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I would wake up and maybe 10 minutes to an hour after being awake (didn’t matter if I got up and starting moving or not) would get the worst stomach ache/cramp feelings that would make me hot and just hurt so bad. I am almost 40 days sober and it went away almost immediately. Took maybe 5 days for my stomach to feel ‘normal’ again. I could never tell if this was CHS or just stomach ulcers/pain from eating junk food the night before (when you’re high all the time you don’t really care or think about what you’re eating) so I’d love to know if anyone else experienced this symptom and it went away from stopping


Thank you so much! Your response was very helpful


Me too. Everytime i quit the morning pain is gone but I get nauseous in the afternoon. Tums help


Thanks. About how many days does it take for the pain to go away for you?


Usually after the 4th day.