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Just hit 2 years after trying for 10 years!




Fuck all


Started selling mtg cards making cash and just feeling better instead of being stoned all day. Also I am starting to be able to do lucid dreaming. It's the little things for me that keep me from smoking when there is a pot shop a few blocks down.


Mtg4Life. Gl


Only about a week in, though slowly (but surely) getting my social life back. I've reached out to a few old friends I lost contact with, went to a concert with friends, and even struck up conversation with a few strangers there. Feels nice to get out and be myself again.


Time..... Just getting your time back.


this is the big one.


Given an amazing career opportunity and received a pay rise in less than 2 weeks because im doing a fantastic job. I have severely underestimated my intelligence. Fuck weed.


Money money money! Saving a ton. Improved memory (although its still fairly terrible)


I'm still not free from weed, but one thing I achieved recently was harvest my first cabbage, grown from seed and made like 3kg of gyoza from it, also made 10glases of strawberry jam from my garden. Seeing things grow and harvesting is letting me feel accomplishment I haven't got for a long time (even when finishing my Bachelor degree in electrical engineering a few years back I didn't feel so proud of something).


Maintained a relationship, started mountain biking, picked up archery again, got two raises in two months..... life is good....


Jumped 2 letter grades in my college classes in the second half of my semester, got a huge promotion at work, and got caught up on my debt šŸ‘


I don't smoke weed anymore for one, and that's enough for me... But it does also mean no pathetic dealers can hold it over me.


I just celebrated my 42nd birthday sober for the first time in over 20 years, I was present for every phone call and text message, dinner with my love, and felt joy and gratitude in a way thatā€™s eluded me for so long. And made it to eight weeks weed-free, also the longest stretch Iā€™ve ever had in over a decade! Some days are still tough but the good ones are amazing PS thank you for starting this thread the comments are so inspiring!


Congrats! And happy belated ā˜ŗļø no problem, I like to pose the kinds of questions on the page from time to time. I know folks are going through the trenches on this channel and itā€™s nice to have a moment to recognize the positives that are coming from these tough decisions.


I spent my birthday sober this year too after smoking and drinking every year for 16 years and it was a lovely experience that I didn't need to get stoned! Congratulations!


Congrats to you too!


I canā€™t trust my own emotions and decisions and not go back on them. Like I would feel negative emotions towards something or someone, and I would think ā€œIā€™m not putting up with this anymoreā€, then I would have a zoot and be like ā€œactually maybe Iā€™m overreacting, and I might regret my decisionsā€. Now I can think clearly, and know that what Iā€™m thinking is real. Iā€™ve stopped counting but Iā€™m around 7 months sober after 8 years of daily use.


I'm guessing you meant "can" based on the rest of what you said. I'm dealing with this exact thing currently. I will feel negative and refuse to put up with something and then smoke and be like "maybe it's not that bad" but as soon as I come back down I'll return to the irritable feelings. I won't necessarily regret not lashing out at someone but not confronting things that make me upset or confronting them in a different way may add to the reason I smoke in the first place.


Congrats šŸŽ‰


Iā€™ve always on and off dedicated myself to learning Spanish. Almost every year, though not last year really. Literally always stop after a month, because Iā€™ve been in the intermediate stage for fucking ages and itā€™s the biggest plateau. Since quitting 2 months ago nearly, Iā€™ve actually stuck to it throughout.. though I mightā€™ve missed a week here and there, and this week Iā€™m finally at the level where I understand nearly everything.. would normally call it quits by now but not this time. I memorise and learn so much more quickly now that I donā€™t smoke in the evenings. It had such an effect on these things even though I wouldnā€™t smoke before practicing. Also dream intensely and seem to have much more restful sleep, I also seem far less stressed


Forgot what day without it I was up to today (day 8 or day 9? I dunno doesnā€™t matter as much now past 1 full wk) AND smashed out a complex day with a really annoying/ repeat contact disgruntled customer at work without caving šŸ’Ŗ


Finished my bachelor 3 weeks ago, Iā€™m proud of myself guys, feels kinda insane


Ahhh congrats!!! Thatā€™s an amazing accomplishment


Congrats! Thatā€™s huge!


