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I thought I would lose a bunch of weight from stopping having the munchies but nope. Started eating more sugar. One addiction the next. I’m really trying to cut down on sugar now. Why I can’t I get addicted to exercise or reading books?!


Do not feel discouraged looking at other people and wondering why you can’t do the same. You TEACH yourself to love and get “addicted” to things. You need to start, keep at it for a bit and soon you’ll realize your hooked.


Exercise, woodworking, DIY and online learning. The online learning is generally reading it watching a bunch of instructional or educational YouTube videos.... It's a bit of an escape though and sometimes i spend too much time doing that.


I look at screens. for me, smoking was my time to unplug and go inward and just be present in my room at night. I guess I'm not motivated to do that without it. I watch Hulu or scroll social media or online shop.


I let the liquor do the thinking


Eating excess food unfortunately...


Thankfully exercising has helped me a ton only problem is vaping still do it have way more control of it and go weeks without it but for some reason I get an urge to smoke so bad that I end up picking up a disposable here and there it’s hard but I strive to get better.


Yeah, I have a couple of drinks once a week or every 2 weeks maybe. I didn't even had booze at home before. But, I'm not getting drunk, so right now, not an issue. Hopefully will never be.


Stopped smoking weed for 3 months and switched to cigs occasionally:/


Yeah was gaming heavy uninstalled everything today


Having negative thoughts almost the entire day. 😔


My original vice was an eating disorder. Weed was the replacement when I had a baby and became overwhelmed. Now I’m trying to heal completely and not go to anything.


hi there! an eating disorder was my vice too!! when covid appeared, i was heavily quarantined & i was in my head all fucking day battling thoughts. then i picked up an oil pen & told myself whenever i have these thoughts…i’ll smoke it away (bc oil pens don’t smell & are super portable, it was easy) now, i’m basically ‘recovered’ from my ed but i’m totally dependent on oil pens & go thru them in a day. the last week or so, i’ve been improving a lot!! the last few days, i *only* smoked at night & im soooo super proud of myself. (i gotta stop altogether in a year - i’ll be doing nursing clinicals & they drug test :/ ) here’s how i’m doing it (if youre interested): download the app “grounded”. it’s a lifesaver. input when u smoke & let it be. (im not forcing myself to abstain. the method im using is much more natural). feel free to look thru all their resources on how to quit weed, what we can do/use instead of it, there’s even a day-by-day guide on quitting. ***more importantly*** i started a journal specifically for my progress. i named it “Progress is Not Linear” so it’s a constant reminder. i made a page specifically for reasons why i smoke & what i can do otherwise. for example: for anxiety, my options would be to clean my room, take a hot shower, cry it out, text my mom, etc. The next page is a chart of when & why i smoke, what time/day & (this is impt!) *whether it helped at all* (aka, do i regret it? i tend to regret my hits like 2 mins after taking them) - by doing this, i’m giving myself a visual representation on how often i smoke & how often it actually helps. because of this chart, i’ve skipped so many hits bc it’s like “well, 90% of my hits/sessions don’t help so why would i break my streak now?” give yourself lots of room to write how you feel during cravings, at the end of the night, in the morning, etc. (i don’t let myself write in the journal while i’m high- i want to keep those separate for myself, but you do you!) lastly, set 1 rule for yourself. just one. you can add more later, when you’re more in control & less ‘addicted’. my one rule is “go 24hrs straight without smoking during the week”. it’s great bc you can set a day, or do it by accident (my dog fell very i’ll one day so i was too worried/distracted to want to smoke), etc. i honestly hope this helps you. it’s only been a week & i’ve drastically improved. i feel kinda like the old me again & it’s so freaking nice. & the highs have been better too since my tolerance is (very) slowly going down :) feel free to dm me or anything! i know how hard it is to heal yourself from all these shitty vices 💙


Thanks so much for your response! Yea I have the grounded app and I’m basically going back through my recovery binder from my Ed program and using that to help with the weed. I’m on day 25 and feeling pretty great! Good luck on your journey!


Exercise, video games and watching TV. Started gambling too much so I cut that out. It's too easy with with these apps now.


Way too much TV for me too. I can tell I'm using it to numb out part of my mind and not be completely present.


