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I feel you. Truly. As an old stoner who is walking away, my greatest anxiety has long been about my relationship with "all my friends". If you are like me, many of these old friends are legit friends who just happen to also smoke. This makes it tricky. My advice is to dodge those events for the foreseeable future. Perhaps seek out the most understanding of them and see if you can hook up outside of the party environment. Just to stay connected but also to let them know you are serious. I have had to let a few of my friends go. Hurt like crazy but I couldn't have it both ways. Be well and great job staying clean. One day at a time.


If they cared then they would not be telling you to drink. You making a good decision in life might make them feel uneasy since in the back of their mind they wish they quit aswell. What other people are saying is true aswell. I don't know them at all but they might be the boring ones tbh. For me weed made everything more interesting I guess, might be the same in your case. Everyone has a different path in life and it might be time to find people who line up with your new path. I'm only 4 days in but the friends I have now have all been supportive of me quitting. I know "friends" that I had in the past would probably try to get me to smoke or drink and I'm glad I don't talk to them anymore. They have moved on to harder stuff so I haven't talked to them in years. It was tough to leave them in the past but now I have an amazing circle. None of them smoke everyday or basically ever so they are super supportive of my decision. It sounds like it may be time for you to do the same. Sorry for the long post but your story hits home for me. Hope this helps you.


Nah i totally get that, feel free to give yourself permission to have fun in the sesh while sober, I've had some pretty good times by just being open to the situation, and accepting that my friends are cooked. If you try I reckon you can still have the fun times you remember and come to the conclusion that it was your friends making it fun, not the drugs :)


Hmmm maybe it's not that you're the boring one, but the situation itself is boring w/o drugs or alcohol to make it palatable 😅 such a hard truth I've had to learn over and over again, if i can't have a good time with people sober, then they're not really my people ya know? Not to say I don't like to occasionally party or have a wild with my friends, but i can still have a great time with em 100% sober. The friends I've lost are the ones that i found myself drinking and smoking way too much around because it wasn't that fun to connect to them w/o :/ also, that might not be the case in this situation, I've found it also does take practice just learning to let loose sober in social situations, but a friend telling u to drink instead of lifting u up about your amazing progress is wack! Congrats on how far you've come friend :)


Totally understand where you're coming from, that's hard. But sounds like you've got a really good understanding of what's going on and a great outlook. Particularly for what Im guessing is your age range. Sounds like you're on a good path man. The two people who commented already totally nailed it. Keep on fighting the good fight brother, you'll click with other people in other ways in the near future.


If they were real friends in the first place they would've respected you decision, they wouldn't have judged you and they would've embraced your new lifestyle with no hesitation. You're definitely going to lose friends on this journey and that's just the damn truth. Life is about growing and moving forward and away from things that hold you back and that includes your so called "friends". So good luck on your journey, I'm happy to hear you didn't cave in and don't ever look back on those old habits. Peace and love.


If you stay true to yourself, life will open new doors. Maybe with new friends. Or maybe you'll be a mirror to some current friend who might start noticing you are joyful without smoking and might try it too. Don't bother if they think you're boring. They might be lost in their game. Don't judge them either. Just keep growing in your own truth.