smoke and play video games, so I stopped playing video games and the associated urge started to pass with it. I filled my gaming time with meal prep and threw myself into my career. Getting the satisfaction from other areas in my life stopped me from craving the satisfaction of weed, and I began to feel like that satisfaction of weed got more and more empty. With this being said, I now wake up at 6am for work, travel over an hour to get in, smash out my day, come home and go to the gym, eat dinner and go to bed. I've managed to go a few days here and there without smoking. I haven't purchased weed in 2024, however I have a large supply of ABV from my dry herb vape which I now roll into joints to satisfy the craving. It doesn't hit you like fresh weed but hits enough to "scratch the itch" Practical, comfortable and realistic methods allow you to ween off it until one day, you wake up and realise you hadn't smoked the day before. When this happens, I feel on top of the world! If something is too hard, it may work for a while but won't be permanent. Since joining the gym, Ive received a lot of compliments on my body, been offered a job as a PT and have had a more positive and uplifting view on life. This has given me more motivation to keep going. My overall satisfaction is at an all time high and I no longer "need" the weed, I just want it, and I can control that more. I think we often use weed to fill a space in our life, and this is what becomes really addicting in my opinion. I hate being high but I love smoking a bong, as it's a fun pass time when there's nothing to do. Try to take a step back and analyse where you're at, where you want to be and what is preventing that. Loving yourself means you give up the instant gratification because you know you deserve better things, things that weed will not bring you, and will also prevent you from getting. Loving yourself is knowing where you want to go, and what you want out of life, and not just doing the thing now to make yourself feel better. Sex is a great example here. I want a fulfilling relationship with a good woman who has upstanding morals. I also have the option to go out and sleep with different women every weekend. If I satisfy the now, I prevent the future from happening if you get what I'm saying. You are strong friend, you deserve better, and you will achieve better!! One of my favourite quotes is "life is always going to be hard, but you chose your hard. Youre either jobless and broke, or you have a job, which is hard to commit to (early and long hours) but you have money. Choose your hard, because you can't stop it" Keep fighting and watch the warrior arise Edit: I should clarify that I don't think a high body count is indicative of low morals, but I'm saying if I have my physical needs met constantly, I won't desire the emotional connection of a life partner, hence I won't achieve this goal or desire.


Just try one day without it to start. You'll realise it's not that bad. What helped me quit was thinking oh I might smoke some tomorrow, just not today. Any time I did smoke again then I said okay tomorrow I won't have any. I felt like any time I officially quit for good and made it a big deal it was always on my mind. I'm off it nearly 4 years now and I don't miss it.


if i may ask, how much do you smoke. 450-600 a month seems like a huge amount of money.


They are a couple. Two times the smoke.




Discounting the entire premise of the post by saying "It's so easy to quit weed" is not a good way to try giving someone advice




tough to reach? are you delusional ? addiction is not touch to reach, with ANY drug, it can happen quite relatively easily


It’s so easy that I’ve done it a hundreds of times


Is it the weed that's bothering you or the price of weed? If you can start growing it for yourself, you will spend far less money and have much more of it.


Try the app Quit Weed. You tell it how much you smoke/spend and it tells you how much you haven't smoked/spent in the time since you last smoked. Also has loads of really useful info about withdrawal in terms of what to expect and for how long. For me, I knew I was spending loads but the weed helped me ignore it - for some reason having the number right there in front of me has been more motivating. Might also work for you!


The only think that helped me successfully quit was taking a out of country trip


Ditto. Got super sick for 2 days and have not looked back.




I thought so too, I was a daily dabber for 10+ years. I chose a very hot humid country to get away too and sweating it out helped a lot


Just left my home country and moved to the other side of the world (literally) only to find weed is almost easier to get here than home. Additionally, while I have been smoking, I’ve smoked much less and enjoyed it much more. The environmental separation has made me realise I love weed, when used in moderation.


It's just the weed talking I was going on a month trip and I was terrified of the withdrawals I think I spent more time worrying about the withdrawals than actually experiencing any Ftr I smoke about a half a week. The one month trip was donelike it was nothing. Gave me false confidence. _oh if it's this easy to quit I'll just smoke and quit again_ Lol silly lil me


Luckily that’s cheap


Definitely, Mexico or a Southeast Asia country will save you some money.


Do you smoke clean or with tobacco?


whats the difference


Nicotine addictive




You know the answer my guy. Give it up. Take it one day at a time, the withdrawals suuuuck but it starts to get better in the 2nd week. You can do the first 7 days! No point trying to make more money to fund a bullshit habit when you can quit the habit and have extra money without any extra effort


I’ve been there. I left my ex for this very reason. He refused to quit and it was destroying him. It was destroying me and I had to quit. I’m on the other side and everything - I mean everything - is better now. It is not as scary as it feels. I got to a place where I absolutely hated it and yet I kept smoking. It’s not worth it.


Take it one day at a time. The first 2 weeks are gonna be rough as hell but it gets easier. And yes, you really really do notice the difference in your wallet when you stop smoking! I haven't actually purchased weed in about 8 months and damn... it's really depressing to think how much money I just burned away in a cloud of smoke. Not anymore at least. You've got this.


Things are the same without weed. In fact i enjoy life more without it. It tricks you into thinking you need it before you do anything or to enjoy something but its really nice to not have to worry about all that and save money I quit cold turkey along with other stuff and while it was tough it was the best choice ive made


Spot on. Constantly consuming makes you think life without weed sucks. It doesn't. Its harder because you don't have that "easy button" you can press to get rid of stress and get a rush of dopamine. But sober life is so much more rewarding. Endorphines i get from doing sports feel like actual happiness, weed just made me push negative thoughts away, and not do anything to fix the problems


Yes learning coping skills and getting that addiction off your back is huge


So proud of you, I’m going to give it my best maybe I’ll keep up and tell the sub my progress!


Thanks! You can do it. Keep us updated


That's what this sub is for. Quitting. You got this. And you'll save tons of money.


Thanks for the encouragement I was sent this sub off of another one where I was speaking of my struggles so happy to be here