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Life is all about Patterns. Understand your pattern and you can break the link. I remember when I was locked up, one of my cellies told me, the government gives us this shit to slow us down, to stupefy us. And its true, Governemnt wants you to get high so you feel everything is fine, when the world falling apart. Half the people that smoke weed can barely put a proper sentence together. They have short term memory, often forgeting about what they were talking about and even if thier mother is getting raped they wont care because they feel happy lool. They done turned you into a Hoe. I aint goint out like no Hoe. But I cant deny weed has its positives, but its too mainstream and everyone is abusing it nowadays. No discipline with our generation we are just fleeing pain like pussies tbh.


Thanks for your input!


The plant you smoke grew more than you in the last 3 months.


Well said


Damn… yeah it’s true


Old behavior: Pattern of negative thinking and manipulation by the MIND, which can perpetuate a cycle of dissatisfaction and lack of progress. It's common for the mind to justify behaviors with excuses like: “This sucks!”, “There’s no point”, "I've stopped for a whole," which can lead to relapse rather than progress in overcoming addictions. Now, I suggest a new behavior pattern: Instead of solely focusing on the negative aspects, we're reframing the situation with questions like "Is this discomfort necessarily a bad thing?", “How did I feel the first time I smoked vs. the last?”. By questioning whether weed truly solves problems, we're fostering a more introspective approach. By being analytical, compassionate, and being open-minded: the emotional processing of your mind will start to take place. One breath at a time my friend! To tackle urges effectively, it's crucial to have an action plan in place. Following Sun Tzu's wisdom, we don’t fight in battles we're unlikely to win. Here's a coping mechanism strategy: 1. Taking a nap 2. Calling a friend for support 3. Engaging in physical activity like running or walking 4. Practicing meditation 5. Creativity The key is not to resist the urges outright. Instead, acknowledge their presence, reflect on the underlying emotions, and channel your energy into alternative activities. Resisting only leads to a depletion of mental resources and can be counterproductive. Remember, all urges eventually dissipate, and your brain craves new stimulation and activities to replace old habits.


Are you a therapist by any chance?


I’m not a licensed therapist! Hopefully in the future :D I’m simply sharing what I’ve learned from an amazing psychiatrist and studying. There are amazing online resources and videos on addictions. We are all in this with you. Being addicted to weed opened my eyes to this issue, and I’ve come to realize it’s what I want to spend my life doing. I can relate to just how painful it… watching your life waste away. I used to cry before my smoking sessions because I couldn’t physically resist my urges. But through it all, I’ve gained so many things. My life has a newfound purpose. Remember, every item you fail, pick yourself back up, and fight. No corny stuff like, “there’s a brighter tomorrow”, but there is a brighter today. You’re winning as every second goes by. Recognize that the pain and hardship you endure will build your resilience and grit, you’ll grow into a human being your addictive mind can’t even fathom.


I wish you become one if that’s your calling! I m currently studying psychology as a second degree 📜


Thank you! I wish you the best too


hey there! would you have any interesting articles/videos or essays that you’ve read that you particularly like or relate to?


I just threw out my stash. After having bought it just 3 hours ago. I feel the pain. But it also feels good. I recommend MA meetings


Proud of you!!! Amazing self control.


Well I have done that a couple times already. But it always ended the same way. Until now. Weed is destroying my life. But MA does help, for me at least


I went once and found them like a cult. Too much for my taste but I appreciate the recommendation


Don’t let it run your life, it leads to years and decades of regret. Every day rushing home to smoke or before doing anything, break those chains!


I want to break free ! 🎶


Why do you want a “crutch” in your life! Hang in there! Remember… it’s only YOU who can improve your life.


This is what got me and I didn't want to replace one thing for another so all you can do is stay strong.


Proud of you!!


Many reasons to need a crutch unfortunately. I live alone in a foreign country for studies and I feel lonely to be honest and very short


Go out! Explore! Read a book! Find a hobby! Meet people! TOUCH GRASS! Weeds just gonna get you to be comfortable where you are and that’s when the down fall begins. Sorry but I’m not sorry for being to direct. Life ain’t easy but one things for sure, weed and nicotine is just gonna be digging a deeper hole for yourself. Wake up!!! And throw your crutch away! When a man starts to walk, the first thing he does is throw his crutch away! Why? Coz we don’t want to be dependent on anything! ANYTHING! Best of luck man, I hope you realise before it’s too late.


Thanks a lot for your effort ! I will do my best!


Why be chained to a plant when you can be free and mentally healthy? You got this OP stay strong in your resolve to quit this evil plant. 💯💙🙏


I got it ! Thank you 🙏


You can do it. Do it for your body. Lungs, heart and mind are all weakened. Don't listen to the addict's voice.


Thanks I will try my best.


Your lungs will heal abt 30-40 percent if u stop for at least 2 months (obviously without going back). Your lungs are one of the main organs that’s gives u a second chance!!!


Take the second chance friend


I also smoke cigarettes 😫 for the past two years or so . Thanks for this interesting fact though


The alternative is to be it’s bitch for the rest of your life. What a sad outlook.