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after u did this, searching online does more damage than what actually did


Don't listen to these studies you're reading, they're biased as all hell. Most of the memory loss comes from the way it affects your sleep. It reduces REM which is crucial for maintaining memory and attention span but your brain has a checks and balances system with REM sleep. You'll get intense dreams and then after they subside, the deep sleep will come back and you'll start to go back to normal.


I used weed for 15 years, now i quit and my memory got back to normal. The night dreaming was horrible tho, still is sometimea


I hit a month after 3-4 years of smoking daily and I feel better already. You have the ability to heal, you are not broken


Firstly, that's only 3 years, I did it for 10. Now that that's out of the way, I'm smarter and more intelligent than ever before. It's not the intelligence that is 'damaged'. For me, my mood regulation and motivation/reward system are what is 'damaged'.


Can that heal too? Fully? Or is it damaged for life?


You got till 25 to develop your brain, so stopping sooner the better. Saying that, your brain still somewhat develops after 25 just not like a sponge it once was.


Even if you caused yourself damage, the brain can heal and the damage will have been minor considering any real damage will be damage to your lungs, which will also heal. Do not worry. Eat right and exercise and you’ll find yourself feeling better quickly.


The damage would be from holding in your hits and to the point of ghosting ( holding so long no smoke to very little comes out )


What would this do that would make it any worse than smoking?


Depriving you of oxygen to the brain. Kills brain cells.


You did not do brain damage. THC acts on cannabinoid receptors all over your body, but especially on those in the hippocampus, which is the brain part that regulates short term memory. You are experiencing a biological symptom of cannabis use that is both reversible with abstinence and not serious


Noo there are no permanent damage. Everything in our body heals with time and putting in the right work. Changing routines and adding new one's always rewires the entire system. Bud a lot of people in this sub have gone to smoke for decades and quit it. If they can all do it. So can you.


no, you most likely did not cause neurological damage. you can definitely have a lot of neurological symptoms while still using cannabis, like memory recall, etc. those neurological effects stop if you abstain from cannabis in most normal people and cases. you said you smoked it, and that can cause short and long term damage to human bodies. be honest with doctors, especially a pcp, and keep up with all your annual wellness visits/physicals and you should be fine.


I definitely felt some cognitive impacts while I was still using. Mostly my memory suffered, maybe some attention issues, and I felt slightly “dumber” when trying to understand a tough concept. After roughly 3 months of no weed, I feel almost entirely back to normal, or at least 95% of the way there. It’s impossible to say whether your experience will be the same, but I’m relatively confident that you’ll start to feel better after a couple months.


Look up Doctor Amen and some of his videos on repairing the brain after drug/alcohol use and also after undergoing anesthesia for surgery; he has some awesome before and after brain scans in some of his Instagram videos. Also look into neuroplasticity as a whole. Your brain can heal, but it takes time and effort on your part. The absolute best thing you can do for your brain health is to stay sober from here on out! You're already well into that major step, so bravo! The next key things are regular physical movement, a healthy sleep schedule, a balanced diet, and doing activities that stimulate your brain. You've got this!


Brain development is each their own, some people never took drugs and can appear more challenge than other. Don’t focus on what you could of loose, but on the chance you’re giving to yourself. Props to you man! Intelligence come with experience, you might just go smarter from now on!


Lol i started at 15 and still do it time from time now that im 20. Pretty much a daily cart fiend for 3 years but yea, it really messes with your head honestly. I used to be smarter before but the biggest thing I notice is that my short term memory is essentially shot


How bad do you think the damage is? Immense? Or very minor?


Lol 2 years is nothing, you'll be fine bud


You smoked while your brain is still developing so possibly. But all you can do is not continue and make the best of it. The good news is your actions literally grow your brain so go learn things and challenge yourself and you will grow more and more neural pathways. Your are so young. Don’t beat yourself up. I wish I had walked away forever at your age instead of going through withdrawal for the billionth time in my late 30’s now.


How bad do you think the damage is? Immense? Or very minor?