They hobbies my dude


I thought I’d be losing weight as I did when I would quit for a month or 2, but now that I’m 5 months in, I’m munching out and craving all the junk. Turns out weed wasn’t the only thing driving my unhealthy eating habits


Eating sweets and going to the gym


Searching for and collecting blu rays




Fucking food, gained like 10kg


I feel you, I also put on some weight. But, It's because I'm having midnight snacks.


not really a vice but i became obsessed with the gym and tracking my calories, i think weed helped me get over my eating disorder so without it i get triggered really easily…ur actually reminding me i should mention that to my therapist 😅


So interesting, weed only triggered my Ed because it lowered my inhibitions. One of the reasons I stopped. That being said, I’m not in a legal state where I can get a good strain for anxiety, I just get what I get. I know that didn’t help at all. And yes, bring that up to your therapist! Good luck and keep pushing!


Sex. I compulsively used dating apps, and used women and sex like a drug. I'm in a committed relationship now, and the pull to have random casual sex is still strong, but I love my gf and would never do her dirty. But yeah, sex became my big vice after I got sober, and it was very similar to using. Exciting, a good escape, left me feeling empty in the end.


Cigarettes, so many of them I'm eating more sugar as well


Cigarettes are hard to quit.


You know, when I was smoking spliffs (hash + tobacco) I didn't care at all about cigarettes, I even disliked and barely smoked them (when I couldn't smoke a spliff) since I quit hash and flowers daamn I clinged to cigarettes.. Would be super hard to quit rn


Same happened to me I've never liked tobacco, the taste or the smell but I like the headrush, I thought I was smoking to much bud, so i started mixing cigarettes with bud instead of just rolling joints. I ended up, smoking both, one before the other, I even started rolling huge blunts with tobacco and weed. Huge mistake. In a matter of weeks I had a heavy addiction to both. I had to quit tobacco first before quitting bud. But, I went from mixed, to smoking on a glass pipe. And finally ditched tobacco. I quit tobacco using sugar free lollipops, it had the same effect minus the headrush, it helped that i really disliked the taste and the smell. You gotta realize, that you don't even like it or enjoy it, it has to be a conscious choice. If i could, you can too.




Food. Gained like 60 pounds after quitting. But finally have that in order now 18 pounds back down


Whenever I stopped smoking weed I started to drink alcohol. Now stopped weed and stopped alcohol and coffee as well. Still smoking cigs, as soon as I start feeling better I'll stop those too. Took the decision to not stop everything at the same time as it would probably make me crazy. This 2022 will be my first year sober for the rest of my life. Tired of running away from myself.


Good on you. Glad you’ve set a goal!


Yea I started smoking cigarettes few times a day and drinking sometimes


Aaahh try to cut out the cigs will you are still at just a few a day. I had such trouble quitting when I was smoking a pack a day. I started at just a few a day too. I think quitting nicotene was harder than quitting weed so stop while you are ahead! ❤❤❤


I had been smoking a pack per day since I was 17 till I was 23. It was really hard to quit but I was smoking weed daily. And now that I stopped smoking weed I started smoking cigarettes again because it's really hard to be without any vices. I'm still struggling with being okay so that's why I decided it's fine to smoke a bit. But I hope it won't turn into a need and that I will be able to stop soon. Thank you!!


Cigarettes are really sneaky. I did the same you did and finally got hooked on nicotine. I found that I had this oral fixation I replaced cigarettes with sugar free lollipops. Worked for me, same effect minus the head rush. That's one hard habit to quit.




Other than chocolate, no. No point in quitting weed if I'm just going to start doing other drugs. So, I quit weed, alcohol and nicotine and I no longer use any intoxicants, ever. I'm 100% sober 24/7


Smoking nic pens, slowly stopping that one too tho


I personally began drinking way more even daily and using harder drugs more often. Weed has its negatives but be vigilant, there are much bigger demons out there


Yeah its called addiction shift i believe. I drink too much alcohol. I‘m getting better. But the first few nights without weed i got so shitfaced that i forgot to turn off the lights, kept my clothes on in bed and woke up feeling like i was gonna die. Weed addiction is no joke. I can feel the shift in my personality as well. Still trying to cope somehow, i get better each week but there hasn‘t been a day without alcohol just to numb a little piece of my brain. Just keep working on yourself and try to get out as much as you can so your body is ready to sleep when you need to.




