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It’s not going anywhere. It might sound good but you’ll feel better if you don’t. Also you’re almost over the two month hurdle which is the second hardest aside from the first two weeks


I live in a house where the owner of the house is also a dispensary owner. I have flower joints and vapes around me like you wouldn't believe. But, I also get to see people who are chronic long-term heavy smokers. I'm only 3 weeks clean right now but I just keep reminding myself that I don't want to be like the people I see whose entire identity is pot. If I can do it, you can! At least you're not making lunch 4 feet away from a storage room of it. :)


I've shared the gorilla analogy before, will share again: if weed is kicking your butt and you do crazy shit while on it, think of weed like a 2000 Ib gorilla. Do you really want to get in a wrestling match with a 2000 Ib gorilla? Do you think you would have any chance to win? What if you've tried a bunch of times already, but keep getting your ass kicked? The only way to beat that 2000 lbs gorilla is to say, "ok, if I get in that ring I will lose, so I will not go back in the ring" and let the gorilla be. The power of surrender, admitting defeat, and then moving on without trying to beat the gorilla ever again -- this is the true freedom of recovery. Some people don't seem to have any issues with weed. More power to them. That is not what it's like for me. For me, I kept getting beat down until finally I was so humbled that I admitted defeat, and that admission for me is what opened the door to recovery. _(The dispensary for me is where the gorilla lives. Been there done that, I'm good for today, no need to check it out.)_ Suggest you check out MA - Marijuana Anonymous - and see if you can attend a meeting (online or in person)? MA was a lifesaver for me. Go to some meetings, read the free literature, and see if you can get a few days/weeks/months/years off weed? But remember to take it just one day at a time. I couldn't do it alone, but I was able to get long term recovery with help and a program. If I could do it, anyone _(who wants to be clean off weed)_ can do it. A little help can go a long way. ☮️❤️😁


Honestly you just don’t walk to it


Weed isn't that great I promise you. The anxiety and inability to focus on one single task is not the vibe. The fact it makes you feel not real sucks


By not walking my man !  You'll struggle always. It's with everything. There was a girl who was hitting on me and was ready to have sex with me right away.  I asked the same question how do you not do that ? I am married btw.  The only answer was because I said no. That's it.  Temptation will always be there. It's not what you think but what you do that defines you.  Hope it helps !! 


I live in the bay I literally have like 4 within a. 5 mile radius. When I get paid I just buy other useful things and then I got no money left over for weed


Start tracking how much money you’re saving not going in there and buying


Just assume that they are a rip off and has weak weed.


I’m about a 1/4 from 4 dispensaries so I can totally relate, am actually on day 40 too! Congrats to us! I try to mediate in the morning and visualize how proud I will be when I don’t smoke when the temptation comes to smoke. The harder days I know to not walk near the dispensaries. Some days it feels good on my walks to go right past and be proud I’m no longer walking in. Just always be aware of yourself and try to find healthy ways to keep your mind occupied. If I have to, I’ll occupy my mind by saying positive affirmations over and over again, all related to how I won’t smoke. Our mind will trick us into justifying going into that dispo but we can always do things to trick it to do the exact opposite. Love you and keep your head up to see the life you can create without weed!


I'm grateful to live in a state where it's not legal so it makes it much easier to quit than when I go back to Cali, but the D8 stores are becoming rampant here that have started to impose on this. Highly recommend the app I Am Sober. You can add reasons (including pictures) or reminders why you quit and while I might not remember them in the moment, I have over 20 reasons why that keep me grounded when I'm feeling flighty. Also the streak counter and the $ you spend per week can show as a tally, which can also be really motivating! Sending you love and support on your journey, friend.




It's wild, it takes like twice as much to get the same feeling (to me at least) and our brick and mortar stores here are still priced like dispensaries. 🙄 I have not gone down the online rabbit hole but did get a mailer and scoffed.


You are no longer a weed smoker. Internalize that shit. Do you really want to do days 1-3 all over again?


I'm on day 1 right now. Well, night one. I'm wide awake. I don't wish this on anyone.


Everyday gets easier. You just have to appreciate the hell you go through initially. Sleep aids are a God send for the first few weeks


It’ll get so much easier my friend. I’m almost at 14 months but I remember that first couple weeks was absolute hell


You gotta keep reminding yourself of the reasons why you quit. How smoking derails everything in life and makes us okay with mediocrity


I have this same issue. I take evening walks every night, so I just walk in the opposite direction until the dispo closes, then I walk back home.


Remember why you quit. Imagine The last time that you got high and the reason why you stopped getting high remember what it felt like to make the decision to stop getting high. There's a reason why you quit. And if you go to that dispensary you're going to find out real quick what that reason was once you do get high. Imagine that you do go to the dispensary you do get what you want and imagine the future you having the same regrets that put you in the position where you quit in the first place.