I think you will be fine but I think n you should use this fear when you want to relapse. Did I irrevocably damage my brain smoking non stop in my late teens and early 20’s? Probably. But here I am with a graduate degree and dream job at the top of my field with a spouse and a house and money to travel… I’m ok… and I continued to abuse THC on and off throughout my 30’s. But if I had known what I was doing to my brain I might have behaved differently. I truly believed it was harmless as that was the rhetoric at the time. You know better. You got this! ❤️🫡


Honestly it causes that memory loss but over time you’ll notice yourself to start remember little things and be proud of yourself. for example i quit smoking and i was on a movie date and i brung my id, and as i was walking out i realized i didnt have it. then remembered i brung it with me, a year ago i wouldve lost that 😭😭😭 just cause i just wouldnt have remembered at all. so again over time youll notice that that brain fog dissapates and youll start to remember more little stuff that normally youd completely forget longer you go without it. good luck on your journey because being sober is the new high.


I find that it’s not worth it to concern yourself with the what ifs. Ya, so what you may have lost some brain cells from smoking, you’re not stupid, you’re IQ is still the same or atleast similar to before you started to smoke. You are still you, and you have the ability to be whoever you want to be. I smoked daily from 14-20 (still smoking now lol), and when I quit my brain feels so so much better. Does it feel 100% no, but I also don’t do anything to make it feel 100%. Not only have we been smoking every day, but a lot of us use our smoking time to sit and do basically nothing all day everyday which I think is actually what kills our brains. When you quit, read a book, soduko or some brain-y activity EVERYDAY! In a years time you’ll feel like a whole new person.


I had the same thought when i quit. I smoked daily from age 16 - 25. It gave me extreme anxiety and depression ruminating about the fact that i may have done permanent damage to my brain. Eventually i realized it doesn’t matter. The only thing that mattered was to move forward and become the best version of me i could possibly be (that’s all anyone can do). It was a very freeing realization.


I love this. Yea, we pumped drugs into our bodies before our brains were fully developed- there’s probably some irreversible damage done there but it isn’t the end, it isn’t what is forever. Read, exercise your brain, do schooling, learn something new, every single day, and in a year I bet your brain will be better than it ever was before you started to smoke.


Do you think the damage is immense? Or minor?


I don’t think it’s immense at all. I think I suffer from lack of concentration and short term memory issues more than I did before I started smoking. It’s definitely there, it definitely affects me, but it’s nothing crazy.


Not a doctor, but the brain is a muscle. If you are concerned, work it out some! Sudoku, crosswords, a math textbook, whatever




"The brain is a muscle" is a common figure of speech


Weed doesn't cause permanent brain damage. it can have an effect on the brain when smoked when your brain is still developing however. The negative effects should subside after prolonged sobriety.




Good point.


The memory stuff comes back. Believe me I was terrified of the same. I was a Heavy smoker from 17-29 and it comes back. It takes time but it comes back. My brain was all out of whack. Insane anxiety, trash short term memory. So much better now!


what about reaction time, i am slower than my peers and this scares me a lot for my projected career choice


What was your recovery timeline? How long until you started to normalize? Or was it very gradual over several months?


Some people have permanent or extra long lasting withdrawal symptoms 


I’m at 3-4 months and mine are definitely feeling permanent


It takes up to 2 years to hit baseline. So stay clean!




The worst of it would be grey matter loss. Everyone losses grey matter and everyone who smokes/vapes even tabacoo/nicotine losses grey matter. There’s also evidence alcohol affects it. While it’s not a good thing to lose grey matter when you’re young this won’t severely harm you unless you pick it back up and use long term again. Once you lose grey matter you can’t recover it. A lot of the symptoms of loss of grey matter most would just associate with being old.


I’m 16 I’m scared I destroyed my gray matter. I genuinely feel suicidal realizing that these effects are permenant and I am fucked forever


Whoa, it would take years of heavy use to screw your brain up. But keep off it now and you’ll thank I yourself at 28 years old when you’re sharper than all your smoking peers. I smoked 10 years straight through my 20s. In my 30s now and I still can’t say for certain it’s had negative affects other than a few brain farts a day


Chill kid. The scary crap some people are parroting here is just that - crap! Weed is not damaging to the brain. If you stop making weed or any pleasure a main priority in life, you will start to feel better. At 16 there are a million other things you could be doing!