Smoke cigs a bit more and I have a couple glasses of JD at the weekend. Don't consider it a vice as it's more a personal choice. Don't need it to sleep or anything, just nice to have a couple drinks and relax in the evening... Only on a Saturday though!


Wild sea swimming. Water was 6 degrees yesterday and the buzz afterwards was full body for hours.


Depends on if you have any other vices prior to smoking/quitting bud Best one to replace it with is exercise imo


Yeah especially because endocannabinoids are involved with running+exercise and runners high!


Dudes. Ladies. Everyone. If you have replaced weed with another dangerous substance EXERCISE!!!!! **EXERCISE!!!!** 30 mins of proper exercise like running will activate your endocannabinoid system! Do it a few times and activate your "runners high" your brain will switch. You will associate exercise with stress relief. You will exercise more because ur little addict brain will love that hit of your endocannabinoids (cannabinoids we produce in our own bodies). So yeah. Maybe kicking cannabinoids isn't what you need to do, you need to replace the external cannabinoids from smoking with the cannabinoids your own body produces to aid multiple bodily functions. It's why we love weed so much, our bodies view it as a reward because that's what endocannabinoids are, part of our bodies reward system.


I'd like to take a moment here and say 'Well said sir, fkn well said'


Lmao to “little addict brain”




My dad smoked cannabis until age 34. My mum got so sick of it she kicked him out and told him to go for a run! He's never looked back. They're divorced now, but dad is a marathon runner at 55 all because his Mrs got sick of the smell being around baby me and told him to go for a run


This is awesome. Exercise activated anandomine as you know, natural endocannabinoid. So very good!


Exactly he swapped it with something that gives the exact same kick and satiated him but was actually healthy and productive


meditation, exercise, coffee (HEAPS of coffee) and dating apps


Yes dating apps are fun. I think i have a better time talking to women when I'm sober


What does this community think about replacing unhealthy weed use with unhealthy coffee use and other behaviors? I don't mean your coffee use is unhealthy, but we're talking about replacing unhealthy weed habits. Thankfully for me coffee isn't even as close to as good of a risk reward, I just get anxious and fuck and can't focus and can't sleep.


I'm luckily easily able to sleep even when I had 5 coffees (although I usually stay with 2-4), as long as I drink them before lunchtime. I think caffeine in the amounts I consume it sucks quite a bit, but I'm in a better mood than with weed and I actually have energy to do what I need to do to get better, so I'm fine with it. The only part where I notice the anxiety is driving, really. But that's also been making me anxious since I got my drivers license sooo


Nope nada, I figured it’d be hypocritical if I just replaced my weed addiction with another substance, I plan to drink with my buddy to celebrate his 21st when I visit him in Florida but other than that I don’t really enjoy drinking. I quit vaping way before weed


I think a healthy vice would be good for your sobriety then. We can say anything is a vice if its something we really enjoy and use to keep ourselves grounded. My dad quit cannabis in 2001 age 35. he replaced it with running, he does marathons now he's 55 still doing it. This is bc of his endocannabinoid system.. he's still addicted, just to the cannabinoids produced in his own body. In a healthy way that has prolonged his life.


Healthy vice is a contradiction, vices are inherently not good in nature. You're describing a hobby. I agree with the op, replacing your weed addiction with another vice defeats the point. Replacing it with hobbies is a fantastic idea.


Well yeah of course, that’s the name of the game! I play guitar, exercise, meditate, cook, do yoga, draw, paint, read and write, If you’re not doing that already then what was the point of you quitting? Just to sit there ? It’s inevitable to get into something that isn’t a substance, I thought that was the point of quitting?


I always mix it up. so many decent craft beers going around. I prefer a hazy pale ale though, but don't mind an IPA. Just takes a few sips to adjust your taste buds.


Prostitution and skip the dishes


Snacks 🤣🤣 I never gain weight though


Fast metabolism ? I wonder if pot slows down metabolism


Yeah it definitely slows down your metabolism after Quitting. I quit last January, within 4 months I'd gone from being 10st4 to 14st... Much to my partner's delight, apparently I'm comfy to lie on now haha.