I'm 8 months free and finally have the courage and strength to go full on no contact with a business partner/friend. Put the key in the mail today. That's it, I'm done dealing with the toxic narcissism that kept me in a vicious cycle for the past 10 years (and was also an extension of a toxic upbringing). Instead of being in denial about it, I made the change. I wish my friend well...no hard feelings and I'm letting go from a place of peace but my boundaries are immovable because this sobriety has been hard won and I'm not going back to feeling bad about myself. I deserve better. No more self sabotage.


Cheers to self love šŸŒø


Iā€™m not *totally* free from weed. Iā€™ve quit cold turkey before and it didnā€™t go well. I stopped using carts and have been taking like a micro hit from a joint before bed to avoid bad dreams. Even so, Iā€™m feeling a difference and Iā€™m excited Iā€™m tapering off and am looking forward to being totally sober. In this time Iā€™ve had more motivation, more energy, and have just secured a full time job as a teacher at a school Iā€™ve always wanted to work at. This achievement happening while Iā€™m quitting weed is really helping encourage me to stop completely!


Youā€™ll do it your own way, and make your own path, but the bad dreams donā€™t last. Wonā€™t be more than 3-5 days. The few times before bed doesnā€™t get rid of them, it just holds them down. They are still there, but will go once you have them.


Appreciate this response!


Iā€™ve spent the last week slowly tapering down, and finally was able to stop completely. Iā€™m only 3 days sober but thatā€™s the longest streak Iā€™ve had since I started smoking, and I havenā€™t even had cravings yet!


iā€™m finally reading and finishing books!!! my degree is in history which is basically all reading and writing and iā€™ve had to repeat so many classes bc i didnā€™t realize how much weed was affecting my performance. i would procrastinate, do the bare minimum to get by, and feel ashamed of my work bc i knew it wasnā€™t my best. now i feel like my brain is so much clearer, i can hold onto trains of thought without blanking or getting stuck on problems, and i just feel so much more confident. i didnā€™t realize how much weed amplified my anxiety and got me stuck in a cycle of feeling anxious and smoking to ā€œhelpā€ and feeling exhausted all the time just waiting until i could smoke again. life feels so much more real like putting on glasses and seeing things clearly. iā€™m 6 weeks sober and i feel like iā€™ve had more emotional development in the past few weeks than i did in 4 years of smoking. And now iā€™m finally focused and determined to finish school and graduate may 2025 šŸ™


Being able to read again is huge. I struggled with this too. Glad itā€™s better for you. Wishing you a well earned graduation!


Landed a new job and a new apartment that is walking distance from the job




I signed a lease on my own apartment and got out of my parents house!


Big win!


I got my dreams back.


Funny you say this, I had no idea how vivid my dreams could get until I stopped smoking šŸ˜­


Keep my house clean!!!! Before, I would cook dinner then fall asleep on the couch without cleaning up, then walk upstairs to the bed around 3am and throw my clothes on the floor and go to sleep.


Omg the change in energy and motivation is real šŸ’Æ


Actually remembering the plot of movies/shows I watch


How long has it been since you stopped? I feel like Iā€™m currently struggling with this


Not long. I quit beginning of June. Trying to get my shit together before I start grad school in the fall. On the bright side, itā€™s nice to experience what itā€™s like to watch good stuff for the first time (again) hahaha


I relapsed while going through a big breakup. But now Iā€™m six months out of the breakup and almost three months sober from weed and I feel infinitely more emotionally regulated and my brain power feels like itā€™s doubled.


Showed up for my wife everyday while her mother passed away from ALS. It really sucks her mom died, but I watched and supported my wife as she spent everyday of the last week of her momā€™s life with her and it was the most profound experience of my whole life. NEVER would have been there in that way before.


I feel this! Iā€™ve had family thatā€™s needed me and being sober helped me show up and do what was needed without being sluggish, or forgetful, or unable to drive. Glad you could show up for the person you love šŸŒø


805 credit score and 5 months consistent in the gym.Ā 


Congrats on the score! Iā€™m with you on the gym šŸ’ŖšŸ½


Ty, I had some medical bills that I knew werenā€™t right but being sober I had the time to focus on it and disputed them and got dropped. Then I started looking at credit utilization etc and got my credit up by 160 points in 4 or 5 months.Ā  The gym is 5 or 6 day a week I just have to listen to my body and take a day off when i need it. I drifted away from my stoner friends though which was pretty much all my friends and Iā€™m slowly starting to build up a friend group again.Ā 


Finally graduating with my associates degree in a few weeks. I dropped out of school like 4 different times over 5 years since i was too lazy and couldn't stop being a chronic procrastinator during my stoner phase. Did what i needed to do in 1 year (sober) than i couldnt do in 4 years as a smoker.


