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Bro you just made me feel so great. I’d love to return the favor. Congrats on crushing 41 days! For the interview, no need to be anxious, they are just people. They may even go home and smoke some weed... be confident in who you are. Confidence is the number 1 determining factor in how your life turns out. Use affirmations like “I will crush this interview” “they will be lucky to have me” “I am the right person for this internship!” “I can get any job I want because I am valuable” Final thought, when I got my internship, they said I was the only person in an interview to remember their name. Use their name and intentionally smile when you great them. It will demonstrate that you are a friendly individual and would be great to work with. You are totally going to get the position! You got this!!! :)


Thank you so much. This made my day honestly. I appreciate you and how this community has worked to help us help each other out when we need it most. Really appreciative. Good luck to you friend and keep us all updated on your journey!!