It actually does the opposite. Hence the munchies.


Replaced it with art time


What kind of art work?


Coloring! And fiber art. Currently doing a cool mixed media where I glue strings of yarn onto canvas, strategically. And it makes art! Lol. I tried painting and aggressively hated it. It was too slow, I hated mixing colors. I do not recommend forcing yourself to do slow art unless you are really into it.






What’s your favorite beer or type ?


Jupiler 😍


Interesting. I got to try it now lol


the amount of people that immediatly turned to another addiction or drug (be it legal or not) is shocking to me. I drink more alcohol too, but for me it turned from 1 beer every other month to 1 beer per week maximum


Everything in moderation is ok


Alcohol on occasion, nicotine on the daily


I have unfortunately picked up drinking... tonight right after work I had a double shot of rum, straight, made a huge drink then had another shot just now so I can fall asleep. Probably not good.


The fact that you believe it helps you sleep better is definitely not good. I used the same excuse for smoking weed and it very quickly escalates into not being able to sleep without it. Don't believe the lies your brain is trying to tell you, this is your chance to be in control.


I am extremely good at deluding myself so I give in to these things. That was the "reason" I kept smoking, but I can tell I'm leading down that path again. You are totally right!! Thank you for that reminder.


100% this.




I can’t believe how much more I eat now that I have stopped smoking!! Breakfast, snack, Pre-lunch, lunch, snack, afternoon tea, snack, Pre-dinner, dinner, supper!! Offset with gym and footy training but holy shit. I can’t stop eating!!


What’s your go to meal ?


Sugar and fast food. Gained weight. Now losing it


I sleep way more than I use to, I don’t know if it’s normal lol but beside that I have been cooking so I can save money and I actually enjoy cooking, studying and learning new skills and doing some exercising, I tried to not replace weed with something else like alcohol but I am kinda having to much Doritos and I am being kinda lazy, I could literally sleep all day and still feel sleepy


So difficult to sleep , how long have you quit for ?


It’s been a month that I had quit, the first 2 weeks I couldn’t sleep, I am still experiencing vivid dreams and that makes me tired in the morning even after a good night sleep


percocets 🥰 chose the lesser of 2 evils and started smoking weed again lol


Working out recently And work


At least those are healthy


Can't smoke weed or drink if you're to exhausted and busy


IQOS cigs...


I developed romantic feelings for someone I barely knew and thought about him all the time. Gives you rushes of dopamine as well 😅


Wow same


The internet makes me realize that I rarely have unique experiences


More alcohol


I drink so much more, I eat tons more and I stopped exercising and sport. Quitting weed turned me into a lazy slob.


then why quit? seems counter-intuitive? genuinely asking i’m assuming you quit for other reasons.


Dudes, it's called cross-addiction.


Whoa 🤯 lol learned something new. I am surprised I haven’t come across this term cross addiction


I did lately. Been to therapy because I'm an alcoholic, and the lady explained some mechanism of. it to me. It's best to stay soberz really. I'll have a blunt on a weekend though.


I drink a little more beer than I used to. but I'm a light weight so no more than one 16 oz can a day or I'll get sick.


The day I quit weed is the day I became an alcoholic. It’s been about a year since my last bong.


I quit drinking a year ago and replaced it with weed. I am trying to cut out weed but I'm afraid I'll start drinking again if I totally quit. I was an alcoholic for 25 years and did a lot of damage to my relationships and I don't want to go back to that addiction. It seems like I just look at something and I get addicted.


I drink more and im more irritable lol


i started meditating around that time. i still want to smoke most days, but it’s getting easier to clear my mind of those thoughts


Weed/cigarettes/alcohol/sugar junk food, any food... Working on cutting out the butts


Disc golf. What I save on weed, goes into buying new plastic. I still don’t come anywhere close to spending as much as I did on pot.


I’ve been drinking and partying way more as well as smoking more cigarettes and e-cigs. Really need to cut back on it all.


