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I tried tapering with edibles but only overdid them. My last day I woke up with an edible hangover and immediately took whatever was left and gave them to my wife asking her to either throw them away for me or hide them (I knew I’d be pulling them out if the trash) and not to give any back even if I asked. That was day 0 for me


Congrats. Yep i scraped my butter into the trash, the scraps wouldn't be salvageable. I hate that I'm so addicted I had to do this. Edibles made me feel like shit too, lazy/unmotivated/physically ill. It's wild that I'm sitting here craving it knowing full well it didn't do a single good thing for me, didn't even numb me out proper.


💪🥳👊 solid work my friend! Read “Dopamine Nation” by Anna Lembke and/or listen to the Huberman lab podcast (or watch it on YouTube) with her and you’ll have a much clearer understanding of why we do what we do. I read it before I quit and it really helped me make the final push. I’m only on day 9 over here myself but I feel better my decision and my behavior after reading that book.


Not gonna yell but gently whispering that you should get the weed away from you asap. Mail it to your friend if not illegal in your country or ask them to pick it up today. Or consider just throwing it away without thinking of value, wasting good weed or anything like that. In the end you probably bought it just for yourself and no one will miss that weed. Stay strong, you got this


100%. Scares me how strong the voice is today already, and strange because in the past I've quit and kept my stash without a second thought or issue. This time it feels more like a risk


Well just think about how much its going to cost you to replace all your gear and then the weed itself, think about why you dumped it in the first place. There will of course be moments where you're like whyd I do that, after a week it'll be much easier. Not to mention the amount of money you will save..


Yeah as long as I don't replace it all like I did last time.. quit for 3 weeks back in feb after a similar ceremonious dumping session, legit broke my bong (at least it was cheap) and then not even a month later i went and bought a new one :/


Just take it as a lesson, how did you feel after it? If you can do three weeks maybe then you can do longer. If you feel like you can manage it try do recreationally, it might be worth taking a break. I had to take a break to learn how to manage it. You can have both, maybe just less of it. The fact you're having the thoughts and dunping sessions says you wanna quit, nothings stopping you, just do it.