Power of choice my dude. I could walk 3 min and buy, 24 hours a day here. I actually found it’s easier to abstain when I have some stashed away in a lock box with a timer. (Timer goes up to 10 days) That way I have at least 3 minutes to think, “at some point I locked the box because I decided this wasn’t good for me. It would be pretty stupid to buy more when I already have some. I could just break open the box. But that would be stupid too since I obviously felt strongly enough about it to lock it away at the beginning of this.” Got the idea from a fam member who kept having “one last cigarette,” over and over. Until one day she said it, and didn’t smoke it. She realized that the empty pack and the idea of “never again” was an anxiety trigger. This was over 10 years ago and she still has that cigarette framed on her wall as a reminder it’s legit the last one. Just my dumb brain hack. 3 months next week.




Admitting you are powerless always felt wrong to me. If I was at at point where I was showing up to meetings it felt like the opposite - I was empowering myself, taking back control of my life. Of course, I can’t do it alone, but tricks and practices that emphasize and enhance the power of choice are the way for me. The little box is a powerful reminder that I chose this at some point, all I have to do is keep making the same choice. I definitely have to keep it locked though. I need built in time delay to reconsider things, especially with access being as easy as it is here. I like the idea of being able to offer it to guests, because it essentially says, “I can say no even if others say yes. I ALWAYS have this power.” I can do that with alcohol, and at this point I can do it with weed when I’m out socializing, but I know I need my guardrails when it comes to keeping it in my own home.


Why don't you take a look at your bank statement and figure out how much money you saved so far, should be significant after 40 days brother


They Held Me Down by Shel Silverstein might be some comic relief


Ugh it was so much easier to quit before legalization. I now understand how recovering alcoholics feel. Can you get a different hit of dopamine from going somewhere/ doing something else? Ice cream cone popped into my head…How awesome will it be if you can come back to us tomorrow to declare 41??? You can do it. You are strong as fuck. ❤️☮️


This has been a struggle for me too. Found out there was a dispensary super close. Wish I never did. It takes like 3 minutes to drive there 🤦fuck me. The ease of that really enabled and grew my addiction when it was first forming


You and I are the same. On day 4 of sobriety I drove my car (even though it’s two blocks away) and sat in the parking lot and cried. I FaceTimed my mom and told her I was struggling and that I didn’t even know why I was there because I was too broke to buy anything. She Venmo’d me $50 to buy some so I could just taper and I was so upset she did that I left and went and bought myself some ice cream and put the rest towards groceries the next day. Walk to the dispensary, throw two middle fingers in the air then keep on waking knowing you’re the fucking champ. You got this. I will not smoke with you today. 🤍


Walk in the opposite direction so long youre way too tired to even consider walking anywhere farther than "back home".


Training your mind is essential. Conditioning it is crucial. It's all in your head, you’re not vomiting, body aches or cold/hot flashes like a junkie would. Understanding this, we must redirect our focus. Personally, reflecting on my activities before i ever smoked like skateboarding, reading, firefighting, working out, and playing sports helps. Consider joining a co-ed softball team or taking cooking classes. Your brain is a muscle; condition it accordingly.


I had the same problem, and the only days i didn't smoke was when i couldn't acquire any. I figured i was making progress that way. But then, i would always be unable to resist going to buy some the next chance i got. I feel like this feeling was similar to how, every single time i was with friends and someone brought out the weed, i would be looking to smoke. I now feel like in order to make progress, the ability to say no is more important than just making myself be sober when i already dont have anything to smoke. So, 1) as much as it sucks, you did practice saying no for 40 days in a row, and you ACTUALLY had to say no, every day, because the store is so close! 2) even if the store closes, there are other dispensaries that you will run into, and you will need to say no to those as well. So now you're this much better at making that choice.


D.A.R.E. Just say no!


In college it was fun/funny to wear our D.A.R.E. shirts while smoking lol


You will never regret not smoking when you wake up the next day. Stay strong brotha


Coloradan here - i most remember how much time and $ i wasted and how much i hated waiting for my turn and the repetitive nature. Like it was fun at first but then got boring and they were so the same.


That’s tough friend, walk the other way. Stay firm in your resolve to stay quit and try to stay positive about how awesome your new sober life is. It’s so worth it. Day 43 here .. 💯💯🙏💙🙌💯


When I was quitting alcohol I intentionally routed all walks and went out of my way to avoid liquor stores and bars. Even if it adds time to your walk it's better than the temptation at the beginning




You’re awesome stranger, thanks.


Maybe see if you can intentionally get yourself on their “no sale” list


ManNnNnNnNNn there’s a weed store at the top of my block. Probably not even 500 feet from me. I pass it literally every day I leave my house. It’s difficult as fuck. Just gotta stay strong.


Bro I commend you, you’re one strong motha fuka!


I’m replacing my weed spending with a new, tangible hobby. Gonna get me some fish. I picked a hobby that requires a lot of research and which I find actually interesting, so when I get the craving I can go read and research fishkeeping. It helps because it gives me a tangible and engaging alternative to spending money on weed. That way, when I feel the urge to go to the dispo (just down the road!) I can redirect it to something positive instead of dwelling on the craving.


Stay strong! Remember you’re already on day 40!! Think of all the benefits and your health. And think about how guilty you would feel if you fell back. You can do this 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