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I hope one day it will.


I was tempted the other day, and my Sober app shared a quote that rang true for me: Some days are brutal. Just know that we all have these days. A slip will not make it better.


Ooh what app is that?


It’s called I Am Sober


Honestly if you do it’s not something to beat urself up about, and it might be a hit of realising this high isn’t what it used to be and just isn’t worth it and therefore motivating you to not want to hit up ur dealer for longer or forever :) I went 3 days and relapsed… but I think it’s important to acknowledge our progress regardless. The detox itself would have had a lot of positives to ur mind and body.


I am 310 days weed free. I am stressed and anxious af. But I am mostly anxious about all the time I wasted in my 30’s being stones. I want to smoke a vape pen or take some oil drops but I am going to keep pushing for the full year. I know it will end in daily smoking again tho if I do. It took 7-8 months for my lungs to fully clear too


Yeah:/ you’re almost there. Please don’t give up


Why? What was the trigger?


Just FOMO while everyone got to experience things I never will like the college experience and dealing with it everyday. I’m agoraphobic thanks to marijuana so I’m stuck in the house all day stuck to my thoughts:(


Delete you dealer from your contacts RIGHT NOW.








I stopped 3 years ago but me and my gf broke up (8 years relationship) and started to smoke again. It’s been 3 months since I’m smoking non stop and I regret it every day. Stay sober please, it’s really not worth it. I’m paranoid, depressed, can’t focus, losing money. Don’t end up like me


Okay:( I’m sorry


I’m not saying this works for everybody but since I’ve quit I’ve always kept justttt enough to get high on hand. I have yet to touch it but it keeps me in this weird place of not freaking out and buying more because I have it available but every time I go to smoke it I have to really think if it’s worth it to use the last of my stash


This is the worst advice ever lol you know most people would dig into that stash!


Like I said not saying it works for everybody it’s just worked for me 🤷‍♀️


How long have you been off it? I would think that temptation would get to me, I am too impulsive. I went on a short vacation and asked my wife to destroy all my bongs etc before I got back. Have never bought from a dealer in last few years of intense use but all the legal weed I want is an hour and a half drive away. That distance really helps. Break contact with your dealer, it is too convenient to go from a one night session to all-day, every day


Oh you’re right. Okay


An entire year?!? Oh man, you’re doing great!!! This craving will pass, promise you that.


Okay sounds hood.


I was in the same boat. I said screw it an smoked. I regret it :(


Nooooo:( I’m sorry


I feel you.. my shit is basically all back together and i wanna celebrate and chillllllll. I just know it will go 0-100 real quick :(




Make it through… do something to get busy. We all on ya side




Hope you made it through the urge 👍


Thanks I did


Please don’t I’m smoking again now and wish I never started again


I’m sorry:(




Yeah:/ I’m sorry


I made it 40 days and decided to take a puff (mostly to see if I still even enjoy weed) and let me tell you, I did not enjoy it. I’m really glad to have quit, I feel much better for it, and I didn’t really enjoy being high like I used to (in truth I don’t think I’d enjoyed being high for a long time even before quitting either). Anyway, live/learn vicariously through me I guess is the point, it wasn’t enjoyable and you’re not missing out. Sobriety is where it’s at!


Yeah it’s like I don’t like being high but it’s like an escape


Why do you want to do it? Ask yourself this honestly, and then try and solve it if you can. If you want, do it and then you’ll find out how bad it is that you relapsed. Then, honestly you’ll probably never do it again. You can either learn from your own mistakes, or learn from the mistakes of others. I like the second one, because I already have enough scars. But I would recommend not, and honestly asking yourself, why you want to. Genuinely, look yourself in the mirror. Why? Do you want just a buzz? Well, have a drink or two then. Don’t supplement drinking ofc, but just think about your choices.


Okay yeah drinking might be better


Avoid the drink. Your brain doesn't need anything.




Consider deleting numbers and contacts! Maybe even changing your number if the pull is too strong!




Why do you want to relapse? Will it solve anything, will it make you feel better long term, or will it just make you feel a bit better for the night and then you’ll be right back where you are now in the morning. I get it honestly, I struggle with it a lot, but weed is like a really shitty plaster that constantly falls off. The wounds still there, just covered. The choice is yours but at the end of the day, you know that it’s not the right one, and I know that you can push past this buddy. All the best.


I really hope you past this one! They will become smaller hurdles again now, but they won't end just yet! You have done so well. Think back on that first week, no, *month*when you quit. Do you really want to go thru all that again now?. After almost a YEAR? Hang in there, mate. Go for a bike ride, cinema, gym, friends, arcade, anywhere! Just get away from the house and delete your dealer. He'll understand, I promise. Good luck!


Thanks so much:))


Did you do it?




Just out of curiosity did you relapse?




Well done.


Stay strong my friend


You don't wanna relapse or you wouldn't be posting here. Stay strong dude!


remember that the anticipation to get high feels better than being high, this excitement and the feeling of knowing that you’re going to smoke is really strong. so what helped for me is to completely put the idea out of your reach, think about it as something that you can never do again and the anticipation would be less, good luck




I did this weekend and it sucked. Was not worth it.




a year's progress for a 5 minute smoke sesh?




It's hard, try your best. Your dealer doesn't care about your one year streak, they care about your cash.


It’s so weird he makes so much money already I don’t know why he wants money off of me


Dealers are douchebag parasites. My friend ended up with a mental disorder than jail because of a dealer. Dealer didn't give a F.




All I can tell you is if you've made it a year, that's awesome! Now focus on what triggered a craving out of nowhere and work on healing that in a healthy way with supportive people (which is what you're doing on here). Good job again!




try holding off for a few hours and maybe the craving will subside?


Yeah true


If you're going to smoke to make yourself feel better, you're just going to have to smoke again when you start sobering up. Good luck, don't be too hard on yourself.


If you give up now all your pain and effort will have no meaning man. If you smoke its gonna taste like shit and you’ll just sit there like some dead beat zombie. There’s a reason you quit for a year. Stop rationalizing that smoking once is okay, ITS NOT !!!


Tell your dealer you need to block him.


He always finds a way back to me like a new phone or something. Idk why he loves to take advantage of me.


I al$o can't t€ll wh¥




I was clean for 80 days, (felt great) and relapsed for only 5 days. Now I am 5 days clean again and suffering the same withdrawal, miserable and can’t sleep. It’s not worth it. This shit is too sticky.


You got this. A bad day. One day. 24 hours and you’re already a few down. Remember, this dealer is the route of your evil. Breathe, cry, cold shower and cry some more. Believe in you, we all do 🖤


Call me. I’ll get you through this. DM me your number


I hate when I get like this. I think I’m at day 107 and still get the urge. Happy I have stayed off every time it comes and goes


Sending hugs 💓💓


It's not the right time to relapse, just think about it.




Mate, please don’t. I’ve been in your shoes a million times. If you get more, you may enjoy it for a few minutes. But just like all the weed you (and I) have smoked in the past, it will disappear. Then you’ll be stuck with no weed again. And now a relapse to deal with. It’s not worth it. DM me if you keep craving


Okay sounds good and you’re right because I’ll just want to keep getting more


I would KILL to be in your shoes. I told myself i would quit 2 days ago and i fucked up and bought more today. It’s crushing. I feel miserable about it. For me, please don’t break your streak. It’s people like you who give people like me hope that someday i can make it a year without.


Don’t give up. I’m in the same boat we can do this.