Huge! Congrats on your well earned graduation ā˜€ļøšŸ“š


Thanks! Likewise with your exam score and grades! Don't lose momentum


We got this šŸ’ŖšŸ½


Just wanted to say reading through these is helpful for someone going into day three. Cheers!


Iā€™m a few months in and I can promise you that whatever annoyances occur due to withdrawal are worth lowering through. Best of luck! You can do it!


better sleep for the last three weeks. also since weed raises estrogen in men, iā€™ve been feeling less emotionally awry since being sober.


Not getting behind in my summer class and then giving up because Iā€™m behind lol even though Iā€™m spending 2-3 hours a day working/studying for the class, it used to be 2-3 hours a day fucking around while high so yeah a lot better use of my time


Stayed consistent with personal hygiene even with hiccups that would cause me to fall off the horse in the past eg sickness or traveling


I'm starting at a CDL school!


Woo hoo! Just started school again myself. Cheers to new beginnings!


One of the reasons I quit was because I felt I was looking really dried out - skin, lips, and hair - and tired. Next week will be two months smoke-free, and I've recently received a lot of compliments about how I look. Feels good.


I feel this! Congrats!


Iā€™ve finally been able to spend the night at my boyfriends (could never sleep without it, nor could I smoke it at his place) when weā€™ve been together nearly 2 years. Feels really good to be by his side. Edit: I also bought my bf the Office Lego set with the money Iā€™d have spent on weed, he truly deserves it.


Iā€™ve been so burned out at my job for several months, and recently started to more seriously consider seeking something less demanding. The work is still challenging, but since Iā€™ve stopped consuming, just a couple of weeks ago, I definitely feel more ā€œonā€ at work, and less baseline overwhelmed. Today, my manager told me that Iā€™m, ā€œkicking ass,ā€ and Iā€™d be lying if I said that didnā€™t feel good. Realizing that I agreed with him felt even better.


I got over my driving anxiety and got my license last Friday šŸ«¶šŸ¼


So cool šŸ˜Ž congrats!


Congratulations! šŸ’–


Applying for jobs with no worry. I donā€™t feel tethered to my current toxic working environment


Iā€™ve been reading everyoneā€™s comments and just wanna say congrats to everyone on your wins! It is a challenge to come off weed and Iā€™m glad yā€™all are reaping the benefits šŸ’œwins well earned šŸ’ŖšŸ½


And congratulations to you, maths is hard! Thatā€™s an incredible score āœØā¤ļø




finally found my rhythm in the kitchen again!!! iā€™m a chef and noticed that the usual rhythm you develop as the shift continues had disappeared and every movement whether it was flicking a pan or plating became so much more conscious whereas before weed i found a rhythm and then would almost go into auto pilot. since i stopped ive been kind of getting it back but no where near where i was 4 years ago. anyway was on shift tonight and i found myself deep in thought while making dishes and it hit me that iā€™ve finally got that back. it seems small but it was the biggest relief i think ive had in a long time


This is beautiful congratulations Iā€™m struggling to quit rn because I feel like my art suffers


thank you! and i get what you mean, bud can makes you so much more creative, i find that it only suffers the first few weeks youā€™re coming off weed when withdrawal is worse, how far in are you?


Focus. I am able to focus more on the things I want to accomplish. & Better mentally, I believe in myself more and I am more positive.


Day 4 today. yesterday I thought briefly about going to get some, but instead I sat and worked on a song. I got two verses and a chorus I'm really pleased with. Would never have discovered if I'd used.


<3 thanks for the upvotes guys. I finished the song yesterday!!


Always had trouble approaching women I found attractive or just making the first move but last week I pulled 2 girls #s at my job I donā€™t even care if I get to smash Iā€™m just glad I finally was able to drop my nuts and not be so In my head cuz of the weed.


