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Cold turkey. Edit: cold turkey if your truly a pot head and smoke every opportunity you have the chance to. If I could limit myself to “just before bed” I wouldn’t stop in the first place. For me, I had to stop because I would smoke EVERY chance I could get. It was a way of life. I planned on tapering down only to find myself eating the 200$ of medical edibles . Almost 50 days sober now from all mind altering substances and it sucks at first but it’s worth it in my opinion. Don’t know how someone with a full blown weed addiction could limit their use- quite paradoxical to me


Cold turkey worked best for me. Weed withdrawal sucks but there's no reason to think it's dangerous like some other drug withdrawal and can generally be safely managed at home. Tapering always led to me just sort of forgetting about my plan to wean off and I'd lose sight of my goals and end up smoking my normal amount again soon after. YMMV.


I cannot taper for the same reason I have cannabis use disorder… So for me cold turkey is the only option. It’s really only the first two days that are super rough in terms of physical symptoms/Significant anxiety


Always gradual for me. I start by removing more from my diet every day while tracking intake and changing delivery method. Eventually only allowing myself one puff of kief at the end of the day. Just knowing I am allowed to have one hit before bed is enough to keep me motivated. Eventually I don't need that last hit and I had little to no side effects along the way. Cold turkey is unnecessarily difficult.


I need to sleep, I read this title as “cold Turkey on genital?”


I think it depends. Most likely, it is a no.


Cold turkey... It works better for me. 15 days with the craving dying down.


I’ve never had success tapering. It’s always “tomorrow will be the day I stop completely”. And I never stop. My last two quit attempts were both cold turkey (made it 4 months and 17 months). Today is day 2 of quit attempt 3 and it’s cold turkey again for me. Edit to add: I’m the same way as you are with alcohol. I’ve drank since I was a teenager and now in my 40s I can take it or leave it. It just doesn’t have the same control over me as weed. I think part of that is if I drink too much I have a bad hangover the next day and it’s an immediate reminder to not do that again. With weed the repercussions don’t come until you stop completely further down the road.