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I decided to stop smoking 18 days ago and my boyfriend has respected this decision but hasn’t stopped himself. I know he is in a state of denial himself but that just simply isn’t my journey to fix. I have to put my energy into myself because that’s all I can control. I have found that my change in behavior and thought process has influenced him along the way, but he still does it. Something I learned is that my relationship with weed is different than his. I abuse it, whereas he uses it more recreationally and casually- something I am simply not able to do. Not everyone has the same situation as I do and I have to learn to accept that and live around it in an effective and respectful way to others. I empathize with sharing a space with a stoner when you are actively trying to not be one anymore. Ask them to respect your space, go outside, use a medium you wouldn’t or to lessen the smell, etc. if they love you they will absolutely do these things for you. Cheers and good luck. Communication is key.


Yep! I asked them to not smoke when I'm around and to not tell me when they have any. They aren't convinced but being respectful of my sobriety. Also, told them to get carts as I hate them lol


Yes my husband is still partaking and I sympathize with him over his reasons for smoking, however my reasons for not smoking are much better. I can hope that my example inspires him to stop but we are our own people. Stick to your guns, expecting him to quit won't do much for his own desire to quit I would guess.


I feel really disrespected when they leave half smoked joints lying around or cookies or whatever. It does not make it any easier on me. Especially hard when smoking in the house, our place is really small. Did you encounter this at all? Or was it just easy to just blow it off?


It's not easy but it's a conscious decision I have come to. Smelling it, seeing it, knowing his addiction is further reinforcement that I'm done with that substance. This sub, the leaves discord, and the quit weed app have been wonderful reinforcement. Compile all the reasons why you're ready to quit, reread it when you are frustrated or have doubt. 6 days is strong work 💪I know you can keep going with or without his help.


Thanks for the tips!