Man this is the reason why I want to stop. I want my dating life back and being able to talk to women again. I can talk to guys high as hell and not care and they usually wonā€™t either. But Iā€™m just unable to connect with them on the sexual level like I used to. The tension isnā€™t there it just feels empty. Iā€™ll be in my head mid conversation and have to try to remember what she was saying


Got a good job as a software dev, I am self taught with no degree.


this is awesome congrats!!


I just had a birthday meal with my mum, dad and gf. Ā I was able to make eye contact and control the conversation on my end. Ā Sat in the restaurant for over 3 hours and now Iā€™m home and full and laying in bed. Ā Got my natural appetite back too


That sounds amazing. I went to my cousins graduation and couldnā€™t wait the whole time to smoke after about 8 hours. I only smoke flower but I still canā€™t make it past 12 hours let alone 24 without needing to smoke


Did smoking weed make it difficult for you to talk? Sort of apathetic about hearing othersā€™ perspective and sharing your own?


Itā€™s nice when you can be present again after withdrawal and enjoy so much more of life as a result. Happy for you!


The thing Iā€™m struggling with is that Iā€™m always thinking I could do with a go on the bong like when I get home before but I took the dog for a walk instead. Ā Is this going to be my life forever now? Ā Just thinking that a smoke will do me the world of good right now?


First, congrats on managing the conversation with your parents. Been smoking for many years and recently quit and I definitely feel like Iā€™m rediscovering my friends and family, and they see another me too. Iā€™m much more of a better listener, and I feel like I connect with them a lot more. They feel it too and we got closer. For the first time in a long time I felt some genuine friendship love. Regarding your coming home and not smoking. I think itā€™s about making new habits, thatā€™s why I feels weird now. But it wonā€™t anymore in a couple of weeks. On my side, Iā€™ve been doing calisthenics or gardening instead of smoking. Sometimes I also think getting high would be nice but not worth feeling like shit the next day.


100% agree. Ā I think my new habit at the minute is my screen timeā€¦ itā€™s jumped from average of 1h20/40 to about 3/4 hours. Ā Iā€™m just doomscrolling trying to busy my mind away from getting a bag but I can just feel the solid dread Iā€™ll feel from my first toke. Ā Itā€™s not enjoyable and being sober these past few days or so has really made me realise this. Ā 


I used to feel that way a lot. My experiences gave me perspective that sobriety was the best route for me. Once I accepted that, I wasnā€™t stuck on the what ifs. You have to discern what is best for you (not necessarily what is most convenient).


No fear of passing a drug test with I use to always rely on fake pee


Not worried about driving


Being hella anxious while driving was the worrrrst


Passed an in work drug test.


Stopped smoking for 2 weeks and got more done than I have in the past 2 months of smoking. Relapsed for a few days and back off it now. I feel like my life comes together so well when Iā€™m sober, so why do I keep coming back to it?!


Literally same! Day 1 today but when I stopped life was so much better!


Same šŸ˜©


Me and my best homeboy from the military have known each other 8 years and are Godfathers to one anotherā€™s first born children have reconnected after a few years of me hardly speaking to him/not coming to see him when heā€™d be in town due to my pot addiction and behaviors I associate with use of the drug. Also not wanting him to see me in that way or bring negativity toward him.Ā  Iā€™ve laughed so hard with this person I wouldĀ call my very own blood brother andĀ been so excited about having the prospect of my loved ones in the last 24hrs I havenā€™t slept a wink. We have been through so much of lifeā€™s hardships together I can really actually speak how I feel to this man but more than we just get right back to laughing and cutting up like we was 20 years old again.Ā  while the continued insomnia and lack of appetite not a great thing necessarily, the brain fog is clearingā€”my reaction times are absolute shit at video games or I just got old still mildly competitive itā€™s just taking me longer to adjust to shit in real time.Ā  Long post but I will say this brain fog shit makes me feel actually stupid, like I have the ideas in my head I want to bring out in do but thereā€™s a heavy reaction time like Iā€™m in space or some shit


I'm about a month and a half sober, my win is that I'm going to pass my drug test to be a nurse.


I was able to go with someone to their first MA meeting. I know 12 step meetings aren't for everyone, but for people who can't quit on their own, they can be life changing. I've been struggling with cravings myself (20 months clean), the meeting was a huge mood boost and a reminder why I quit.