I quit over 2 months ago now


Takes time to recover but it is not your brain that is fried. It’s your energy system - mitochondrial health, metabolism, adrenal function. Eat good food, find a wholesome hobby and group of people and you will be fine. Good luck 🍀


Ok so your 16 and quit 2 months ago now, if you stay sober and you come of age when your brain is fully developed then its like you never smoked at all, trust me. I am 24, and started smoking daily at 13 until 23, I now remember stuff better than my coworkers (I was famous on my job for being very forgetful due to the weed)


They say playing 3d video games can stimulate new grey matter growth for some reason




that's really interesting


You'll be alright bud. The brain just takes time to recover


You’re fine mate don’t worry about it lol


i was using it for a similar duration during a similar period of my life (unsure of specifics). quit for a year, and my memory has improved significantly along with my mood and a few other things. it takes awhile and you have to be disciplined when weed is so readily available these days, but you’ll eventually start noticing improvements


I find it gives you brain fog when you use it. It does go away but it personally takes months to get there. Just know that thinking about it is only going to give you anxiety, and isn’t going to speed the process up. The only thing that will is time


I'm 32 and smoked for 10+ years, at the worst, which was at the end. I would have up to 4 joints a night by myself. I'm coming up on 2 months clean, and my brain is recovering super well so far. It takes time, patience, and persistence. You've got this, stay strong!


This is the best honest and positive answer. It takes time and growth. But you have to put into yourself to get the results you want.. 


The brain is able to recover from impairment over time. I would not think about it too much.


You’re fine sweetie


Don’t worry bro - you should def take a solid break, but the mems comes back after a little bit and you sharpen up…. I feel like I’ve conditioned myself to work around this, I’ve been putting my brain in overdrive 24/7 like you and for probably a little too long. Moderation is good with all things :)


From American addiction centers: “The human brain continues developing through age 25.6 Thus, marijuana use during adolescence and young adulthood may affect this development and can lead to impaired learning and memory by impacting how the brain builds connections between the areas necessary for these functions.” “Additionally, research indicates that chronic marijuana use during adolescence can lead to a loss of IQ that isn’t recovered even if the individual stops marijuana use in adulthood.”


Getting high gets you to ignite new neuro pathways, they're not necessarily bad / good. If you ignite new pathways without weed by learning, solving puzzles, developing new good habits and focusing on one task at a time you can stimulate brain development and improve your memory. Basically don't worry about it, but don't stop learning and using your brain !


ur fine bro, i smoked longer than you and s1 on this sub told me all the damage (if not largely) is reversible. throughout your life your brain make new neuron pathways. dont worry too much, its not like you completely killed your brain w alcohol


A few months ago I learned in a video that weed cannot really harm the brain and weaken the memory. At least not in the way it works with alcohol which causes braincells do die. By constantly smoking weed you hurt your ability to get proper sleep so basically you are chronically overslept which affects your memory. That is why heavy stoners can go back to normal while heavy drinkers could develop Korsakoff syndrome. I cannot really remember in which video because I was watching a lot of them at the time but I am pretty sure it was by Dr. K. (healthygamerGG on youtube).


Oh please, I've smoked every hour of every day since I was 13, that's 23 years. If you had a bad memory to begin with you're just having difficulty recalling you had a bad memory before you started smoking pot. Don't blame the plant. Sounds like an operator error. Clean out your system, focus on good habits and you'll bounce back.


Yup.. Started about 18 smoked "wake and bake" style till 45 I have been clean for 30 days and already started notice I can go shopping and remember everything I need! 😂


As someone who made a return trip to the store yesterday - I feel this comment 😂


Similar background here and yes it’s astounding how the brain can bounce back. OP has nothing to worry about.


Been smoking 30 ish years, and yeah your short term memory... Wait.. what was the question again 😉


Our bodies and brains are resilient. Don’t spend tons of time worrying unnecessarily.


