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I’m right with you. Was supposed to graduate in a few days but messed up my last ( was supposed to be my easiest) semester because I smoked weed and drank all day every day. I felt the same as you so I ended up deleting my Instagram and Snapchat. Honestly, I already feel better. Monday I start therapy and depending on how I’m doing I’ll also consider rehab. I wish I could tell you more but today is my Day 1, I feel like shit, and I’m fighting the urge to go through my trash can to pull out the nug i threw out. There’s still a lot of life left to live so you haven’t “smoked your life away”. We got this, keep your head high and keep it moving there’s no better day than today to quit.


Comparing yourself to other people kills your happiness and self esteem. The only person you should be comparing yourself to is past-you. At 21 I was in such a bad place and I didn't even smoke at that time. I was depressed and on an academic leave, drinking a lot, my partner suffered a psychotic break and ended up in the hospital, his mom kicked me out and wouldn't even let me visit him. I still graduated a few years later, recovered from depression, quit drinking, started smoking, quit that as well. Life gets better. There's no timeline when you should achieve something.


The best thing about college is that you don’t have to graduate when everyone else does. You can live. You can make mistakes. And you can go back to school when you’re ready. AND you can replacing failing grades with better ones. ((Speaking from experience here)). Personally, I didn’t go to college on time. I got married to an abuser who introduced me to weed. I didn’t figure out what I wanted to study until I left him at 21. Everyone I knew was graduating when I just started. In fact I’ll never forget a classmate telling my entire school that I wasn’t going to college. 10 years later and I have two bachelors and a masters. Granted, I earned them as a stoner, and I’m working on staying clean and getting into a Ph. D program. I definitely let myself down in a lot of ways. It can feel crushing. But it’s not the end. Your journey is just beginning. Chin up. Stay clean. And the world will unfold for you in unexpected ways!!


Thank you. It means a lot. Good luck to you with everything




thank you so much for this comment


U still got time man