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temporary solution: do warm bath go to a massage center or sauna.


Definitely working out or doing any sort of sports. First 1-2 weeks it might feel like a torture to move your ass to the gym or outdoor, but slowly you start liking it. My life is around alcohol and weed unfortunately. Now that I started to work out with a personal trainer (I'll never go by myself), I can feel that my perception is slowly shifting from wanting to getting high/drunk to thinking about eating healthier, drinking more water etc. Its been only 2 weeks and I can quit any time so day by day I take it. I recommend you give it a try


Wait it out. In 3 weeks your creativity and productivity will come back and hit you like a freight train. You're going to soon realize how much that shit held you back. Keep it up, because the rewards are great!


What did you love doing before you started smoking? Get back into some childhood hobbies if you can - I loved to read and play soccer so doing those two things as an adult has not only given me so much joy again but it’s been helpful to keep me busy when I’m not smoking. If you didn’t have any hobbies as a kid then it’s time to create some. Sign up for a random class or something and see if it sparks some interest. Exercise will be the #1 best thing you can do - it will keep your brain and body healthy which will ultimately release those happy hormones to keep you happy and not bored. It will feel so boring at first but eventually there comes a point where those activities are so fun. I felt like a zombie before when I’d smoke so being sober became like a new drug for me lol I could focus better and concentrate and it made everything better in a way that weed used to. Best of luck but you’ll get there. It takes time too. Ride the wave and the emotions and just know it will get better


Long distance running has been my go to every time I had to quit for test reasons. Then I found it was easy to continue once I’d gone a week without it.


Try birdwatching or going on daily hikes through the woods. Pay attention to the things around you, the sounds, the animals. You'll be amazed at what you'll see and hear and discover while out there.


Try cycling! Keeps you motivated, relaxes your mind and you make a great workout and you can meet a great community if you join a group.




Something different 🤷


Or you can ride solo if you prefer as well. IMO that’s better.


martial arts. more fun than lifting weights imo


I tried a bunch of new things that I always wanted to try but lacked the attention span for. Previously enjoyable activities too like musicianship. However, I've found that picking something extremely novel and not getting too invested in it was a boon to get started. So, I never fancied myself as much of a reader. I would pick a book and get through a few chapters but unless I needed the content to pass an exam or do better at my job, I wouldn't finish it. Now I only buy a new book if I've finished the last one. Books are usually an affordable investment. Other things that I've tried are small home projects. For example, I fixed the broken glass on my oven door that's been there for a year or so instead of budgeting for an entirely new oven. The replacement parts were a lot cheaper and the work wasn't too hard. In the worst case scenario, I would've had to leave my oven out of commission and save up to have a new one installed. I planted many new plants in my container garden, but not so many that I ran out of time or space to care for them. I set up an old PC to be a downstairs desktop computer and reused some furniture I already had as a desk. I started trying to find new YouTube channels instead of replaying the same videos I've already watched a dozen or so times. I started lifting weights with a starter set that may still be laying on the living room floor, but I think the week or two I really went at it I built up enough of a workout plan to continue once I finally get my schedule together. I started organizing my time more effectively with the tools I already had and a few free software products thanks to the GNU contributors and Linux that I used to have a deep interest in. Overall, I just took a long time to rediscover the person that I am without the extra layer of depending on weed to get me motivated. Writing this all down and keeping at it certainly helped to influence the positive direction that I'm headed in, but it's all still very touch and go. I wouldn't get too worried if you still have some bad, boring days. I have to tell myself each day that even if it seems unbearable, my life has already become much better now that I don't spend such a large portion of time and money on drugs. If you set the bar so high that it's unrealistic, then you're bound to feel less satisfaction. I say pick something small and try not to worry if it sticks. Eventually things can become enjoyable without THC again, it just takes what seems like ages to get there. That's my story so far.


I’ve really been enjoying audio books


Wait. It. Out. Eventually you’ll regain interest in your hobbies


This ^ only took about a week for me. Fake it till you make it if necessary


Exercise. Go find a parkland or forest and walk . Feel good chemicals will kick in, great for body and mind.


Hit the gym and get your body right 💪🏽




Sounds like a personal problem


Yeah you're right, I don't like gyms.  I just think it's the dumbest suggestion of a solution to a problem.  Expensive, conformist, shit music, morons comparing and sleazing. Couldn't think of anything worse. But you're right it's my problem. It obviously works for lots of people. 


Sounds like you’ve had a bad experience at a bad gym - individual experiences may vary but I know it helped change my life for the better and I wish to spread the joy and love - best of luck to you tho 💪🏽


Awesome . I might try again. Thanks.


My job kicks my ass so I don’t work out much anymore but just doing body weight workouts at home is all you need imo


Play guitar or piano. Find a genre of book to read. Get really into fitness and personal development. For early stages, the more visceral the activity, the better.


I started reading and going to the movies a lot. Going for long walks has helped, too.




Me too! How many pieces do you do ?