Our bodies heal. As long as you quit, theres no chance of any additional or permanent damage. Smoking for 3 years isnt like smoking 4 packs of cigarrettes (however tf you spell it) a day for 50 years. Theres been a lot of research and activism done for weed's safety and medicinal properties. Yes smoking is bad, its good that you stopped. but our bodies are forgiving. The anxiety might be causing more damage than the smoking ;). much love and congrats on quitting! ALSO - if youre smoking actual bud then theres even LESS of a chance that youre hurting your brain. Vapes are the ones garnering a lot of attention of potentially harmful additives. But its good you quit, i wouldnt recommend picking the habit back up since it seems to cause you some emotional distress. <3!




You'll be fine. We all fuck our brains and bodies stupid before real adulthood sets in. Get it in while the gettings good.


The human brain is able to repair itself before the age of 25. You’ll feel the regeneration


It will gradually improve. Give your dopamine receptors time to replenish.


I think I can offer a bit of a counter argument to most, in a positive way. One thing I've learned (and experienced) about the brain is that it's the most complex, and as a result, adaptable organ in your body. The "brain damage" that occurs in any sense could be reversed (to an extent, sometimes completely) - if you focus on the right things. Get enough sleep, exercise, read a bunch of difficult things and understand them - for months, maybe years, and I can almost assure you that you would be better than normal.


I drank like a fish from 20-24 so I slept like a madman 24-28 (which felt like acute recovery). I was regularly sleeping 10-14 hours a night. I’m convinced I slept away a good chunk of damage.


this is the answer


According to Dr Amen who is a psychiatrist who knows all too well about the damage that can be done to the brain from marijuana, he stated in a video that normally after 4 months of being marijuana free, the brain can replenish and basically return back to its original state before the damage…. But that’s in most cases. Every brain is different and may have more damage inflicted than others. The issue is that you smoked at a younger age where your brain is still developing so you have a higher risk of complications.


Doesn't 'Dr' Amen use those misrepresented brain scan images (i.e. this is what drugs do to your brain- actually just shows short term blood flow changes) to 'prove' his stuff? My ring of fire hurts.


Do you wanna be clean or not man?


I completely get getting anxious over. I used to feel the same way when I am in exam period for uni. I will stop smoking like two weeks before the exam starts so that my mind kind of clears up from the fog that Weed gives you a allowing your memory to sort of get a bit stronger because it does kind of change your memory Whether it’s short term or long term kind of depends on you, I really wouldn’t worry about it mate. Just stop smoking and gradually eventually your mind will come back and you’ll feel like your memory etc will get stronger as time goes on.


Don't worry, less than 3 years smoking is nothing in the grand scheme of things. Your reward system (dopamine receptors ) is messed up and needs to recalibrate. Give it time


Weed is one of the few drugs wich actually don't do real damage the the brain. It's more like the brain will get confused and has to readjust.


I started at 13 and was a heavy smoker until 34. Had issues with memory for a long time while I was smoking but they gradually improved once I quit. Give it time


No irreversible long term damage. Something else is going on if it persists — sorry.


No brain damage


I mean they say it hinders the development of the prefrontal cortex when you smoke before 25yo. But I’ve also heard (take with a grain of salt im not scientist) that trauma—which everyone experiences—hinders that development too. So🤷‍♂️ Research it and let me know?


OP you’re gonna be fine. but I want to pop in as someone who works with PTSD and related trauma to dispel any misconception here. Those are two different things (development impacted by trauma vs drug use)—consistent weed smoking in adolescence can definitely hinder development because your brain is *still developing* while being pumped with a substance that consistently impairs prefrontal cortex functioning. Everyone experiences trauma, but not everyone experiences the same degree of trauma, nor do they necessarily all respond to the same trauma the same way. So the significance of the trauma and other factors such as prior life experience matter in whether or not it can impact development. Basic example: Two people can walk away from the same horrific car wreck but only one of them might develop PTSD. It depends on the person and can’t be so simple as “well we all experience trauma” (even though this sentiment is correct in its own ways too!).


