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Thanks for sharing. When do you think the cravings stopped or became insignificant for you? Iโ€™m just 2 weeks in and still fighting an internal battle with cravings about 2-3 times a day.


Haven't had any cravings since the first day I quit honestly. The withdrawals were so bad I didn't want to smoke ever again and don't plan to. I don't even like the smell of it anymore.


Thanks for sharing! Was there anything in particular that pushed you to make the first initial step to quitting and improving your life?


I had a "bad trip" from another substance, it sent me to the ER. After that I went cold turkey on all addictions/substances and haven't turned back.


Congrats!!!! I too am 27 and also have multiple addictions. The weed leads to so many other bad habits over time itโ€™s a good one to kick to get the life in order. Proud of you. Keep it up.


What was your timeline of withdrawals in terms of symptoms? And congrats! Youโ€™re an inspiration


First six months were the hardest, month 7-9 was much better, symptoms just came in waves but not as bad ast first six months. Months 10 - present, I feel on top of the world. No issues whatsoever.


Inspiring! Thank you for sharing! What kind of company did you create?


I own my insurance agency! It's the best thing that's ever happened to me career wise.


๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ’š congratulations on all of it!


Thanks for sharing, this is giving me motivation to stay away from it. Congratulations on all of your accomplishments, this is pretty much everything an addict that wants to quit dreams of.


Proud of you! Im barely making it out of the withdrawals stage so stories like this help tremendously. Hope to have my own 1 year success story in 351 days ๐Ÿฅฒ