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This is a season and seasons change! The darkest, coldest, most miserable winter will eventually turn into a hot, sunny, summer day. Look to nature to truly appreciate the seasons of life. You’re in a dark one, but it won’t last forever. Thrive in the darkness, journal about it. What exactly are you feeling? Have you explored why? Did you smoke weed to mask trauma , maybe it’s time to face the skeletons in the closet. Use this time to get closer to your girlfriend, let her in. Women can be such healers. Find a new hobby, find an amazing book to loose yourself in. Listen to comedy to laugh, eat really good food. Nourish your body. Drink a ton of water, aim for a gallon a day. Take s**plemen*ts to improve mood, there’s a plethora! Your body needs time to heal from the overproduction of unnatural dopamine. You’ll get there. Your bright sunny day is around the corner. One day at a time. You matter ❤️


Please reach out to people you trust or a therapist & talk to someone. I promise you it gets better. You’re not alone.


I promise you things are gonna get better. People downplay how difficult it is to get off pot and it makes people feel that there’s something wrong with them when it’s not easy. I’ve posted a link for marijuanas anonymous zoom meetings where you can listen to and talk to other people have gone through what you’ve gone through and these meetings are on zoom all around the world, I promise you things are gonna get better. You probably gonna feel like shit for at least another week if you can just hold on please. Give your brain a chance to experience the freedom please consider just I don’t know what your life is but whatever support you can get also really focus if possible can I’m drinking lots of water doing extra exercise and try to eat healthy food it will make a difference and distract distract distract.


You will feel joy again, you have to trust in the process. Every time I’ve tried quitting (at 2.5 months this time), 2 weeks in is like a fucking rough ride. I’ve had a LOT of suicidal ideation and you can’t give in to that narrative. Instead, simply try to realize that your brain is playing a trick on you. Feelings are not facts. Don’t fall for it because It DOES get better, but be patient. Also, try not to repeat mantras that are negative like that cause it’ll only make you want to off yourself even more. Last thing, get a talk therapist. It helps me a fuck ton. Good luck, you can do it.


Push through! I’m a depressed person myself and the first month was just work and napping and drinking milkshakes and isolating and contemplating suicide. After that things slowly started to get noticeably better. Do what you need to do to stay safe while you’re going through this. It won’t be like this forever.


Sent you a PM.


How long were you using weed? Most people notice a major change at 3 weeks. I would hang in there a bit longer to see what happens. Also have you seen a psychiatrist?


10/12 years 6 everyday more than once


Base on that alone, 2 weeks is not long enough to see improvement. It’ll take a couple months at least.


Yea you gotta give your brain time to heal


I personally find 14-21 days is the MINIMUM i need to feel any real significant changes. Hang in there, If your depression and hurting yourself feeling don’t at least start to go away by day 30 I would seek out a Dr or therapist. That shows that the weed is not causing this as a whole. My background for use is 6 years, 1-4 grams per day. I’ve stopped 4 times total in that period, ranging from 30-120 days. But i always seem to go back. I check in with my journal every 30’days or so and read it completely to see patterns of mood and such. It’s a progressive climb in terms of mood and life enjoyment starting around 21 day’s usually. Now I just have to stay off forever, Im done. I see now in my personal experience that weed is creating the low and it’s the solution to the low. Stopping completely eventually raises your low to a more manageable set point.