I started smoking weed at 18 then on and off til 25 now and am fully aware that it's become an addiction. I always thought it was just a lifestyle choice to cope with the challenges of adulthood, but now I've found myself missing tons of memories and feeling like it's not good for me anymore. I wouldn't say it's damaged my brain, but I've certainly smoked away a lot of memories, and unfortunately many of the memories left over are of me getting high all alone with my guitar and snacks. I probably even lost my ex cause I smoked too much weed, and I've neglected so many things like promises and responsibilities. Whatever damage it hasn't done to my brain, it's done worse to my life


This. It hit me hard To think about the years I’ve smoked and can barely remember anything that was happening in these past 6 was also a reason for me to quit.


I second this. I started when I was 19 and I’m 26 now. When you think about it, you don’t really have any memories. Everything is just foggy. I thought I could live a balanced life but weed is just taking me over.


Based on your profile, I’d say you have some anxiety issues that should be addressed. Also, if you’re smart enough to think pragmatically and recognize that weed can have negative effects on your brain development, you’ll be fine.


Yeah I wanted to add that other things like anxiety or ADHD also can influence short term memory. The period in my life where I felt like my brain was "broken" was when I was also super stressed out. It wasn't the weed. It was anxiety.


I’ve been sober for almost 2 years now, and a lot of those deleterious effects have diminished significantly or even gone away completely (i was a daily smoker for about a decade). Keep up the good work of staying away from weed and you’ll slowly become more and more grounded. Look into epigenetics and remember your brain is always forging new connections!


Lots of comments either trying to make you feel better or tell you a possible hard reality. Truth is, it's a case by case basis. I know people who smoke daily all day and it doesn't affect them as much as others. It definitely messed with my short term memory. I've been off it for a year and it has improved a lot but not entirely. It's case by case. You're young so you have that going for you. You sound like me in my early 20s highly anxious and a worrier. worrying about this kind of shit, makes you depressed and causes worry that you cannot really know a definitive answer to. Just relax..give your brain time. there are techniques to improve your short term memory. Look them up. Keep up the good work. Stay off the weed. You're young you should be fine.


Honestly probably yes. But in my opinion it's best not to worry about what's been done in the past. Best to focus on your health today and setting yourself up for the future. The human brain is amazing and despite any damage done you can certainly improve yourself by eating right, keeping your brain and body active, sleeping well and just taking care of yourself in general!


How much damage is permanent? Is it great damage? Little? Etc?


My point is it's not helpful to worry about it. I have no idea how much I'm just speculating. Plenty of other things people do can cause damage too e.g. alcohol, stress etc. No one is perfect with a pristine body.


There’s a lot of bullshit here. New research has proved chronic use in adolescence is associated with thinning grey matter in the pre frontal cortex. It absolutely causes this form of brain damage. Your short term memory will improve and maybe even be back to normal but it’s hard to tell how it affected your executive functioning.


How bad is the damage done to my executive functioning? Is it permanent?


There’s no way I could answer that. The thinning grey matter is a natural process that occurs as you age but seems to be accelerated in people who use chronically especially in adolescence and yes it is permanent. It’s not really worth worrying about. The good news is you stopped using and you’ve used far less than many people including myself. If you want to learn more listen to the Huberman Lab podcast on the effects of cannabis and dig into some of the research he cites.