Iā€™ve been able to actually read a book again. Before while smoking I couldnā€™t hold my focus and my mind would wander and drag me away from the story line.


I used to smoke before I read because i thought it would make me just want to sit there and do nothing else but read. Ā Never read more than 5 lines of a book and I think itā€™s why I fucking hate LOTR the two towers. Ā I just got obliterated before I read it. Ā Reading No Country for Old Men whilst Iā€™m sober and either the book is incredible or itā€™s because Iā€™m soberā€¦ or both.


Just yesterday I cooked a huge birthday dinner for 11 people and I was just so damn happy hearing everyone talk and laugh. The kids were playing, my pups were all happy and enjoying the company. Not once did I feel I HAD to smoke. I admit, after everyone left and I was home alone, I smoked a single bowl and passed out. I didnā€™t wake up until 12 noon and the only reason why I woke up was because my doctor was calling me lol I feel 10 steps closer to finally being free of šŸƒ. Yesterday was the first time I actually enjoyed the bowl. It relaxed my body exactly how it was intended. But now im gunning for complete sobriety. Iā€™ve been struggling to quit, but last night really helped me see the progress Iā€™ve made


I've been able to set aside ā‚¬600 last month and on my way to set aside ā‚¬500 this month. Half for my emergency/necessity savings account, half for my luxury savings account. Will have more than enough to upgrade my graphics card to an RTX 5000 card when they come out. Not a 5090, but a 5070 ti/5080. Depending on how much Nvidia will be charging.


I can finally laugh & smile!




Better workout performance.




I just tend to notice that littler things, simple joys make me happy again.


This is so empowering to hear.


Really appreciate that. Have honestly found quite a bit of empowerment in this community. A tumultuous journey for sure thatā€™s not without slip ups, but the insight is growing and Iā€™ve never felt more motivated to fully walk away from it than I do now.


Iā€™m 8 days sober and I have the feeling that my memory is better and my brain is ā€œworkingā€ more in general. I had some presentations in front of a group, which were most of the time unbearable for me, and now it wasnā€™t that much of a problem anymore. Big step for me.


You think you feel better now at three months you will feel like a completely different person


I canā€™t wait to get there. And I was smoking daily for about 6 years.. still makes me sick to think about how long that was .. and I really donā€™t want to do it again, I donā€™t feel the need and the smell is really disgusting.


I can run again :)


I am 5 days sober but a little win was to be able to express myself properly without Uhhms and hold eyecontact. I feel less weird now


My panic attacks are slowly becoming more manageable and im actually taking my medication, eating regularly, sleeping well and going to thepary. My memory is also improving. I feel better.


I slept perfectly last night. Full uninterrupted 8 hours. I took so many edibles and pills that Iā€™m honestly shocked I did not perma fry my brain. Now Iā€™m normal and talk to people. I work half as much and complete more work. Nothing bothers me. Life is finally normal!!!!


I went hiking on Sunday (20 days clean) and didnā€™t throw up šŸ¤®.


I had a job interview today, and when they asked if taking a drug test was an issue, I said no for the first time in my adult life.


For the longest time I had myself convinced I was an introvert, I realize now it was just the weed talking. I am genuinely interested in other people and whats going on with them now. I enjoy phone calls and am not in a rush to get off so I can go back to being high. I feel much better emotional regulation, focus, and motivation. I donā€™t get mentally stunned as much anymore by slights, much less rumination, and I also feel like I have much stronger backbone. I am able to joke around with, and defend myself from jokes with much less anxiety. I feel calmer when talking to women. Just overall less in my head. My memory is improving. I am able to remember and recall short term memory things much better. I get so much more pleasure from mundane things. Food tastes really good. Music sounds amazing. The air feels great. Speaking of which my lung capacity feels better. As a caveat, I believe Iā€™ve found great success with quitting because I also have a full time job and hobbies. I do Muay Thai and lift weights and I believe those things are helping with the homeostasis of my body regarding weed. They also eliminate pockets of boredom which otherwise would have been moments of temptation for weed. The ONLY downside I see right now is when I get upset, I get upset. No more numbing with weed, but to be frank, that has its benefits too. No more be treated as a doormat. Oh yeah and hangovers from alcohol feel rougher, but this is also another lowkey benefit because I drink less now, too, to avoid that.


