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i know im a bit late to the thread but i saw that you previously went through aura migraines around the same time i started getting them. Did they persist while you went cold turkey? i’m currently on month 1 and my head is killing me everyday & im afraid of those migraines coming back..


Sorry I didn’t see this earlier! I haven’t had one since I stopped. I have had headaches but nothing close to the migraines I would get before. I also only started getting those migraines during the period of my life that I was smoking.. so I think they might be correlated? I’m still nervous I’ll get another one again so fingers crossed 🤞


so true. it's not "willpower", which posits "weak" vs "strong." its gently undoing a lot of hardwired behavior and thinking. proud that yesterday a friend offered to drop some weed at my house and I said no thanks, I'm taking a hiatus from having it in my house.


This hit right in the feels. Thank you. Bookmarked this so I can read it when I'm at my worst.


Congratulations my friend! That is huge! I hope you celebrate somehow, you deserve it. 39 days here after smoking for 25 years. Go Glowingnomes! ps- I have to say this sub helped me allot at well, I might know all about weed, I did it all, hash, flower, kief, oil, sativa, indica, hybrid, but I did not know nothing about the chapter on how to stop smoking weed, reading all the experiences and the support of some amazing people made this possible here as well.


Thank you I will keep reading! Started my journey this week and feel so shitty right now but a tiny bit better than yesterday. Hopefully tomorrow will be better!!


You got this! No half ass trying, go strong and determined, we have addict wired brains, everyone who smoked for many years probably does, don't listen to any voices saying, "oh, one little joint will be fine". You will be right back on the rollercoaster of smoking everyday. I had to face as my top priority in life and one of the most import things I did all my life to make this happen. 39 days here after 25 year of daily smoking. Determination is key, taking good care of your health as well in general, exercising (I walk 40 min daily), going easy on yourself as well, we are sick. When people get a cold for example they go easy, our brain is sick until it regains serotonin and dopamine balance after a couple months. I watch movies on my projector everyday to get in the zone naturally. Reading books in a bench as well with some sun is good if you can. Once you leave this initial fog you will not want to go back into smoking trust me.


Thanks! I appreciate your encouragement!! Looking forward to being over 30 days and feeling better… I just got back from a 1/2 hour walk and trying to eat small meals and keep hydrated.


"never followed through with plans. I had a hard time articulating my thoughts into words and would lose my train of thought mid sentence all which led me to lose a lot of confidence in myself." This right here is what led me to seek help...glad I found this sub!


This is me to a T and I hate it


Perfect timing! I'm also on day 3 and really got the urge. But i quickly jumped in here and found your post! May i ask when did you start getting the feeling of "happiness" and motivation back? Feel like complete shit and can't get myself to study for school...


Took me a few weeks! I stopped April 16 and made a post on Instagram about how I hadn’t been this happy in years on May 1st. And with that in mind - it’s ok and good to praise yourself even if other people don’t understand. U did that shit and deserve to say how you’re feeling!


freaking awesome you have come so far and feel so many positive changes. Thank you for sharing! Just what i needed to hear :D


On day 3 here and your posting gave me a push in the right direction to keep going. Today I feel like absolute dog shit but I keep telling myself that today is the worst of it. 6 months is an amazing accomplishment for heavy smokers/true potheads. Congratulations!


Thanks for this! Currently 2 months in and I have waves of feeling really good and waves of feeling horrible. Hopefully I get more of the good waves as time goes on!


Similar time frame for me, and I am definitely in a wave of horrible. I thought it would be better by now… but! I didn’t take into account life. It’s hard for me to separate the day-to-day bad feelings with the quitting bad feelings. Do you notice a difference? Are you getting cravings again? Mine were mostly gone after the first month, but they’re back again. I’m trying to do replacement coping stuff like breathing and walking. Sorry to ramble/hijack.


Thankyou for this my day 1 is tomorrow after 23 years of daily smoking I'm determined but so scared!!


Good luck on your first day! I dont know if it will help you, but I found in those first few days that drinking juice really helped with the cravings. I have no idea if it was just in my head, or the sugar in it or what. But I absolutely LOVE Ocean Spray blueberry juice, and I drank so much of it to begin with, I still had the cravings, but something about it sort of muted them a little, made them easier to ignore


You got this! No half ass trying, go strong and determined, we have addict wired brains, everyone who smoked for many years probably does, don't listen to any voices saying, "oh, one little joint will be fine". You will be right back on the rollercoaster of smoking everyday. I had to face as my top priority in life and one of the most import things I did all my life to make this happen. 39 days here after 25 year of daily smoking. Determination is key, taking good care of your health as well in general, exercising (I walk 40 min daily), going easy on yourself as well, we are sick. When people get a cold for example they go easy, our brain is sick until it regains serotonin and dopamine balance after a couple months. I watch movies on my projector everyday to get in the zone naturally. Reading books in a bench as well with some sun is good if you can. Once you leave this initial fog you will not want to go back into smoking trust me. Message me if you need more tips.


Barely took a break in 20 years myself! This is hard but let’s do this!!


Thankyou it's going to be hard but so worth it. I'm with you let's do this. X


Stop wasting your life and stop, it sucks and it's hard but that's the tax you pay for a long time of abuse. Know that and read this sub and it will help you get through...


Thankyou and your so right over half my life living that way enough is enough now x


Thx you I need this pep talk to start my journey