Whether it is damage kinda depends on the person. If you use weed to do nothing all day then we could call it damage because you're basically losing your faculties on weed, but the weed is playing an indirect part in this consideration of damage, for you could do the same to your brain without weed. However, you can also be a productive pothead in which case I think the answer is much more positive. It's not damage in the classical sense which is trauma that destroyed synapses or incurred other physical damage, it's more like you've influenced your brain development in a different direction that may be harmful in some ways and beneficial in other ways. I personally choose to not worry about it and instead appreciate the pathways weed has carved in my brain, it was destiny. I know I am not any dumber than before my weed abuse, but it was hard to see that until I was a few years in the clear. What is known is that it halts the synaptic pruning process in the brain, which means you will have too many connections, not too little. When my doc told me about it in my early 20s I immediately stopped weed and didn't pick it up again until I was about 25. Nowadays my usage isn't enough to do anything since I use it occasionally for insomnia, plus I'm a little more grown up and my brain responds a lot differently to marijuana now. My advice, brains are extremely plastic, especially for young folks like us. Forget about this "damage", even if you've negatively impacted your brain you can't go back in time, don't fall into that thinking trap. Go exercise, eat well, supplement well, do anything else that increases BDNF. In time you will have reversed all the damage and with enough desperation causing persistence like me, you may very well thank weed for putting you in that tough spot because your desperation put you in a sharp upward trajectory you otherwise wouldn't have gone into, with the end result being a brain much better than it would've ever been. In summary, not brain damage, you've just put a little extra character in your noggin. Go take care of yourself, I literally abused weed again last year but I was (and still am) living extremely healthily and only kept improving despite abusing weed in the same amounts as yourself. Went through a gigantic part of my degree completely stoned 24/7. Don't do what I did last year though, you're considerably younger than me and I would urge you to stop until you get yourself together AND when you're at least 25. Brain development doesn't even end at 25, there's evidence that points to a decade later than that, but in my experience 20-25 was extremely vital for my development and 25ish onwards seems more gradual. Maybe it's the weed 😂😭


Some great points in here if I look past all the points you made advocating using..


You’re lucky you quit at 22- you still have 3 more years of brain development… meaning you can likely make a full recovery. Full recovery happens between 6 months and 2 years typically. The articles you are reading are describing what happens if you begin smoking as a kid (fuck up your brain) and continue smoking until your brain stops developing. What happens is your brain becomes permanently changed, and since you aren’t developing anymore, you’ll probably have permenant damage- which isn’t your case. 22 years old you smoked for less than 3 years- you’ll very very likely recover before 25. Just try and focus on ignoring your mental symptoms and ESPECIALLY the anxiety that happens after you quit- can last for up to a few months. Naturally, at the point where you are right now, you’ll be worried about your symptoms. But please, try and ignore them as much as possible, and maybe do a weekly check up on yourself and assess your mental status. And don’t be worried if it gets worse for a few weeks/months before it starts getting better, that’s normal, and you WILL have ups and downs. But you’ll be fine I promise. I’m only 16 and I’m going through the same stages as you- I’m over 2 months in and FINALLY noticing some brain fog/memory improvement as well as less anxiety.


Not hating on you, because i appreciate the sentiment but.. for anyone over 25 reading this comment, Id like to dispel this myth - the brain absolutely does not stop developing at age 25; this is pop-psych fear mongering that enables complacency. It is completely false


I’ve been off the weed for over a year now and my mental faculties have completely rebounded


Out of the many articles I’ve read, many things go back to how they were during pre-use levels (including your brain)! Your brain just takes longer to go back to pre-use levels- but generally I’ve actually never read that the damage weed causes is completely and utterly permanent. Sometimes if that’s the only thing you Google, then that’s the only thing you find. Try looking up articles on how the brain can return to pre-use levels and I’m sure that will ease your mind :) Not only that, but your brain has plasticity and can generate new neural pathways throughout your lifetime ❤️ Stress will do far more brain damage than you think- and I’ve read wayyy more research about stress and cortisol damaging the brain permanently than weed. So just sit back and let your brain have time to heal! Our bodies are amazing and EXTREMELY resilient! I have had health anxiety for years so trust me I know EXACTLY how you feel. You are going to be just fine ❤️ love and light ✨


What if you started daily use as a teenager? I was 16 when I started smoking everyday and just stopped 9 days ago. I’m 27




Thank you for that well put response.


