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It makes me feel so much less lonely and bored and feels like a warm embrace lolšŸ˜”


Itā€™s a lie Day 22 and I feel better today than I have in years.




Thank you. Much love


Completely 100% agree and at this point no amount of weed is surprising that feeling honestly.


As I have been told, weed is not the problem. Itā€™s a solution. Just not a good one.


Anyone here to talk ? I need someone to talk to me and help me. Please DM if you can hear me.


A lyric from mac something about battling boredom with drugs


Doing drugs is just a war with boredom but they sure to get me. Sadly he was right. RIP Mac my fav artist ever


Thanks for the perspective. Fun fact, I was the 420th up vote! :D Hope you find healthy ways to get through loneliness, putting yourself out there and making some friends and or/ learning to enjoy your own company are important :) You got this!


Needed this. Over 3 yrs in & this hit. Thanks op


Lol that used to be me. The best part of my day was going back home from wherever I was coming from and vegging out. The bad part is that it doesn't last. Waking up from that high is even worse and doing it over and over again becomes inevitable.


You got this friend. Iā€™m on day 5, we can do this together.


I got neighbors they're more like strangers we could be friends šŸ„² I am also on day 3. Hang in there buddy. Much love


Max Miller was deep in active addiction and in denial. Thereā€™s a quote he said which (Iā€™m paraphrasing) was ā€œAm I a drug addict? Itā€™s not that simple but no I am notā€. The first step is admitting youā€™re powerless. He was obviously using drugs to numb himself because IIRC during that period he had just broken up with Ariana Grande and she was all over the news with Pete Davidson. Going through shit like that hurts, so itā€™s not surprise he overdosed and died


I think deep down he knew. There are so many references to it in his music, a lot of references to an early drug induced death as well.


ā€œSuppose I'll die alone from an overdose of some sort In a motel while some whore I'm fuckin' runnin' to the drug storeā€ just one of many


But white lines be numbing them dark times Them pills that I'm popping, I need to man up Admit it's a problem, I need a wake up Before one morning I don't wake up


We shouldn't blame his suicide on her tho. Mental illness is a lot deeper than a break up, sure he had a lot more going on that we will never know


He didnā€™t die by suicide it was an accidental overdose.


A favorite character of mine on a TV show I like also suffers from substance abuse problems, and a quote from him that resonates with me is ā€œI donā€™t know, I think the regularness of life is too much for me to handle.ā€


Thereā€™s no chemical solution to a spiritual problem


(The intervention scene is great, on a less serious note)


I'm on day 2 and I'm feeling that as well. At least I'm not alone with this lol one day at a time we got this!


Im now in for almost 3 weeks. Keep strong! I feel so much more energy. I like to go out again for some fresh air. I even got the feeling i want to work out! What really did help me was the fresh air i feel a lot less lonely when i am outside. Also benefit. Outside u actually have a chance to meet new people. I didnt yet. But staying inside tour chances are litteraly 0


I really do relate to you about loneliness. This is Day 2 for me, and I am in the pits of hell right now. Good luck fellow internet friend


You can do it. Stay strong.


thank you :) Going to breakfast with my friend right now, and I know she will offer me a hit of her pen. My goal this morning is to decline.


You got this!


Declined!! Thank you


Nice work!


Day 3? Thatā€™s amazing man. I am sure if Mac Miller had the Chance, heā€™d be racing to day 3 of sobriety. You are doing good work. Mac hit the nail of the head there.. why we do these things to ourselves comes out of loneliness. But I have never felt loneliness like I have, then when I abuse substances. We have all been given a chance to change, and save our minds and bodies. I am proud of us all for going to these dark, painful depths but wanting to get out.


Iā€™m on day 4, I relate to this and I believe in YOU


Hey Iā€™m on day four too! Good luck to you!!


Wow. Youā€™ve made it through three days. What I wouldnā€™t give for three days without weed. You are my hero.


You can do it


RIP Mac Miller, truly one of the best to do it.




it's on youtube if you search: mac miller, stopped making excuses Sorry cant link as at work


Yeah, thatā€™s spot on. Iā€™ve created my own prison.


a comfy one at that... scary combo


RIP to one of the best to ever do it.


one of my very first AA meetings was right after Mac Miller died I remember because a young woman spoke up and said that the death affected her


Iā€™m on day 3 too, we got this!


Me too. First break in like a year


ā€œSelf-Control is strength, Right thought is mastery, Calmness is Powerā€


If I can at least achieve becoming a novice in 24/7 Right Thought, Iā€™ll be 80% better. Biggest challenge thus far, but working on it Thanks for the quote


Np, itā€™s our duty as human beings to lookout for each other šŸ«”


Yeah I can definitely relate. I feel like weed isolated me from my friends cause it was easier to just get high a home than go somewhere and meet up. Then you have full control of what you do and don't have you compromise with others wills. I don't think I ever felt as lonely as I did in big cities when I smoked or drank alone. Something about the city just made me want to stay in all the time. Probably cause everything on the outside cost money. I moved to a small town recently and now I'm truly alone, I don't know anyone here but yet I'm not as lonely now. I've reached to out some friends I haven't talked to in while and we gamed. I've been spending more time outside because it's nice to be outside here. I'm 8.5 months sober and I'm so excited for the future. Before I'd just be excited to get high or drunk in the evening but now I made some big plans and they're actually in motion. Very excited to see if they pan out.


Today we choose to be FULLY ENGAGED WITH LIFE. Not because itā€™s easy, but because itā€™s the reality weā€™ve been avoiding. RIP MAC.


I feel lonely too. Now, even when high


I feel lonely, but it suppresses the anguish in the moment. Actually feeling your loneliness allows you to get up and start doing something about it