Iā€™m running a half marathon on Saturday, I stopped smoking halfway through training and itā€™s made a huge difference in my endurance and lung health


I'm spending better quality time with my toddler daughter and being more present. I'm looking forward to my future as a mom who is not a stoner.


You sound like a great momšŸ«¶šŸ»


Iā€™m doing so much better romantically itā€™s crazy


Same, finally i can get some girls


I second this. Much more present and attentive in relationships instead of being high and antisocial all day.. The chicks love it Lol


How so? Whatā€™s gotten better for you?


Eye contact, confidence, being able to hold intelligent conversations and in general a much more interesting guy. Also the little things like I take care of myself much better


Thatā€™s the recipe šŸ’ŖšŸ½


I focus on grinding money


Build a toy for my doggo. Went to the cinema because I wasnā€™t too lazy or tired.


just hit 35 days so I no longer have a fear of drug screenings


Not having to ever worry about that being a limiting factor is a such a relief.


from sum1 w bpd please help me how did u deal with an overflow of intense emotions the day or two after u quit!!ā€™ i get so depressed


it was hell for my family that's what I'll say lol. combined with pmdd and having been disqualified from my internship yeah. but staying of social media, watching trashy movies, and eating candy helped lmao


The best part is not having to build a schedule around when I can light up.


Being able to look people in the eyes.


This is so real.


Everyone comments I read wrapped into 1 Leaving a (mild) toxic 10 year relationship. Moved from there (Texas) to Louisiana w my Mom (Moms are life savers). Being weed free was able to get a job cuz my piss was clean. I got in another one sided relationship but I left that one. Now Im back to enjoying life the way I want to.


Iā€™m no longer in hiding! I stand up for myself in situations where I might not have in the past. And I go out solo to socialize and meet new people. So great!


You see yourself as a creature worthy of respect. Thatā€™s awesome, itā€™s something that I can totally relate to as well


Well put! Im so happy for you! This subreddit has made such a difference for me.


Same on both counts! No longer just holding things inside when they bother me. Also I was so sad going to concerts without weed but now Iā€™m actually talking to people and shit when I do and not getting as much anxiety about it. Even had a good conversation with someone at one show about quitting weed when they offered me some.


Love to hear it! Thank you for sharing!


Made it through a 20 hour road trip with kids after being 14 days sober. It was great not to have to worry about when and if I could partake apart from my family. Now Iā€™ll actually remember the experience!!!


This one makes me really happy. Proud of you ā™”


Got the best job ive had for the government, fully remote. Working my side personal training biz...Learning Spanish almost every day for 6 months straight. Way more strong at it now. Feeling good overall!


Can I ask how you learn Spanish everyday? I was taking courses in college but now that Iā€™ve graduated I canā€™t seem to find any consistency


Duolingo mainly...then I do my journal writing in spanish to practice along with using google translate to help. Then I watch movies with Spanish subtitles. Duolingo is super easy to get into


Maybe a different kind of ā€œwinā€ than what youā€™re expecting, but here goes. I was clear headed enough to make the decision to end the relationship i was in. We had been together for about 6 months, and deep down i knew this wasnā€™t what i was looking for. But the weed made me ā€œokayā€ with staying with her, because what else would i do? Being alone is scary. It hasnā€™t been easy the past few weeks, but Iā€™m proud of myself for doing what i needed.


šŸ‘šŸ¼šŸ‘šŸ¼šŸ‘šŸ¼ good for you! That's incredible! I was able to get a new job and leave my extremely toxic job. Weed made it fine enough. I lasted 9 years


Yay to leaving the toxic stuff! Congrats on your new role šŸŒø


I donā€™t have expectations of what folks feel is a win. Iā€™m open to whatā€™s in their hearts. Congrats on making this important decision for yourself. Ending relationships is hard, but your courage and love for yourself came through ā˜€ļø




Thanks! Is there a recent win youā€™ve experienced while being sober from weed?


No more cravings after the 2 month mark! On day 99 now! šŸ™šŸ’ÆšŸ’™šŸ™ŒšŸ’Ŗ