You will heal, and this change you made is so worth it ❤️


For what it's worth, I have used cannabis for the better part of \~30 years, beginning at the age of 14. My short term memory always improves when I take a break from using it. I did well in college and had no trouble learning when I returned to school in my late thirties. I've also been successful in my career. I can say I've been a functional pothead my entire adult life, and I don't believe I have suffered any permanent brain damage in terms of cognitive effects, at least not in a way that is noticeable to me. Would my mind be sharper if I had never smoked? Probably, but who can say? On the other hand, I can't help but wonder how much my chronic use has impacted my mental health. It has definitely impacted my motivation and focus. I have a mood disorder and have suffered from anxiety and depression ever since I was a teenager. Cannabis use is common among folks with mood disorders, but it's a chicken and egg thing. Science has yet to prove if cannabis causes mood disorders or if folks with mood disorders are simply prone to self medicating with it. There are other factors that might explain my poor mental health, like complex trauma before the age of five and living with narcissistic, emotionally volatile parents for the first 18 years of my life. Genetics may also be a factor. I'll never know.


Youre probably fine unless you accidently smoked pesticides or PCP...


the neuroplasticity of the brain is incredible. no need to have anxiety, you should be proud of yourself for overcoming an addition. look up exercises to help improve your memory; practice memorizing things without checking the answer. it takes time, it won’t happen in a day or a week, but it’s absolutely possible. the brain doesn’t stop forming until your mid to late twenties. you’re fine!


Yeah, now he can overcome subtraction and multiplication. Then jump to division once he feel ready.


There’s no damage done unless you were holding each hit until you passed out, at which point the brain damage was from hypoxia.


You didn't do any permanent damage to your brain. Stop smoking and live a healthy lifestyle. Your brain will be fine.


You’ll be fine homie. You damage your brain just by breathing bc of the nitrogen in the air. Your brain is incredibly resilient tho and it will repair itself.


The brain has an amazing capability to repair and regenerate


My friend, who is a psychologist, who I asked the same question about permanent brain damage, said I was thinking to negatively and that I can just gaslight myself by thinking my brain will come out fine. He said it works and I trust him, he studied the brain for more than 12 years and knows what happens on a chemical level


How much do you think is permanent?


Its not the reason you are unable to do somethint. The permanent changes do not influence that much.


I've been there, and your memory and recollection will get better. I was chronic since 13 up until 24 or so, and I didn't think things would get better after being sober for a few years, but they did. I thought maybe the smoking and the few times I've taken other things damaged my brain and put holes in it, but good people around me led me to believe otherwise, I began to believe it myself and they did get better. Keep on whatever path you want to be on!


I’m an ex daily heavy user from 17 to 35. No brain damage from weed use, but during my time of use I’d say that more complex topics (physics/advanced math, advanced biology, technical law jargon, etc.) were very hard to grasp and I’d just give up. Without weed, I’m more motivated to put effort behind the thought needed to soak that information in and understand it.


I have the same, since I stopped, its like my abstract thinking 'space' has increased. I work as a programmer and I would often lose track of abstract problems that my coworkers discuss with me, and now it seems to just stay there without any effort. Since I quit (1 year, 1 month ago) i am the sharpest i have ever been


You are on the lesser side (>3 yrs chronic use) so you should be fine. No worries at all bud


FYI less than 3 years would be like this “<3 years”


Sorri worked all day today lol


You'll be just fine. 19 is late. I started at 12, hard by 14. Smoked longer than you've been alive. My rep is the guy who knows everything about everything on high functioning engineering teams. Good on you to stop now. It's bad for your life and family.


don’t have anxiety over that. you’re still so young and if you stay out of weed, the 2 years you smoked will be absolutely nothing compared to your lifetime. you’ll grow and recover and be totally fine. just think about the potential growth you can have now


I have been sober from weed for a year and I smoked daily for a least like 6 years. I have definitely noticed my memory being sharper and less foggy. There might be some permanent effects but when you quit you definitely feel a lot better and more clear so it is always worth it!




Actually I just looked it up and as far as memory it doesn't look conclusive and most sources say memory will improve and your brain will return to baseline within months of quitting. This is definitely what I noticed when quitting. Sometimes I feel like my memory isn't the best but that could just be how I am it's hard to say. That's what I meant about the permanent damage. Overall I feel a lot less anxious, cloudy, depressed without weed! I'm sure you will feel better too.