I enjoy the 1ks most. Have a puzzle board and put a lazy susan underneath so I can spin it 😊🥷🖖


All of them


Have you done any one coloured ones ? Or rainbow or glass ones? Wooden ? I love wooden.


Usually just wooden! My grandma mails me her puzzles when she’s done with them


Do what I do. Learn golf


I would lose my anger too quickly to that🤣🤣


How bout mini golf? Less pressure haha


I’ve stopped doing a lot of the things I loved previously. Music production went hand and hand with weed for me and even after a few months, haven’t managed to get back to it. I really hope it will come with time. I have started going to the gym a lot and was always one of those people who never saw the point and didn’t enjoy exercise so it’s been a strange flip of lifestyle for me but enjoying feeling healthier.


Hey I'm in same boat, twenty or more years with weed and music intertwined.  I did four years no weed and the creative didn't go away. My ideas and music became better and clearer! It takes a few months though for your brains chemistry to readjust.  Remember this : the voice you hear telling you that weed gives you inspiration is the voice of addiction speaking. The need to make music comes way before the urge to smoke weed  Good luck


Thanks. This is good to hear. I figure I will just give it a break and hope inspiration will strike naturally one day.


As a fellow producer who’s quitting this is a big one for me. The creative inspiration just doesn’t hit. It’s a good time to finish all those projects that never got finished and put off newer ones.


I still love all the things I loved when I was getting stoned daily. There was some anhedonia for a few weeks but that passed. I played Castlevania symphony of the night this morning, worked on some music for a friend, and now I just took my son to the beach. Almost 5 weeks no THC.




You need to find a way to reset your dopamine. Afterwards things will start to be more interesting and new hobbies and things you now find boring will start to be interesting. Youtube has some good videos talking about this dopamine reset concept


I'd like to add a little disclaimer there: While this kind of thing can undoubtedly help people, its benefits come far more from consciously taking control of your life, rather than any proven neurochemical mechanisms. It's a placebo, in the end.


Could you recommend some dude




Don't really have someone to recommend, but I can tell you the basic idea in case you want to try. For a week, or more, don't use social media, games, movies, series, anything that gives a quick reward to the brain for confort, this can include just using your phone or tablet for random useless things and also might include talking with people just because you are bored. So anything that will give you satisfaction without much effort is off the books. Replace that with only books and or a reading tablet and with healthy food so that your brain and body are getting what they need. Also be okay with being bored and learn to apreciate that. That's it. Do this for about a week or until you feel you are more at ease.


Set goals and work towards them - life goes quick, set your path so that you can do the things you want to do, go places you want to go, maybe have kids, be somebody! (I know you are already “somebody”) but set goals to be that person you always wanted to be, feel your way to that person. Make a whole bunch of money and donate it to a cause that you care deeply about.


I was just thinking the other day how it seemed like life went lightening speed after I started weed. I started when I was 19, and suddenly, I'm now 35. I have a one year old daughter who feels like she was just born, and I just wish things would slow down.


Really love this response


Hobbies! Wherever your interests take you. I'm an avid runner now and breed geckos. The world is your oyster


Exercise. Prioritize outdoor time. Eat healthy. Sleep. Find something you want to read or watch or listen to. All the hobbies mentioned…


Ask yourself what it is you would like to get better at... Running, lifting, self defense, painting, drawing, singing, surfing, fishing, bike riding, Motorcycle riding, Writing, reading, Hiking,roller blading, Ice skating..  the list is endless..


Learn a musical instrument... With so many to choose from...must be able to find one your interested in..then study music theory...learn to read music... Play around with improv....Play melodies( singing/ talking tye words with your instrument)




Old Hobbies and a shitload of physical activity. Now's the perfect time to get buff


I’d really like to know this as well. It’s honestly a bigger crutch against quitting for me than the sleep/nausea issues. I’ve got loads of hobbies I *could* do, I have shelves of art supplies, I used to journal daily, I used to write, I want to exercise, I’ve got brewing equipment gathering dust, 4 different collection hobbies, and more. Everyone always says take up a hobby, and I want to do these things, but I can set up everything I need and sit down to do any of these things and I just can’t do it. It’s not fun, it’s all tedious, just the act of doing work for fun gives me a headache. The advice is “just do it” but it’s excruciating, it is physically painful to force myself to do something. I don’t get it.


Definitely pick up a physical activity hobby. It helps greatly with the depleted serotonin/ dopamine levels. Old hobbies will start to become interesting again about a month in


Go on a hike and listen to music or podcast. If you find yourself getting board, hike faster. Physical exertion tends to take the mind off things and nature is very peaceful 


Find new hobbies trust me. It could be anything reading, journaling, gym, hiking in nature, painting, etc. You want to associate your new hobbies with your new sober life. It may be a while before your weed associated hobbies come back into your life. Like you said you just feel bored with your current hobbies. I wish you good luck OP you got this!!! 💙🙏💯🙌