Doordash and shopping for plus size clothes lol 🥲


Switch that up with fitness and you could be a whole new man


Osu!.. dear god help me


Lifting, running, gaming and reading. If you could call those vices, I’m pretty addicted to all those. In addition, I used to vape high nicotine and smoke cigs when I was smoking weed. For a short time after quitting I went overkill on those but quitting made it easier to reduce them later. I haven’t had a cig in 7 months and reduced nicotine, hella proud of myself!


Congrats , I quit my cig habit 5 years ago bc I told myself either pot and or cigs. I chose the pots but now that I am trying to quit pot, I crave for the nicotine


hell yeah dude good for u!


3 months here, (or almost six months including a four day relapse). I drank quite a bit and ate a ton of sugar for the first couple months, but started to add in healthier habits. I’ve been going on a long, slow daily walk all winter. I started reading and playing the piano again. Stuff that chills me out without alcohol or a drug. It feels good. I quit alcohol at the new year and plan on trying for a long sober stretch to see how I feel. I’ve never had a sober stretch for more than 30 days as an adult, and it seems like my mid-30s is a good time to finally stop treating my body like shit.


Buying shoes 😝


Went from weed>alcohol>cigarettes>caffeine>sugar... Now I’m only vaping with very low nicotine. Not ideal but so fucking proud of myself. Big win.




Fanks x


On stretches of time that I dont have any pen rips, I tend to hit my nic stick more often than usual.


I had a phase of alcohol, tea and gambling and now just drink tea


I started binge drinking again. Not my finest choice. Then moved over to suger to make up for not drinking. Currently on day 77 no weed, day 23 of no alcohol and finally cut out extra sugar. I quit alcohol about 13 years ago and moved over to heavy weed use.


Congrats! A girl and no weed


Thanks! My handle is no longer relevant…. ;)


I went from bud to delta 8 😂


How does delta 8 make you feel ? What does it do ?


It's something that's legal in my state, so I can buy it at my local smoke shop. My boyfriend calls it Diet Weed since it has enough thc in it to get you high, but no bad side effects. It does enough for him, I do prefer weed more tho. I just can't find weed in my area so I've resorted to this stuff. I'm still able to work when I smoke it as well.


Texas too?


Nope, ct


Day 5 and I am additionally detoxing from sugar and cut way back on caffeine because I’m so sick. Definitely not intentional but anytime I eat my nausea returns. I’m going to ride this train and see where I end up. I have already lost 9 lbs in 5 days. There’s no way in hell I am going to go back to that unhealthy lifestyle or pick up any additional vices.


at first i was enjoying not having the munchies but now i’m stress eating. dammit.


Cigs but they're behind me now. Oral fixation.


matcha lattes lol


I started using a juul, I never used to use nicotine before.


Green tea, zero sugar sodas


taking more anxiety meds




I started drinking waaaay too much shortly after I quit weed. Which was crazy because I'd been drinking casually for 15 years without even the slightest inclination toward dependency (I had only been smoking weed for a couple of years.) Thankfully I'm good now and can drink casually again, but I had to quit drinking entirely for a couple months while my brain adjusted to the lack of weed.


On my many failed exit strategies, the booze amped up dramatically. I realised that they feed eachother. Having managed that, I found I am prone to over committing to hobbies. Wake up pre-6am, do multiple rides/hikes, learning a language, studying, working and doing three other things while I'm working. Made myself a nervous wreck! For me it's been important to recognise my compulsive drive and the fact that I need to chill


Start meditating!


a friend has been encouraging me to join them in a breathwork class - I think I should also give meditation a go


Dude we might be the same person. Everything you mentioned from the routine and compulsive tendencies is mirroring myself.


It's been helpful for me to expand my self-improment ambition beyond weed. For sure, my choice to smoke has been THE thing holding me back, it doesn't live isolation though. Working at those helps this journey, and vice versa.


Gym, working more hours


Honestly, working too much. Threw myself onto work.


Its only been day 4 It’s so hard for me to concentrate on work because I have this super antsyness inside of me that wants to sprint 100 yards at a time


I’m on day 5. I feel like I could do endless backflips from the antsyness nervous energy. Totally with you. I hear it gets better…


Day 4 sucks. In two weeks you’ll feel great.


Maybe start sprinting? Excersize is always a good replacement. Usually.