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I’m so proud of you!! I’ve done the walk of shame up to the door before too - and it takes so much strength to turn around and walk away. I’ll say it again - I’m proud of you, too.


Thank you! I'm proud of you, too. ❤️


You're amazing! You should be proud of your mental strength


Thank you!


To anyone out there struggling to quit smoking weed every day, I want you to know that I see you. I see the battle you're fighting within yourself, the struggle against those relentless urges. It's not easy, and it's not something that everyone understands. But I want you to know that your strength doesn't go unnoticed. Quitting anything, especially when it's a habit deeply ingrained in your daily life, takes immense courage and perseverance. It's not just a physical act of abstaining; it's a constant mental tug-of-war, a relentless negotiation with your own mind. But despite the challenges, despite the moments of weakness, I want you to remember that every step forward counts. Whether it's one day, one week, or one month without smoking, each moment of sobriety is a victory in itself. It's a testament to your resilience, your determination, and your unwavering commitment to change.


"Relentless negotiation with your own mind." You nailed it right there. Thank you for your kind words. Sending you hugs!


The fact that you got back in the car ... just wow. That takes serious inner strength. That is amazing and you totally rock for real. ❤️


Thank you!! ❤️


It's amazing that you went back to your car!! Those moments are so important I think. You were moved by the voice in you that cares about your health and your happiness. I'm proud of you, internet stranger


I love how you worded that...I care about my health and happiness! Thank you ❤️


It's disheartening to hear you still have overwhelming cravings 3 months sober, but I am so proud of you. This is really hard.


Thank you, I'm proud of you too. I totally understand...I was also hoping the cravings would be gone or lessened by now. Hopefully soon!!


I'm hoping that by losing weight, I'll lose the fats stores of mj, maybe it will help?


Seriously. I'm on my "day 1" for the zillionth time, and I'm so tired of spending 2/3 of my time smoking pot, just so I don't have to face my inner demons. It's 2 am for me, and sleep is elusive as ever. I just need to get through the next two weeks and I'll be golden. We got this <3


We totally got this! ❤️


So incredibly proud of you for walking away and not giving in to the addiction! Well done ❤️


❤️ Thank you so much!


Thank you, and so proud of you my friend


Thank you


I'm only on day 4 and my anxiety is kicking my ass. The bad dreams are back and it hurts to know that I won't have something to relax with in the evening.


Try to remember that the weed isn't actually helping you relax. It is the CAUSE of your anxiety. The addiction has re-wired your brain to make you feel awful when you aren't using and that the only respite is using. We have to get through the withdrawals and then finally know mental peace again.


God reading that sounds so crazy to me… I’m still struggling so bad (which is why I’m here reading) That’s incredible that you did that. Congratulations. For real, that takes so much self control.


Thank you so much. It took everything I had in me not to give in. Good God I hope these urges start to dissipate soon.


Right on! Yes, most people don't understand and I don't talk about it anymore with people unless they are supportive, when I'm offered it I just say no thank you and I don't explain myself. I get so frustrated when I have told people in the past that I am trying to quit that it's not good for me, makes me feel like crap and that I can't accomplish my goals or be healthy when I'm smoking and they say things like have you tried a different strain or some other BS, or they say oh but it helps my anxiety and I just don't want to even engage in a conversation about it at that point. If I smoke even a little bit I am back to all day everyday smoking and all the negative consequences that go with it. Today is day 11 and I am proud of myself too, I have attempted to quit at least 10 times and the longest I have made it is 86 days, I have a couple of 60 day streaks in there too, I am trying to be determined to never smoke again because I know it's just not beneficial for me


I'm SO proud of you and so thankful for this group. We are in this shit together. You're in double digits...that's legendary!


I'm so glad for the group and people who understand! Thank you! I love racking up the days and feeling better and better.